Thursday, January 31, 2019
Analysing Willfred Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est. Essay -- English Liter
Analysing Willfred Owens Dulce Et decorum Est.Dulce ET Decorum Est is an anti-war poem, which emphasizes the durability of war. The meaning of the ironic title roughly translatedinto it is good and honourable except is not fully established untilyou examine the poem. The full title Dulce ET Decorum Est Pro PatriaMori means it is good and honourable to die for your country. further the main aspect of this poem is paradoxical to its title. Thisdemonstrates the message Wilfred Owens is insinuating and his berth towards war.The poem is regarding Wilfred Owen and his troop of exhausted soldiersmaking their vogue back to trading floor after combat at the front line until a mess up shell is fired at them. A soldier is fatally gassed, is put in anambulance dying slowly and then eaten away from the inside.Owen describes a piece being engulfed by gas,Dim through the misty panes and thick discolour light,Under a green sea I saw him drowning.The death and distress is shown and the harsh a ctuality of waruncovered. It is almost as though you argon reliving the agony the manis suffering. The reader is nowhere near as unfortunate as Wilfred. Hewas repeatedly crucifyd by his experiences change surface after having toencounter them.In all my dreams before my helpless sight,He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.It is an inescapable memory that haunts him even when he attempts tosleep, on unceasing replay in his treacherous mind. His feeling ofhelplessness from that mo workforcet were captured and frozen, herb of grace for nothelping covered with hope, the possibility that he was unable to doanything useful anyway. A sense of regret, disbelief and anger arereused in other anti-war poems that Wilfred Owen ha... ... aid the pain once and stillendured. Owen has created a way that transports the reader back to thescene of the poem. Using the effectiveness of the senses. He describesthe sounds, the smells and the sights just about to give the feeling thatyou witne ssing the happenings expressed.My final contemplations to conclude this analysis are not in despairbut queries, whether it is rhetorical or not I am not completely sure.The thing that concerns me is how the government send men off to fightwar when under the misapprehension that they are bit for theircountry? Do they have no conscious, no guilt in sending the doomedyouth off to their inevitable deaths? The decisions they makeplain have repercussions as do all decisions, but to knowingly denounce so many innocent people to physical and mental torture thendeath, to me is worse murder, is it not?
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
The House on Mango Street Cultural Values :: House Mango Street
The House on mango tree Street Cultural value Sandra Cisneros strong cultural values greatly influence The House on Mango Street. Esperanzas life is the medium that Cisneros uses to bring the Latin community to her audience. The falsehood deals with the Catholic Church and its position in the Latin community. The deep family connexion within the barrio also plays an important role in the novel. Esperanzas struggle to grow a part of the world outside of Mango Street represents the believe many Chicanos have to grow beyond their neighborhoods. Religion holds a all- abilityful position in the lives of Latinos. It provides a built in censor of proper and wrong in the form of extreme guilt (Aranda 150). The chapter "A strain Sandwich" divulges the way guilt is established. Here Esperanza wants to eat at the canteen for lunch, but the nuns just insult her, and this makes her cry. She says they were "...pointing to a row of three queasy flats, the one the ragged y men are ashamed to go into. Yes...though I knew that wasnt my theatre of operations" (Cisneros 45). The fact that her victimizers were nuns made her even more embarrassed about where she lived than she already was. Family can either be a brick of foundation or a wrecking ball in the Chicano world. Cisneros says, "Were very family centered, and that family extends to the whole Raza" (Aranda 150). Throughout Mango Street Esperanzas family is a brick of foundation. Esperanzas best friend is her sister. She also has fun at her aunts expense, and she inherits her grandmothers first name. This inheritance symbolizes the strong family bond of Latinos in their effort to nutrition the family names alive. Esperanza dreams of someday having a satisfying life. She doesnt want her path of license to be cleared by having a baby or purpose a husband. She has no desires to fall into the trap of dependency. As the author writes, "Her power is her own. She will not give it aw ay" (Cisneros 89).
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Othello by Shakespeare Essay
This is the beauty of great constructs of art in any of its forms kindliness does not change. Through come out of the closet quantify, we still and always will appreciate the things that contact our emotions love, honour, betrayal, courage, sorrow, death. Are you familiar with Shakespeares gripping tale of Othello? If so, here is your hazard to wrench re-acquainted with this masterpiece while enjoying exceptional acting, adept cinematography and the captivating tragic tale true to its origin. If you are unfamiliar with the tale, prepare yourself for numerous mind-blowing twists and turns at the hands and lips of the master evil conniver, Iago.The Plot genuinely Simplified Othello, a respected Army General, secretly marries Desdemona, much to the enviousness of his friend, Iago. Iago, motivated by jealousy and complete lack of compassion toward others, has iniquity & jealousy to motivate his every move and evil-doings at the mildness of a brilliant manipulator and ruthl ess rogue means enormous trouble and sorrow for all. But I get ahead of myself. To begin, Iago awakens Desdemonas Father with the novels of the clandestine joining A dark drive is topping your white ewe. Ah ShakespeareDesdemona is a lovely and gentle young char with more than her share of admirers not unless Othello, whom she dearly loves, but Iago, who covets her. Others try on to be the tools that Iago manipulates to incur an end to the newlyweds happiness. With ploys too tangled and devious for most minds to conceive, and certainly too involved for me to detail here, Iago begins his intelligent and destructive scheme to undermine the couples union. As Iago says, there are many events in the womb of time which will be delivered. Iago manipulates people and events to cast suspicion on Desdemona and make it appear as though she may be having an affair.He uses her own loving ticker and good nature against her I shall turn her goodness into pitch and out of her own goodnes s make the net that shall unmesh them all, confesses Iago to the viewing consultation By inference and the planting of false evidence, Iago successfully raises suspicion of a love triangle to Othello. Othello is successfully becoming und matchless by seeds of suspicion. The patch thickens. And it weaves and bobs and twists and turns and takes us on a delicious yet unsettling serpentine copy through treachery and trickery. This is Shakespeare, after all a master tellerBut . what about the production? Is a modern filming of Shakespeare for everyones taste? Clearly, no. The Language True to the Bards original, Othellos dialogue comes from the pages of Shakespeares work. And it is difficult at first. The heightened speech of the day is not we are accustom to there are no short cuts taken characters express themselves at great length and with great eloquence and wit. And one flush toiletnot deny the beauty of the language delicate even when being daredevil polite, even when be ing brusque. But dont be prematurely put off by this.Bear with it a short time and it pays off. If you make it past the first five minutes, you may eventually become comfortable, as the rhythm starts to become internalized and soon begins to sound quite accessible. patronage the initial difficulties in comprehension, I became rapt in the plot and the sharp concentration invited proved to my benefit , as I became whole involved in the drama. The Acting To compliment the language, the acting proves impeccable and necessary The characters lend vibrant facial expressions that betray their motives and emotions.In fact, one can say that in any modern version of Shakespeare, average audiences must rely heavily on other cues like facial expressions and actions, to bring greater understanding to the rapidly moving dialogue and storyline. This version is a great success I adopt never been more affect with Laurence Fishburnes acting than in this film. In this challenging production, he show his considerable skill. But Kenneth Branagh , as Iago, was the real scene stealer hardly a(prenominal) can do ruthless like Branagh And, though the role seemed to require less energy and scope, Irene Jacob was convincingly the sweet and gentle Desdemona.The love amid Othello and Desdemona is demonstrated so clearly, so unmistakably, that as a viewer, I was fierce by Iagos attempts to destroy it. A good film makes you carefulness This is a good film I cared about Desdemona I was abhorred at Othellos stupidity for believing the trap set by Iago. It was terrific to watch the jubilant happiness of the new lovers become undone. The perception of the heartbreak to come was intense. I detested Iago for his ruthlessness and hatefulness alone the emotions audiences felt up so long ago they still exist today.What Else? There a couple of scenes that were unusual when Iago speaks to the camera to the audience-and I suppose this might have been originally a soliloquy. But they se em very out of place. All of a sudden I was jolted out of my suspension of skepticism and cosiness of the play, by the intrusion of a personal message from one of the actors On the other hand, Iago, though a cruel character, is a parcel out to watch as he spins his webs of deception then glances knowingly at the camera. This is one of Branaghs most inspired rolesAlthough it has been many years since I read Othello, the film seems to remain true to its original while benefiting from new technology and artistic perceptions. It is a commendation to William Shakespeare (though he doesnt subscribe to it from me) as well as the Director and actors who moved the production from subject in the round to Castle Rock Productions. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE multilateral section.
Educational Preparation in Nursing Essay
With a consistent diversify in modernizing medicine, along with the continuing advancement in technology, continuing facts of life in treat is essential for a variety of reasons. The absorbs main concern is providing safe, efficient, and effective enduring role direction with positive patient outcomes. This paper will examine the differences in competencies between keep backs lively at an associate-degree direct versus a bachelors degree-degree level, in narrate to provide an evidenced-based understanding of the renewal in the educational pre parity bittroopertion of nurses.An associate-degree nursing plan usu on the wholey takes stain over the course of a two year period, providing the nurse with the impudence in skills and familiarity to be get offd in an entry-level position upon graduation. These types of programs focalize on preparing nurses for care settings including community hospitals and long-term care facilitiesand were traditionally intentional to com pensate for the nursing shortage. A bachelor-degree nursing program typically takes place over a period of four academic years and is mean to prepare its graduates to practice nursing in leadership and management positions in a number of care settings (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, pp 25-27). A bachelor-degree program in nursing provides a further understand of not only the scientific and clinical nursing education, but also a more in-depth overview of specialize skills including searing thinking, decision-making, communication, leadership, case management, and wellness promotion (The Impact of Education on treat Practice, 2012, para. 1).The American standoff of Colleges of Nursing describes evidenced-based recommendations that explain that in set out to respond to the demands of an evolving health care system and meet the changing postulate of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels of education (Fact plane Creating a much Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce, 2012, para. 5 ). The professional nurse holding a baccalaureate-level degree is prepared for a broader role in patient care with a higher understanding of holistic treatment, community health, clinical look for, and nursing leadership and management. The added course work provided in a baccalaureate program is designed to prepare the nurse for a broader scope of practice and a better understand of issues that affect patients and their health care, including cultural, economic, political, and social issues. Nurses with Bachelor of information in Nursing (BSN) degrees are well-prepared to meet the demands placed on nows nurse (The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice, 2012, para 1). Patient outcome are the principal for continuing education.The level of educational preparation required by a baccalaureate-degree nurse allows for more fit decision-making in approach to patient care situations. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, In the October 2012 edition of Medical Care researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that working(a) patients in Magnet hospitals had 14% lower odds of inpatient expiry within 30 days and 12% lower odds of failure-to-rescue compared with patients cared for in non-Magnet hospitals. The study authors conclude that these better outcomes were attributed in large part to investments in exceedingly qualified and educated nurses, including a higher proportion of baccalaureate prepared nurses. (Fact Sheet Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce, 2012, para. 9)With Magnet indicating a higher portion of baccalaureate nursing staff, it is immovable that the nurse prepared at a bachelore-degree level is better prepared to approach a patient care situation with the capability of fetching immediate action to provide better patient outcomes, than that of a nurse prepared at the associate-degree level. This goes to show that higher education has a rigid impact on nursing practice. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, a better educated nursing workforce will improve patient safety and enhance nursing care, decreasing mortality rateas there is a significant correlation between nurses educated at a bachelor-degree level and lower patient death rates (Fact Sheet Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce, 2012).Through this research it is apparent that there is a significant connection between patient health care outcomes and the educational preparation of nurses. It is now established that the nurse prepared at a baccalaureate level is more readily capable of caring for critically ill patients working in situations requiring critical thinking, leadership, and decision-making and also taking roles in clinical aspects relevant to non-hospital settings. Researchers have identify improved patient safety and lower rates of patient morbidity and mortality lower levels of medication errors and procedural violations and fewer disciplinary actions for BSNs (Altm ann, 2012, para 4).The need to continue education in nursing is on-going in order to continue to keep up with the changes in technology, advances in medicine, and to provide the outdo patient care. The Grand Canyon University Philosophy for nursing education explains baccalaureate nursing practice incorporates the roles of assessing, critical thinking, communicating, providing care, teaching, and leading. The caring professional approach includes the value of autonomy, altruism, human dignity, integrity and social justice with unconditional regard for all people.Nursing practice includes health promotion, disease prevention, early detection of health deviations, prompt and adequate treatment of the human response to acute and chronic illness, and compassionate care for those experiencing death. (Philosophy, n.d., para. 8) It is essential to maintain competency in nursing practice through the pursuit of continuing education. The difference between educational levels involves clini cal competencies in a variety of settings, decision-making skills, leadership roles, job opportunities, and near importantly overall patient outcomes. In order to provide the outstrip care for patients, a higher education, and continuing increase in knowledge is essential.ReferencesAltmann, T. K. (2012). Nurses attitudes toward continuing formal education A comparison by level of education and geography. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(2), 80-4. Retrieved from http// Creasia, J. L., & Friberg, E. (2011). Conceptual Foundations The Bridge to master Nursing Practice 5 (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from http// Fact sheet Creating a more highly qualified nursing workforce. (2012, October 24). Retrieved November 8, 2012, from American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Monday, January 28, 2019
Communication in Health & Social Care Essay
1. Understand wherefore sound communication is important in the work setting1.1 make out the diametrical reasons people channelTo express of necessity to sh ar ideas and info to secure to express feelings to build relationships well-disposedise to ask questions to sh be experiences great deal communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with otherwises, to give and start out selective knowledge and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, cutledge, feelings, emotions, to give encouragement and collection others they are valued.see morepeople from different primingsCommunication is an all important(p) tool a conductr muckle design to meet the selects of those they are caring for. It is a basic requirement of my job role to communicate with individuals and their families, other members of ply on a daily basis. Communicating with other staff members ensures in effect(p) team working and continuity of care. It too ensures whatsoever health and safety issues are recognised and reported. All carers att complete leave over at the beginning of each shift and excessively all over communication books after attending an individual, thereby keeping other staff informed and aware of current situations within the workplace.Individuals communicate with carers to express their of necessity and favorences and to ensure they are met. As a carer I would discuss the options and choices operable to the individual to allow them an informed choice regards their care.1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work settingEffective communication is more than just talking, and is infixed for the well-being of the individuals you care for. It includes dust oral communication, gestures, facial expressions, positioning and appearance. It is important to be aware of non-verbal communication when interacting with individuals at work.Communication is a fundamental relationship-building science in the w orkplace. If people dont communicate well they unsex their ability to connect on any meaningful level and, at the extreme, can create conflict. Positive communication skills like listening, open questions, quieten tone of voice. These help bring people together because they are behaviours that flatus to creating relationships. Workplace relationships also become a lot stronger when people can clearly and efficaciously communicate what they unavoidableness and allow others to do the corresponding.2. Be able to meet the communication and spoken communication need, wishes and preferences of individuals2.2 Describe the factors to understand when promoting utile communication It is impossible to do without communication in health and social care, we have many reasons to communicate and it is essential communication is done effectively without misunderstanding others or being misunderstood. We communicate withPatients, residents, clients, Health care professionals, Managers an d supervisors, Family and friends.Factors to attend that most communication is non-verbal, that breeding moldiness be factual and condensed and non be littered with individualal opinions (and documented in the same manner). Documented care should be dated, timed and signed. This last point is curiously important when maintaining medication records). in that respect are many other factors to care when promoting effective communication such as environment is the location correct, it is noisy, do you need privacy, is the communication able to flow freely whilst doing a projection or is a formal place required. proximity the better you know a person the closer you will be and sharing information is easier closeness can encourage effective communication. Do you need to lurch yourself or say chairs around you to ensure you make effective use of the space around you so it is not a barrier to communication. body positioning/body language do you need to lean towards the pers on to encourage communication and show them you are interested but red ink too close can be invading soulfulnesss space.Standing directly in front of someone whitethorn be interpreted as being too direct. Body language needs to be considered arms crossed can be comprehend as defensive and not open to communication. Standing over a person may also seem intimidating do you need to kneel down onto someones level. conjure up A motiveless touch on a persons arm or hand can communicate caring and understanding, but sometimes touch can feel intrusive, even threatening. Touch is a safeguarding issue and you must never impose yourself physically on a vulnerable adult.You also need to consider the method of communication and what is the best expression for effective communication such as written (emails, texts, letters, reports etc), verbal ( heart to face or over telephone).You will also need to consider cultural differences when promoting effective communication. Acknowledging a nd responding to the cultural aspects of a persons identity and care needs are strategies that are likely to enhance communication. Avoid general assumptions that beliefs round issues such as diet, personal care practices, sleeping arrangements and health are shared by all service users.Another factor is language differences Language is a central feature of any communication process. There is often an assumption in care settings that the language of the dominant refinement should be used, which in most cases is English. Where care professionals are involved, this may also include use of technical health or social care jargon. Avoid using jargon where possible as it can fob service users who are unfamiliar with the specialist terms.Physical difficulties influence the way individuals are able to communicate. This is another factor to consider. You need to be bare-ass to the specific needs of individuals so communication is facilitated from the start. For example, if a person has impediment enunciating ( communicate clearly) following a stroke, allow enough time for a confabulation to take place, check frequently that you are receiving their message correctly and reassure the person that they dont need to rush.You also need to fact in those people with hearing difficulties or those who are visually impaired. You need to consider whether the persons hearing aid is in and working, speaking clearly and concisely, ensure you speak directly to the persons face or in front of them. Use facial expressions to aid understanding. With visually impaired ensure you introduce that you are there before set up into a conversation, use light touches on the body to let someone know you are there and make sure clearly end a conversation and let the person know if you are leaving. 3. Be able to overcome barriers to communication3.1 Explain how people from different background may use and/or interpret communication methods in different waysDiversity is something to be celeb rated however everyone being different can cause issues with communication. We are all different and interpret information in different ways so we need to ensure we consider peoples differences when communicating.Cultural differences can mean people interpret communication differently. What is welcome in one culture may not be in another e.g. a handshake between a man and womanhood may not be allowed, addressing the opposite sex may not be allowed, personal care of the opposite sex may not be allowed.People may also not be effective in communicating effectively they may not have had a formal education or have special educational needs therefore it is important to consider how that individual can interpret information and in turn communicate themselves.In simple terms a persons personality also affects how they communicate and respond to communication. A quiet introverted person may not be hear about a loud extrovert person. Also that person may not be able to digest information in a room that is full of loud, noisy people. Similarly a person who likes racket and a room full of chatter may not prefer a quiet environment and could switch off.
Promote communication in health, social care Essay
1.1 The unalike reasons why mountain communicate arTo form positive relationshipsTo play together cooperativelyTo work togetherInformation sharingApproach and responseTo get word expectations and boundaries.erent instructions.1.2 Communication effects relationships in the workplace because there look ats to be clear boundaries and expectations for people and this is scarcely chance ond through clear communication. There should be respect mingled with colleagues and with issue people so they know the guidelines and rules deep down the setting and any concerns from the upstart person is acknowledged. If the communication is not courseing this could lead to lots of problems as their needs will not be met powerfully.Read more(prenominal) Promote Communication Essay2.2 The factors to consider when promoting effective communication argon building positive relationships, being considerate to others, video display respect for both(prenominal) other, being clear on ke y points and maintaining a equitable sense of humour. If these factors be followed and taken into consideration then the flow of communication between a negociater and young person will be positive. 3.1 When communicating with people from different backgrounds or cultures c ar and sensitivity should be shown when communicating. We must not be too ready to take law-breaking to a gesture or language that is not the norm in our own culture, and be alive(predicate) of our own body language and gestures. administer should also be taken with the language used and the tone of part used and they post be misinterpreted.3.2 Barriers to effective communication are unrestrained barriers and taboos. Some people whitethorn find it difficult to express their emotions and several(prenominal) topics may be completely off-limits or taboo. Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver. The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms Differe nces in perception and viewpoint. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or words difficulties. Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and familiar body language can make communication less effective. row differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents. Expectations and prejudices which may lead to moody assumptions or stereotyping. People much hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions. Cultural differences. The norms of social fundamental interaction vary greatly in different cultures, as do the bearing in which emotions are expressed. For casing, the concept of personal space varies between cultures and between different settings.3.5 There are a number of agencies, web sites and courses useable that can be accessed to enable individuals to communicate effectively for example families first, giving medication schemes, advo cacy services etc. 4.1 The term confidentiality means randomness that should only be shared out with people with a right to have it. This is critical as young people in care will often have information almost their backgrounds or family history that should only be divulged to those who need to know. Sometimes there will be information about a childs history that should only be shared with that child when they are ready to cope with it and could be detrimental if divulged early.4.3 When and if you need to disclose information that you have received in confidence then it can realise tension and distrust. You are therefore better explaining to a person who may disclose to you that anything disclosed would have to be shared with the relevant professionals. If this is shared from the offset trust will not be lost and more importantly the young person will know why you need to do it. social unit 4222-33 302 Engage in personal development in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings 1.1 The duties and responsibilities of my own role is to provide a safe and caring surroundings for children to have a stable upbringing so as to achieve their full potential. 1.2 I have high expectations in regards to looking afterwards young people. These are linked to the standards and I am continually reminded of how I have met these or should be meeting them. 2.1 To reflect at a later date about how we handle situations is very good practice. We can employ hindsight so as to employ more foresight conterminous time. 2.3 Our own values and beliefs are just that, our own. We must be aware that while there are generic morals and beliefs there are also cultural and religious differences that must also be respected.3.1 We can evaluate our own knowledge, doing and understanding with the professionals that make up the fosterage team. Our supervising social worker is there for intimate support and guidance when we need it and it is our judgement that we rely on to evaluate our performance. Every course of study I have an annual lay off where I am assessed against the standards and my performance is discussed. This is supported by my monthly reports where I write up what has happened during the month, reflecting on how I handled situations that arose. 4.1 My supervising social worker provides me with the help to plan and review my own development. This can be through attending courses, reviews of monthly plans or suggestions of how to help with situations that have arisen and agencies to turn to for additional support. 5.1 Learning activities have helped a great deal as they provide carers with continual development and keeps us open minded and up to date with current situations and ways forward.Unit 4222-33 303 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings 1.1 Diversity- Diversity can be defined (in a care environment) as a broad picking of people from different backgrounds, with different i deas, religion, culture, sexual orientation, ages, disabilities, ethnicity, gender and general beliefs. Equality- Where individuals in society are treated the identical with the same opportunities as each other, given the same chances and human rights as everyone else in society disregarding of backgrounds mentioned above (Diversity). Inclusion- Inclusion determines the Equal opportunities of all individuals, and enforces the methods to do so.1.2 There are many forms of favoritism. From a workers perspective this could be not given the same job/conditions opportunities as other workers. As a client in a care background, not being given the care they should be entitled to. Also not being given respect for a persons backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicity and needs. This can lead to alienation/segregation, personal growth and in nigh cases depression and general ill health, due to not having respect of a persons background/lifestyle.1.3. I constantly include the young person in my pra ctice to promote equality and support diversity. This allows the childs interests and differences to be taken into account so that the child is happier and healthier etc. An example of this is trying to encourage inclusive schooling, we moved the child in our care to a school that is ASD friendly as the environment he was in was not appropriate. We involved the child in the process at all times, to escort that he was happy and in agreement with the transition. 2.1 These are the laws I need to adhere toAnti discrimination bend 1977Racial discrimination act 1975Age discrimination act 1975Special Educational call for and Disability Act 2001Mental Health Act 1983 and 2007 amended ActCarers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004Human Rights Act 1998 lead Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendments) Act 2000 and 2003Sex dissimilarity Act 1975 and 1986Disability Discrimination Act 1995I must understand and adhere to the codes of practice and principle at all times. Also when I am acting as an advocate for our young person I must incessantly ensure that the young person is receiving fair and inclusive practice from organisations be it culture or social. For example school, social clubs or social service provision. I am constantly ensuring that these are adhered to. 3.3 You should always argufy discrimination, but to do this it is essential that you can recognise anti-discriminatory practice. My role is to protect children from discrimination. If I send packing it when it happens, this will be viewed as condoning (excusing or overlooking) discrimination.If I ignored a child who had felt they had experienced discrimination, who is there to support them. The child could happen that I share the view of the perpetrator or believe that the way they are being treated is normal. They may nip that they are in some way inferior. At the very least, they will feel let down that I did not protect their rights, which is my role.It can be difficult to challenge discriminati on, particularly if it is institutional or practised by a colleague, so it is important that I consider how to deal with different and often difficult situations.To be able to challenge discrimination I would require knowledge of policy, procedures and practice.If I feel confident about what is good practice, I will be able to deal more effectively with incidents that arise. When discrimination happens it may be intentional, but it can also be because of ignorance and lack of understanding. It is not easy to change the views of others but you must challenge discriminatory comments and actions.When I am concerned about anti-discriminatory practice, I always speak me to my supervising social worker to discuss the matter and check that I have carried out everything in my power to support the young person in my care.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Coffee Shop Essay
The purpose of this food merchandiseing excogitate is to intimate the wind up selling dodge, tactics, and programs for Dot. L chocolate (hereafter, Dot. L). Dot. L is a specialist java fol woeful that focuses on specialty chocolate bean of Latte, chocolate based carrefours and foods as rise up. Dot. L is a new umber bean vitiate at in the river understand district. Dot. L go away be known for everyplace 6 flavors of caffe caffe latte, umber and cocoa based products. In addition, light snacks and sandwiches leave behind be offered to ac participation the cappuccino and hot chocolate bean based products.The coffeehouse establish manpowert exit play roomrn music for ambiance and provide lay off receiving set internet access for patrons to attract professionals in the nearby pedigree atomic routine 18as. The guardianship of Dot. L is in the vanity of the city, Dot. L eject conduce you the consolation of a precious. Dot. L entrusting be unlike ot her coffee shops in that it allow for introduce customers to the contrary flavors of coffee and foods in a vacuous non pressure environment. Further more than, in a competitive grocery fund like Starbuck, Dot. L hopes to set itself ap subterfuge by reaching out to those diversity flavors of latte without the high prices. The target market consists of dickens market segments People who argon deeply in get along latte and state who hope defy a relaxing while Business mess from the downtown dividing line centers and professional buildings Situation abstract is explored. This includes an overall marketing environment outline for the company as well as more specific stance analysis such as competitor and customers action for the marketing analysis. An paygrade is conducted followed by an action plan outlining how to achieve the marketing marks, which includes promotion, price discounts, a bi- periodic intelligenceletter, advertising in television and search for new c hannel partnerships.Company overview and the Mission Statement Dot. L give be a distinctive coffee shop which beget own characteristics and culture that leave avail the river gradient residential district. The coffee shop offers flavored latte and other coffee products, light snacks, foods and free wi-fi advantage for customer surfing on-line. The Dot. L first- course of study-string place of operation exit be located on the river side with nice view of Brisbane River. The headache soulfulnesss in the office building leave behind add to the number of patrons and the circumstance their also can attract consumer to choose that place. on that point atomic number 18 plans to open additional repairs after 3 age of operation.Dot. L result operate from Monday to Sunday. Monday thru Thursday, five employees forget be rillning(a) from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Friday and Saturday allow for work the same however, tether employees stopping point get out work until 12 a. m. The cost for each full time labors top exe railsive be 16 dollars per hour and the cost for part-time labors might be 9 dollars. The realise of this coffee shop is Dot. L which federal agency L refers to latte. Therefore latte as company issue coffee products and latte art can be discovered in Dot. L. pic As stated in the companys mission statement Dot. L aims to be the coffee shop contract own room and culture in Australia. In the vanity of the city, Dot.L can bring you the ease of a precious. Table of Contents Exe cutting outive Summary2 Company overview and the Mission Statement3 Introduction6 Product Description6 environmental Scan7 Economic environment7 Legal, political and regulatory environment8 Social and cultural environment8 Technological environment9 Competitor9 food market search10 Customers12 market objectives and Market tactics12 Marketing objectives12 Product12 Price13 Place13 Promotion14 Marketing Tactics15 Market forecasting16 Action plans17 Financials18 Control20 Conclusion21 fictional character list22 Appendix 124 Introduction This marketing plan examines the locomote required to reposition Dot.L coffee shop in the Australian marketplace. Dot. L is a coffee shop brand will locate on river side in Brisbane. Dot. L offers a variety of coffee, specialty coffee of Latte, coffee based products and foods. In addition, in order to attract consumers latte art also be adopted into the coffee products. Basically the price for the on a regular basis coffee the price will not over four dollars. The coffeehouse will focus on the business passel and normally customers. Dot. L in Australia employ approximately 30 labors includes chiefs, shop assistant, shop keeper, older manager. The Dot. L brand name comes from its core products will offer in the cafe that aim to 1.Attract consumers 2. Build brand 3. Trade boodle achieve just about 8-10% The marketing plan followed by analysis the government agency in marketplace, competitors analysis for the Dot. L entry into the market. Furthermore, market research and customers analysis will provide to assist the Dot. L to locates the market accurately. It also considers the market forecasting and financials for the three-year period. Product Description The Dot. L will offer umpteen items that would give perfect taste. From traditional coffee to the light snacks and foods, Dot. L will offer something traditional and original for all tastes.Daily latte specials will be offered, featuring a different blend and flavor each day. The cafe specialty will elect to European style design. The six different lattes are includes cafe au lait ghetto latte or bootleg lattes raging or iced latte versions of chai, matcha, and Royal milk tea red latte latte macchiato and Caffe latte. Latte and coffee will be sold in three size of its, with prices ranging from $2. 00 to $5. 00. Flavors will be available at an additional switch on of $0. 50. Espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specia lty boozes will be available in two sizes and will cost $3. 75 and $6. 50. Environmental Scan.Economic environment sturdy business, consumer confidence and high export price for raw materials have fuelled the prudence for 16 years. Australia has a strong economic system with per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of $ 38,000(CIA, 2009), and GDP was estimated to be growing at 3. 8% annually (CIA, 2009). However, in 2008 with the impact of the global economic crisis, manufacturing output and employment started to falter, and the Australian economy headed into a severe slowdown (Jackson, 2008). Even finished, in 2010 the economy has begun to spring up for the better, the consumers purchase tendency is not recover.As both(prenominal) cause and effect, consumers cut back on spending, specifically on food, clothing, furniture, entertainment, cars and mobile ph wizardnesss (Uren, 2008). The economic conditions in Australia present opportunities and risk for Dot. L. The decrease i n consumer spending will mightiness cafe industry to seek specialist assist to retain customers and prolong gross sales. In the other hand, this will gain the demand for specialist service like Dot. L which can provide business men have plcae to release pressure. However, the reality of a downturn may cause retailers to cut back on all spending including on retail consulting and facts of life services.Additionally some retailers are likely to go out of business. Legal, political and regulatory environment Small business branding through labeling and box conclusively builds company and product recognition. Positioning the unique product through private label aimed at the target market results in an effective, low cost marketing strategy. It is the solution to getting customers into the store and back once again and again. In American, the government publishes a legislative memo of a cyber-cafe parapet in 2006 (New York Civil Liberties Union, 2006). The China government also p ublishes the same restrictions.Because virtually of the cafe will provide the service of internet, so, they should pay attention to theses legislative issue (Rodnin, 2005). Social and cultural environment According to Australian Coffee Traders Association, Annual General Meeting 2006 that pointed out overall speaking, the Australian coffee market is very competitive but consumers are brand-loyal (ACTA, 2008). Australia is a inelegant of different immigrants, especially proud of a traditional strong coffee culture started by European immigrants(AusFoodNews,2010). The strong coffee culture of Australia has influenced reaping in coffee shops, especially among the younger generation.Coffee inebriety has break an integral part of the modern lifestyle. In Australia, the specialist coffee shops have become more than just a place to drink coffee. Increasingly, coffee shops serve as places to meet for business and pleasure a military position for peace and quiet away from home and off ice. ACTA (2008) stated that more than one billion cupfulfuls of coffee are consumed in cafes, restaurants and other outlets each year, this is an increase of 65% over the last 10 years. The Coffee consumption of Australian per capita has doubled over the last 30 years (ACTA, 2008).According to a new report by Euromonitor external Consumer Foodservice in Australia. (2004) the number of minutes through coffee shops grew by 7% and value sales grew by almost 29%. Technological environment Technological advances in Australia have resulted in an increase usage of the internet. This has resulted in all industry expanding into a new channel offering services, marketing and selling products over the internet. For Dot. L, the cafe can take this advantage which is using intern as the companys channel to promote the marketing. Competitor.The popularity of franchising as a business opportunity in Australia has also had a significant impact on the number of chain specialist coffee shops, su ch as Gloria Jeans, The Coffee Club, Zarrafas Coffee which expanded mainly through franchising (Market Research World, n. d. ). Euromonitor Internationals research shows that the Gloria Jeans chain had the largest increase in outlets in 2004, thereby boosting its market plowshare from 28% in 2003 to 37% in 2004. Gloria Jeans has already opened over 900 shops approximately the world, and 407 stores are established in Australia-wide.Therefore, Gloria Jeans can be regarded as the most powerful competitor. The Coffee Club has expanded its business to overseas, including Beijing, Bangkok, Dubai and Thailand. It has had more than 200 stores crossways the whole world. Compared with these two brands Gloria Jeans and The Coffee Club, Zarrafas Coffee is a young brand. The brand comes from coin Coast, and it only has 14 years history. Zarrafas Coffee has 41 stores across South East Queensland. Consequently, Zarrafas Coffee can be view as the least powerful competitor for Dot. L.According t o the report, sales of calefactory drink products in Australia surpassed A$1350m in the year 2008 and is expected to be worth A$1473m in 2013, with the coffee category accounting for the largest share followed by tea (Trading Room, 2010). It can be assumed that more tribe might enter the cafe industry. Market research In this divide is to present the research about the marketing research for the Dot. L Coffee. Since this is a brand, the main goal of the Dot. L Coffee is to establish brand sensation among the target audience, which is business people, and 94 pct of them are aged 25 to 40.In this research, it chooses 10 male and 10 female to do the interview. write in code 1 The Frequency of the respondents to have coffee pic Figure 2 The get Habits of the Respondents pic According to the figure 1 and 2, of the business people that polled, 70 percentage said they have coffee every day. And a full 58 percent said they prefer to enjoy coffee in the cafe. Others will enjoy coffee in their office or at home, here, 52 percent of them will buy the coffee products in the coffee shop, and 47 percent of them prefer buy it make up the supermarket.Figure 3 The accep dining table Price per Coffee of the Respondents pic 45 percent of the respondents said that they would like Latte, and both of respondents who prefer Espresso and mocha coffee are divine 15 percent, 25 percent of respondents choose Cappuccino. Referring to the figure 3, 70 percent of them represent the acceptable price per cup of coffee is $3-8 dollars, and below $3 dollars and above $8 dollars will share the same percentage of 15 percent. Take a look at this chart, the best media amalgamate, then, would be a combination of TV and powder store advertisements.Both of TV and magazine were divine 30 percent of the add population. And 20 percent of people prefer print advertisement. To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is invariably a gamble. But w ith the proper media mix we can certainly diminish the chance of failure. Customers The primary target market for the Dot. L Coffee will be the local business people. The cafe will be a sit-down coffee shop with wi-fi connectivity. The cafe will serve a variety of flavored latte, coffee products, beverages, sandwiches, and treats to local customers.The target market consists of two market segments, that is people who are deeply in love latte and people who hope have a relaxing time and business people from the downtown business centers and professional buildings. Marketing objectives and Market tactics Marketing objectives The purpose of this marketing plan is to assemble a cafe with minute bakery, and professional coffees and which will bring simple cozy and friendly atmosphere. establish on the product features and marketing 4P principles, the three years specific marketing plan will be given as the following to escort objectives and expectations are met.Product First off all, the key customers are those people who fond into Latte which means the product image is intentional as professional Latte maker with friendly, easy communicate, happy relationship atmosphere. In order to match the product concept simple and cozy so that the garble of the cafe should be intentional as clean, comfortable. And the coffee cup and tableware would be designed to match the interior decoration as pity and simple. The main special coffee is Latte. Meanwhile, espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specialty drinks will be available too.The latte flavors will include vanilla, chocolate, and caramel. This can be designed as the first year menu and in the following three years the product will be haveed according to the market trend. Price The Dot. L cafe will specially offer comminuted bakery with other beverages such as soda and juice. Coffee will be sold in three sizes, with prices ranging from $2. 00 to $5. 00. All prices take into esteem the cost of material, 25% fo r food and 45% for beverages. Espresso, cappuccino, mocha, and other specialty drinks will be available in two sizes and will cost $3. 75 and $6. 50.All different deserts will be sold by the slice such as cheesecake, chocolate cake, muffin, sandwich and cupcake. Prices range from $2. 75 to $8. 00. The general customer can join the membership and participate the buy 10 get one free activity. Place The cafe name Dot. L is from the coffee Latte which is combined with espresso and steamed milk. Hence, the image of the cafe will deliver simple and warm message to customers. The location of Dot. L will be choosing at Brisbane river side. The space will be designed with a glass room and interior will be more concise and mediterrane an style.The common area will have unobjectionable coffee tables surrounded by plush chairs and sofas and allow customers to set up laptop and spread out paperwork. The walls will be painted into warm color to enhance the relax and friendly atmosphere. Promoti on Besides, in order to develop the market and receive dear reputation from the very first. The Dot. L coffee bar will be promoted in a variety of ways. The annual figure allotment for advertising is $19,904 for the first year of operation. These monies will be distributed as follows 1. Southern Star Southern Star will be printed monthly showing the nightly specials.They will be distributed throughout the area on cars, handed out at the library, delivered to the local office buildings, and posted on street signs and other obvious places. 2. Radio The cafe will run many radiocommunication spots on local radio stations. The ads will feature the daily coffee specials and will air during the morning and afternoon drive times to capitalize on drive-by traffic. 3. sport The Dot. L coffeehouse will feature local entertainment every other weekend. The entertainers will provide music, poetry, art, and dancing. These events will be promoted through additional print and r adio spots.Besides, Dot. L will engage in promoting premium varieties of coffee by educating their customers about the different coffees that are available. This strategy would lead to increased mundaneness among customers. 4. Web Presence The Dot. L coffee shop will promote the business and specials over the Internet through a website. The website will be updated monthly to advertise specials and product offerings. The Radio and newspaper advertisement could be launch at the first half year to attract more customers. Entertainment and web presence should be developed as long bound promotion plan in the next three years.The Dot. L Cafe will promote itself to its new customers by offering discount memberships for frequent consumers. There will be buy 10 get one free card available for coffee. The remaining advertising budget will be used to print membership and frequent consumer cards. Serve the highest type food and beverage and meanwhile maintain low cost of go ods and enumeration is one of the key objectives. Thus Logistics and distribution would be a critical part as well. The fresh meats, cheeses, and vegetables will be purchased through good reputation food source distributors.The researching and negotiating of the best prices with distributors would be put into the propose process too. Marketing Tactics To achieve the above marketing objectives, this plan considers the tactic through the marketing mix which includes product, promotion and pricing. Colour appeal, promotion and style are included in product section. As the sooner shown, the target market of the cafe is business people who works in downtown and modern buildings. These electromotive force customers can be regarded as white collars and the middle class. They hold well-paid, and are to pursuit quality lifestyles.Based on these, the basic colour tone will be set as dark colour tone, such as brown and black. The logo of the cafe is to stress a simple but elegant style. Because Dot. L cafe is a new brand for customers, so the promotion strategy moldiness be heavy to entice the brand trial. The advised promotion approaches are print ad, billboard ad and in-store promotions. Setting a billboard ad on the way to the city and riverside is strongly advised. The cafe locates on the riverside for this reason, putting ad on ferry is recommended. The pricing objective is to appeal the people who take coffee daily.A regular size cafe au lait which is the main product is priced as $4. 50. The cafe can give 5% discount to people who hold senior card. Furthermore, a point card can be given in the store when customers are making purchase. The card allows that customers can get 1 free coffee after they buy 9 coffees. Market forecasting There are more than 100 cafes in Brisbane, and 17 cafes exist in Southbank where a part of riverside is. According to one market research (Weston 2010), more and more Australian have already totally real the coffee culture in addition, they are very to enjoy this culture.Therefore, a big growth on takeout coffee is brought by this affectionate change. As a matter of fact, the flourishing demand of coffee drinking directs to the blast of many specific coffee shops. According to another research, Australians prefer to coffee with milk rather than other styles. infomonitors Market Data Analytic (MDA) database indicates that retail coffee sales in Australia gained slightly A$752m. The Australia coffee market is in the second place around the Asian Economic in 2008. Another research predicts that the total amount around A$473m of profit can be reached in 2013.All in all, it can be concluded that there is a huge potential in the cafe market. Action plans According to the planed given above the applicable GANTT chart will guide this project go smoothly complete on time. Figure 4 The Dot. L Project Schedule Dot. L ? ? Start-up Assets to Fund $26,000 tally Funding Required $88,290 Total Assets $26 ,000 Liabilities and crownwork Liabilities Total Liabilities $33,290 Capital Planned Investment $55,000 Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($62,290) Total Capital ($7,290) Total Capital and Liabilities $26,000 .2. Break-even Analysis Break-even data is presented in the chart and table below. pic Figure 6 Break-even Analysis periodic Units Break-even 7,294 Monthly Revenue Break-even $18,462 Assumptions medium Per-Unit Revenue $2. 53 Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $0. 63 Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $13,847 3. Projected Profit and Loss In the first year, the Dot. L Coffee will have sales of about $533,764 of operation. In year two and three the Dot. L will have sales increases of about 10%, resulting in sales of $576,551 and $622,575, respectively.Operating expenses are $304,136 for year one, $327,694 year two, and $353,326 year three. The results for the first three years of operation are net income of $36,521 for the first year, $42,356 for the second year, and $47,819 for year three. Control Dot. L will continually evaluate the marketing environment, particularly the economic environment, due to the economic downturn, and the competitive environment. Further, in relation to the specific tactics undertaken by Dot. L for the 36 month period, each will be assigned a person who will be responsible for the success of the tactic, as well as a specific final review date.Tactic responsibility Review date Promotions to focus on augmented product and core product Marketing conductor may 2010 benefits Determine price discounts and rollout strategy to clients Create newsletter and implement process for it to be Management aggroup Aug 2010 distributed monthly More Direct-response advertising in television Marketing Manager Sep 2010 Implement selling short-term modification recommendations Search for distributors with which to form channel Sales music director Jun 2011 partnerships . Expand business to more location Mar keting Manager Mar 2012 Channel Manager Nov 2012 Sales Director Jan 2013 Conclusion This report sets out the marketing plan for Dot. L in Australia. It was decided that, Dot. L aims to be the cafe have own style and culture in Australia. In the vanity of the city, Dot. L can bring you the ease of a precious. The marketing strategy was explored, including each of the marketing mix areas, and tactics were recommended relating to direct-response an promotions, price discounts, and find channel partnerships.It is believed that there is opportunity for Dot. L to built own brand culture and expand in cafe industrys marketplace. It is, therefore, this marketing plan can assist Dot. L growth in the marketplace.Reference list Acta (2008). AUSTRALIAN COFFEE STATS.Retrieved may 16, 2010 from http//www. acta. org. au/article. php? a=2 Hofmann (2008). Specialist coffee shops in Australia see vigorous expansion. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. franchiseek. com/Market_Trends_C offee_Shops_Australia_0706. htm Jellie (2006). Coffee by numbers.Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. smh. com. au/news/good-living/coffee-by-numbers/2006/07/17/115298845 5398. html New York Civil Liberties Union(2006), Legislative Memo Cyber-cafe Restrictions Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. nyclu. org/content/legislative-memo-cyber-caf%C3%A9-restrictions-2006 Rodnin(2007), Motherboard makers may be affected by Internet cafe restrictions in China, Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. vaosoft. com/forum/index. php? showtopic=441&pid=612&mode=threaded&show=&st=0 Shaun Weston (2010).Australian love coffee. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from http//www. foodbev. com/report/australians-love-coffee Trading Room (2008). Australia a nation of coffee drinkers. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. tradingroom. com. au/apps/view_article. ac? articleId=1196615 Wong (2010). Aussie cafe culture accou nts for biggest growth in coffee. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from http//www. ausfoodnews. com. au/2010/03/04/aussie-cafe-culture-accounts-for-biggest-growth-in-coffee. html Appendix 1 The Questionnaire of the Coffee Market.This is a marketing research of the style, habits and opinions of coffee in your everyday life. contribution 1 Basic Personal Information 1. What is your gender? A manly B Female 2. What is your age? A 18-25 B 26-30 C 30-40 D Above 40 3. What is your Occupation? A Students B Business men C Employee D Others 4. Are you married or single? A Married B Single 5. What is your familys size? A 1-2 person B 3-5 person C 6-8 person D Above 8 person Section 2 6. Where can you get the information about coffee? A Internet B Magazine/ newspaper C TV D Print Advertisement E Others 7.Where are you normally buy the coffee product? A Supermarket B Internet C Coffee shop D Others 8. How offen do you drink coffee? A Every day B 3-4 times per week C in one case a week D Never 9. Where do you usually drink coffee? A Cafe B At home C At office D At campus E Others 10. What kind of coffee would you like? A Latte B Espresso C Cappuccino D Mocha E Other specialty drinks 11. How much of a cup of coffee is acceptable for you? A $2-3 /cup B $3-5/cup C $5-8/cup D $8-10/cup E Above $10/cup give thanks you for your participation
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Multicultural Population Study Essay
The bearing of this inquiry is to probe the community found in the U. S. , most of them be Asians in this query we ar talking almost the Philippines who atomic number 18 functional in U. S. most of them be fermenting on that point in low-budget wages. The state of Philippines be increase in US argon increasing rapidly. Number of Filipinos are body of works every saysea especially nonrecreational ones would quite a work overseas than in their own homeland beca determination of monetary necessities. The next ill-treat would be conducting a pilot demand to test the operation of distributing the come after enquirenaires on a large scale.All information equanimous from this pilot count bequeath be analyzed if overlookd do Fine-tuning. There impart be a mode recruitment which based on some criteria like Filipino workers pass on be the resident physician of U. S. for at least two twelvemonths with valid work permit and similarly bugger off an exp erience of at least one year in U. S. Filipinos as overseas workers in America has a overriding ramify in the workforce. Remittances of Filipino overseas workers earn played a alter role notably during Asian crisis when remittances flows off preparation the sharp drop-off in capital inflows.Most of the Filipinos are migrating towards U. S. for their better living and to garter in that respect relatives in their homeland by giving them foreign exchange. The Filipinos soil is also stabilizing due to the foreign exchange which is coming from a gigantic by their themes. A large get along of seekers crap common errors during their interpretative outgrowth in search shoot these errors result into misinterpretation of the selective information and wrong results that conduct to be parryed.There are some errors which are selective observations, imprecise observation and Illogical priming coating and ego elaborateness in reasonableness. Select a Population During regula r trips on securities industry markets and shops, I guide noticed that a wiz of mine have employed several foreigners with divers(prenominal) reasons, mostly Asians My inquiring mind asked my friend ab expose it since, I have notice that there are a lot of them on different shops I went to. My friend told me that they were Filipinos works there and she also explained to me that theres a small community of them in our Town.I was curious with that fact and I decided to research astir(predicate) them and create a multicultural psychoanalyse from it. The purpose of this multicultural nurture is to analyze overseas Filipino workers here in the US. According to the Ameri potty Community Survey, in 2005, about 3,252,678 Filipinos and Filipino-Americans live in the United States. However, this piece is speculated to be at more than 5. 5 million, correspond to m all anformer(a)(prenominal) Filipino-American organizations, with 1 million that are undocumented (All experts, 2010).We impart use a descriptive approach a typical slip of paper study in which the commissioning of this service oriented case study is specific to Filipinos overseas workers (Hadley & vitamin A Mitchell, 1995). And this leave alone be done to study intensively on wherefore does a lot of Filipinos, especially professional ones would rather work abroad than in their own homeland, sacrificing leaving their families and friends on the Philippines. Although we might already have some assumptions on the reasons they may have, but what is it clearly? Case studies typically document what happened differently than do comparative studies (Confrey & deoxyadenosine monophosphate Stohl 2004).This study will also go beyond their race but also analyze their culture and religious preferences, as this social domain was one of the get-go areas searchd mediators of the religion-health association (Baetz & axerophthol Toews, 2009) purpose of which is entrustd provide inputs on this studys overall goal of answering wherefore the increasing number of Filipinos coming in. The smack size will also be evidentiary and case studies will be repeated a number of multiplication to assess if there are similar findings from different individuals, in which the results can be, generalized (Hadley & adenylic acid Mitchell, 1995).A survey will also be included to provide some info on age, gender and face of employment, again to assist probable patronageing details on the subject. And finally, to have a decent projection if this apparent movement will continue, a further Trend study will be applied to examine changes over time (Hadley & Mitchell, 1995). The results will probably indicate organizational support for multicultural/social justice issues and gains in the participants multicultural competence ( Zalaquett, Foley, Tillotson, Dinsmore & Hof, 2008).Potential Ethical Issues It is of prime importance to consider potential respectable issue on conducting this research, espe cially dealing with an unfamiliar race to be the population of this present study. Tapping into the set that our designated population advocate and the understandings of why do Filipinos immigrate is a challenging endeavour. The complexity of is magnified, in particular this case in which I do not share the cultural background of the sight whose values I will be studying.Problems with irresponsible professional conduct and unethical behaviour in the sciences are not peculiar(a) to biomedical research (Artino Jr & Brown 2009). Meaning that even undergo researchers need to understand the professional rules regarding the conduct of ethical research. The increasing care to ethical issues by counsellors and some other professionals appears to be part of ongoing trends in the larger society toward increasing recognition of individual rights, increasing demands for accountability, and ever-changing views of counselling and research (Hadley & Mitchell, 1995).My research question is why does a lot of Filipinos, especially professional ones would rather work abroad than in their own homeland. The potential ethical issue here probably would be the possible temptation to overemphasize general hypothesis of conclusions to the said research question, like confirming an answer that Filipinos work abroad because of monetary necessities. In choosing participants an assessment will be made by me by start a general inquiry to the possible motivations for a persons decision to volunteer to join the research.According to Appelbaum, Lidz & Klitzman (2009), populations in create countries are often thought to be subject to a cast of coercive influences, ranging from pressures exerted by authority figures to difficulty understanding that research community is voluntary. The risk besides what is already stated possibly could be the impact of a participant in answering surveys which could take an ample quantity of time this could be mitigated by the benefit of this research to provide a clear conclusion as to why the increasing trend of my target population is coming in this country.That is why I need an appropriate system to employ when designing this research to avoid electronegative consequences of an unethical study. Vignette systemology has been found to be particularly recyclable to study appropriately why Filipinos leave their country to work abroad. I will also follow strictly the guideline ethical principles of Psychologists and canon of conduct of 2002.Regulations for gentle relations such(prenominal) as stated on unfair discrimination explains that In their work-related activities, psychologists do not engage in unfair discrimination based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, inner orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or any basis proscribed by law. (APA, 2009, beat 3. 03). 1. ) If you where to create a brief numbered list of research questions what would they be? ea rn a list of research questions be specific with a token(prenominal) of 5 questions. What is your job here in this country? What is your educational background? How long have you been staying here? Why have you chosen to work here? How old are you? 2. ) How are these research questions correlated to exploitation the methodology (The structure and psychoanalysis of your information) of your integrative projects? These questions are very serious to provide ample results to comprehend our analysis. The first question will champion on what are the majority of jobs here which Filipinos came here for.Educational background, explains the scientific discipline level they have to perform their work and also as a basis of compare and contrast if for shell one participant has a Masters degree but is working(a) on a juicy collar job. The question about the duration of staying here can ease this research study understand if they are working only temporarily here or already making a career out of it. The fourth question is basically the fundamental question in which defines our study, why do Filipinos work here and can definitely strengthen definitive data that we may get from that question alone.The last question supports the demographic analysis to verify the age range of Filipinos working here. Plan of procedure According to Hadley & Mitchell (1995), protrudening is the second major phase of a research project and involves a representation on all the resultant phases data collection, data analysis, interpretation and reporting. Following the guidelines on the planning process and steps, I will create a literature examine to make it easier for me to conduct my research and improve this projects quality. My preliminary plan is to conduct survey to my chosen population which are the Filipinos.The next step would be conducting a pilot study to test the execution of distributing the survey questionnaires on a large scale. Purpose of this pilot study a lso includes clearing information of the Filipino participants and to practice planned procedures before use them in the main study (Hadley & Mitchell 1995, p. 167). All information gathered from this pilot study will be analyzed and revised if necessary through Fine-tuning, as to prepare myself to make different changes before action to my main body of research.Administrative arrangements will also be done to make sure I have all the necessary readments to do the main research The mixed-method approach will be used in conducting this study, for first qualitative method of inquiry which aims to gather an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and investigate the reasons why does Filipinos keep on working abroad instead staying and living in their motherland (Denzin & Lincoln 2005). This method could produce general conclusions that could also be considered informative guesses, Followed by a quantitative method which can be used to verify which of such hypothesis are fac ts (Whitley 2007).Meta-analysis will also be applied to avoid discounting probable non-significant data response on the said survey (Howard, Hill, Max sound, Baptista, Farias, & Coehlno, 2009). Recruitment The proposed study entitled Multicultural Study on Filipino Overseas Contract Workers in the US involves the task of selecting participants, securing consent in their participation, providing a background and purpose of the study, gathering responses, and interpreting data gathered.The method of selecting the participants are based on the following criteria specifically Filipino workers residing in the US for at least 2 age with valid working VISA, has employment status for at least one year, and is willing to enroll in the study. The try on size needs to be sufficient that the different categories of industry such as in healthcare, tourism, labour, and information technology among others are represented. Filipinos as overseas workers in America has a dominant part in the wo rkforce.An evidence of this statement is based on a study that presented large remittances flows and international migration have been prominent features of the Philippine economy for many decades (Burgess, R. & Haksar, V. 2005). In fact, remittances serve as a pillar of the Philippine economy mainly as a relatively stable solution of foreign exchange. One of the population of Filipino overseas workers, Filipino nurses would strike to work in the US for higher wages, better living and working conditions, and opportunities to advance their education and expertise (Aiken, L et al. , 2005).Another study showed that the certain US nurse shortage would place more pressure for spare means to increase foreign nurse recruitment (Brush, B. , Sochalski, J. & Berger, A. 2006). The exemplification population of this study is qualified Filipino overseas workers based on the given criteria who will then be given questionnaires to determine their reasons, experiences and motivations on migrating to USA. Peer Reviewed References Remittances of Filipino overseas workers have played a stabilizing role notably during Asian crisis when remittances flows offset the sharp reduction in capital inflows.A study made by Burgess and Haksar showed that Filipino overseas workers contribute to the remittances sent to the Philippines. The sampling choice should then be based on Filipino workers who have a valid working VISA and embarks his or her share of remittances to the home country. In this way, the researcher will determine and know how many Filipino overseas workers earn and send remittances home. Various reasons and motivations push Filipino overseas workers, especially nurses to work in a foreign land.Filipino nurses would choose to work in the US for higher wages, better living and working conditions, and opportunities to advance their education and expertise (Aiken, L. et al. , 2005). The study attempts to determine the reasons why Filipino overseas workers would giv e up their work and living in his or her country to seize the run a risk to go to the US. It is sidelineing to note that there is a higher misadventure of continued Filipino migration to United States as overseas workers in the years to come. The watercourse US nurse shortage places more pressure for additional means to increase foreign nurse recruitment (Brush, B. , Sochalski, J. & Berger, A. 2006).The sample population should be well represented through a sample choice of respondents working in different sectors of the community, namely health care, courseming, station jobs, among others. In this way, the large sample size leads to increased precision in estimates of various properties of the population. Compare Data Collection It is reported that large population of Filipino people live in America and even well trained professionals from Philippines tend to leave their homeland besides missing their family and friends (American psychological Association, 2002).The clear reasons behind this personal preference need to be look ford in detail with well-tailored research program. The research exercise proposed require detailed salmagundi of data casings based on which the methodology could be decided. The research would require both the qualitative as well as quantitative type information (Appelbaum et al, 2009). The qualitative factors would help the research to understand the non-quantifiable factors or the responses that are more descriptive in nature like better acceptableness of Filipinos in U. S.While any specific measure like the serving of Filipino population in U. S. crossways different time is an example of quantitative information (Le, 2010). Thus the main research questions that need to be answered through research are explained below What is the major reason that attracts Filipino to United States. This question would give specific information regarding the major reason that attracts the Filipino to U. S. This information could be c ollected from the records at external personal matters departments regarding the various employment opportunities being availed by Filipinos (Le. , 2010).Is there gender skewness in the movement of Filipino population to US ? This question tries to explore whether any specific gender specific attractions are being offered in U. S. (American mental Association, 2002). This could be collected in the questionnaire survey. In addition, a set of qualitative information on their objective in traveling to US are also collected. Is the employment attraction or the pride of being in United States of America a key factor that drives the people to undertake this journey is the vital element in the research (American Psychological Association, 2002).Also, the level of security of legal cover of a Filipino in United States and the level of service oriented ness in an modal(a) Filipino across the Asian population are also explore here giving due importance to the ethical component in the r esearch initiative (Atrino and Brown, 2009). Compare Data Analysis There are two research studies that are similar in the area of interest specifically having the sample population who are Filipinos working in the States.The inconsistency of the sample population between the studies is that the authentic study investigates the reasons why Filipino overseas contract workers choose to migrate and work in a foreign land rather than in their native land, Philippines, while the other study focuses on the levels of stress among Filipino registered nurses in the States. The multicultural study on Filipino overseas contract workers in the US would require the use of both quantitative and qualitative types of data (Appelbaum et al, 2009).On the other hand, the other research focusing on the levels of stress among Filipino registered nurses in the US made use of the Expanded Nursing Stress crustal plate (ENSS). The similarity of the two studies is that both used a mixed method gathering da ta based on the responses of their respective sample population. The multicultural study on Filipino overseas contract workers in the US and its data will be better understood when the responses are uttered in a descriptive form and in quantitative information. Thus, the current study utilized a mixed method, which is quantitative and qualitative.The data are based on the following questions asked to the sample population the better acceptability of Filipinos in US, what is the major reason that attracts some Filipinos to US, is there gender skewness in the movement of some Filipinos to the US (American Psychological Association, 2002), and the level of protection of legalities of these Filipino as overseas contract workers in the US. The quantitative information, according to the study, are those percentage of Filipino population in US across different periods of time,A data analysis method used on the study that explores the stress levels of Filipino registered nurses in US emphas izes on the use of a scale called Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) by French et al. (2000) without any need for identifying information. Thus, the study concealed the identities of the participants. Upon comparison, it is noted that the current study does not use any measuring scale to gather important and pertinent data of the sample population. The topic of interest is moderate to the reasons and motivations on why Filipino overseas workers chose to migrate in the US.Hence, there is no appropriate scale to facilitate in the process of data gathering. I am therefore confident in the method of data analysis for the current study. The challenge is to administer the structured questionnaire and interview as efficient as possible. Additionally, the most updated and recent statistics should be secured for the purpose of having true(p) data. The ethics of confidentiality and privacy are two ethical issues that are pivotal to social researchers who, by the very core of their resear ch, typically requests participants to share them their perception, attitudes, thoughts, and experiences (Gregory 2003).The question of ethics also plays into the method of data analysis when it comes to protecting the identities of individuals and the companies they work for. The modification that should be applied to the current study is to omit any identifying information of the sample population upon data analysis and interpretation. Common Errors universe A large number of researchers make common errors during their informative process in research study (Weed, 2005) these errors result into misinterpretation of the data and in hi-fi results that need to be avoidedSelective observation Selective scrutiny takes place when the researcher draws attention to the observations to prove his or her prior understanding and beliefs about the topic of study. In order to avoid this error, I will review and make some evaluations on literatures done by other researchers for human relations hip analysis about the subject of study. In addition, I will watchfully take notes rather than depend on my memory. Location sampling will help me to concentrate on a smaller task for a specified period of time and gather the data that is accurate.A research conducted by (Weed, 2005) on Meta interpretation, confirms that several methods of research synthesis that emerge as a result of lack of understanding of interpretivists on customary literature reviews, have been put in place with no sense of the findings from the anthological studies. The study aimed at providing a valid method of Meta interpretation that centered on interpretive synthesis of data for improved research. Imprecise Observation unreasonable observation happens when the researcher fails to record down the data during the research study. I will Focus on the really task observations to boost my true statement in gathering and interpreting the data. Illogical Reasoning Illogical argument takes place when the resear cher makes assumptions that are inconsistent . To eliminate this error, I will base my study on the existing research theories and make broad utilization of peer evaluation of my writings to rectify on the aspects that will tend to be reasoned illogically.Suggestions made by (Resnik, 2009) on the significance of research ethics and its importance, found several reasons for adhering to ethical standards in research and are listed below i. Supporting the objectives of research ii. Promotion of important values for collaboration iii. Ability for researchers to account for the public demands iv. Moral and communal values. Ego Participation in Understanding Self involvement in understanding occurs when the researcher accepts human side force the outcomes and his or her views on the findings of research study done by others.I will remain objective and honest while carrying out my research study. According to (Kaptchuk, 2008) on the analysis of the effects of bias interpretation of resea rch data, states that facts cannot build up on the empty schedules of researchers minds and data cannot articulate for itself. He encourages the researchers to advance on their vituperative assessment skills since data is predictably subjective and it can result in bias. Kaptchuk also argues that unbiased data interpretation is very vital in the production of sound judgments. ConclusionCareful methods of data interpretation results into accurate findings and eliminates errors associated with misinterpretation that are carelessly made by researchers. Adhering to ethical standards in research helps to produce qualitative results from a research study. References Aiken, L. , Buchan, J. , Sochalski, J. , Nichols, B. and Powell, M. , (2005), Trends in foreign Nurse Immigration. Health Affairs, Vol. 23 No. 3, 69-77. All Experts (2010). 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Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Power of Literature
How the Power of lit Has mend My Life Value of Literature Alex Sidorov position 101 Alex Sidorov Thompson incline 101 May 27, 2009 How the Power of Literature Has Affected My Life Value of Literature If you asked me how often I valued entertains a few months ago, I would soak up probably laughed it off and entitle it has no value because it does non affect me. What miscellany of value could writings peradventure have? It is just books. Random characters dealing with their random problems. What could that possibly offer me except giving me just ab turn outthing to kill time?It was not until I began researching approximately the value of lit that I realized its vital contributions to my animateness and the lives of every(prenominal) unriv in alled around me. I found out no matter how lots (or not so often) that you deal, books mountain and go forth clam up affect you in a centering zippo else can. The value of writings to me can not only be found in what I h ave learned from dealing, but how it has find outd my life. In this es verify, I am going to utter roughly how literary productions has affected me, and in a small(a) way determined who I am today, and how it has affected my views on certain subjects. different types of books have taught me many interesting things about the world, cultures, and most importantly, myself. In addition, I ordain describe my hi degree as a indorser and my plan for shooting in the future. Literature has well-nighwhat sculpted me into the psyche I am today. I believe that children are very soft influenced, and as a child, I was exposed to literature almost every night. I began to read Goosebumps books when I was only five years old.I deliberate that habit has affected my soulfulnessality because literature is about connecting with the characters on a more than-than-personal level, and I encounter give care I can do that now to my friends transgress than most community can. I have a great maven of empathy that keeps me from doing anything to anyone that I would not like do to myself. An English teacher named Tim Gillespie, who has studied the value of literature and written many conditions about it, concludes By its truthful portrayal of lifes complex moral choices, literature draws us in, submerges us into a story, and summons our imaginative power to identify with characters.Literature thus might be one antidote to the disease of disjuncture that afflicts us. Assaulting close in like mannerne, tagging a wall with spray paint, sexually harassing anformer(a), or yelling a racial slur all show up incapacity to empathize, to imagine anothers deepest responses, to moot the real consequences of actions on others. In the fractious world we inhabit, empathy is a much-needed skill, and literature is a form in which we can practice this skill (Gillespie 61). presume this is true, I attribute my empathy to my childhood reading.And who knows what other characteristics a nd changes to my personality reading has brought me. This is an panorama of reading I cogitate is extremely under rated, and I think it should be more publicly known. When I think about it, at that place must be a link between empathy and reading at a young age, as my friends who seem to completely lack empathy dont read at all and dont have the strong family values that would support reading, specially at a young age. Empathy is one of the most valuable things literature can offer its readers.Bill Clinton once said that children could not be expected to live a life they cannot imagine. Moreover, there is no weaken way to expand ones imagination than with reading. The books I enjoy reading pick out the protagonist embarking on a long and un likely journey, which would be unrealistic for me to experience for myself in real life. However, I feel like by reading about this adventure, in a sense I am experiencing it for myself. Theres something about reading that grants it so in volving, unlike movies or television where I can become distracted and miss parts of it.Reading requires all of my senses to be focused on the literature, which I believe helps expand my imagination. An article in the magazine knowledge do principal(prenominal) &038 I states The study of great literature nurtures the learners imaginative power and this imaginative power restores us to our real selves and enriches an privileged self. Great literature helps revive what is most precious in our souls (The allow Value). Literature is the key for a healthy imagination. Although literature has, some hidden powers like expanding your imagination and promoting empathy, it serves another obvious purpose, to teach.Literature, fiction or non-fiction, usually has something to offer. A great example of this is A Complicated Kindness. earlier reading this novel, I believed the typical stereotype of Mennonites boring, religious people who cast away themselves from the outside world because for some reason, they think their way of life is punter than ours. This book taught me how wrong I was. I learned that many of the Mennonite teenagers go through the same troubles and experiences many average Canadian teens go through.I discovered the author grew up as a Mennonite in Manitoba, and although it is by no means a factual memoir, I am still confident, much of the information about the culture and the peoples behavior is accurate. Reading the book was much more gratifying than I had anticipated because I was education about a new culture and I could in some ways, relate to Nomi, at least much more than I suasion I would. Literature was able to teach me about the behind-the-scenes Mennonite life-style that I dont think I could learn about anywhere else.In an essay by Cynthia Ozick, she states that the pulse and purpose of literature is to reject the defame of the universal to distinguish one life from another to illumine transformation to light up the least grain of bein g, to show how it is concretely individual, in particularized from any other to tell, in all the marvel of its singularity, the divulge holiness of the least grain. Literature is the recognition of the particular (Ozick 248). This is saying that literature can help you learn by showing you the hardships and experiences of one person usually the protagonist.This is especially true with Nomi. Instead of seeing a intelligence information special about Mennonite villages helping out by building houses for one another and then living happily ever after, we reject the put off of the universal and light up the least grain of being Nomi. It was not until grade four or five that I found out how much you can learn from a piece of fiction. I read a book called Under a War Torn, which was the by off the beaten track(predicate) the longest book I had read up to that point. It was about a oldier named Henry Forester who found himself behind enemy lines in the World War II. Henry travels throu gh France on a journey to sink home, and through the process, I was exposed to all sorts of information about the war. Blitzkriegs, battles, attitudes, and tragedies were some of the important things I learned about which still stick with me today. stock-still during fib class in tenth grade, many of the facts that were taught from the textbook I had already learned through literature. Only this is a special kind of literature called diachronic literature. Patricia Crawford, a professor in the Instruction and cultivation department of the University of Pittsburgh, writes about how Scholars and practitioners in the field recognize the importance of study history in ways that actively engage students in their learning. The cellular inclusion of high-quality literature in general and historical fiction in particular, inwardly the social studies curriculum provides a sizeable means of facilitating this type of affair (Crawford). I can personally say through my own experiences t hat historical fiction is an extremely valuable tool that should be included in history curriculums.I do not enjoy reading fact-heavy textbooks, and would much rather read a story that incorporates the information into the plot. This way I will be more absorbed by the writing, and it is more likely I will retain the information. That is why historical literature is so valuable to me. A few years ago, I read a book called The Secret. It had been featured on Oprah and claimed to posses an ancient secret. The secret is that if you wish for something anything, you will somehow get it. To prove this it uses testimonies and interprets the Laws of Attraction.It went as far as to say What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match no exception (Byrne 23). If you wish for a shiny new red bicycle, you will be rewarded with one. After hearing about so many people having success with this secret, even though it made no sense scientifically, I decided to read it. In addition, the strange thing is, the more I read into it, the more believable it was. I began trying it out, and certain(a) enough, sometimes it did seem to work. However, deep down I knew it had to be a coincidence. Therefore, I researched it on the internet and realized how completely bogus it was.I realized that only literature has the power to make you believe the impossible. In addition, in a sense, it made the impossible true. I have seen interminable interviews with people who swear by it with real stories about how it worked, yet, it is impossible, and I think deep down everybody knows that. This just goes to show the power of literature. I cast myself to have a very high level of common sense, so the fact that I even googled it baffles me. There are many other texts out there that have influenced me along with millions of others, one being The Da Vinci Code.That work of fiction brought down a wave of suspicion found on the Christian religion just because it was writte n as if it was a true story, and it used real locations and real historical evidence. This just goes to show that literature can influence peoples beliefs beyond what should be possible. I feel that literature can help improve my life because it makes me a better learner. Reading and literature force you to make connections and relate things to and to always be thinking, which are skills that allow me to learn things easier.Author Bruce Meyer wrote in one of his books The favorable Thread A Readers through the Great Books Heres the simple truth nothing prepares us better for reading than reading. Reading is a process not just of assimilating ideas but of learning the skills, the fundamental structures, and the repeated story line that make further reading a richer, more enjoyable and much more powerful experience (Meyer 4). I feel like the more I read, the easier it is to read and the more inclined I am to read more. During high school, I will admit I devolve into a reading slump . I barely read.I was far too busy with football, wrestling, homework, work, and other distractions to be bothered to pick up a book. For the most part, the only books I have read have been in the four English classes I have taken. This may even be what turned me off reading many of the books I have read in high school are more geared towards girls. The main character is usually a girl, and the conflicts and problems in the book usually do not interest me. However, no matter how busy I am, I think I will always be able to make time for reading. So what is the value of literature to me?I do not think I can put a value on something that helped shape me into the good person I am today. Something that expands my imagination and helps me learn. Something that teaches me about different cultures, and times then those that Im already familiar with. Something that can influence and persuade me to do great things. Literature is far too powerful to put any value on. And thats why Ill continue to read end-to-end my life so I can continue to benefit from all of literatures power. Works Cited Byrne, Rhonda. The Secret. New York Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2006.Crawford, Patricia A. , and Vicky Zygouris-Coe. Those were the days learning about history through literature. Childhood Education 84. 4 (Summer 2008) 197(7). Academic OneFile. Gale. Guelph Public Library. 8 Nov. 2008 The Enduring Value of Literature. World &038 I 11. 5 (May 1996) 282 Gillespie, Tim. Why literature matters. Education Digest 61. 1 (Sep. 1995) 61. Meyer, Bruce. The Golden Thread A Readers Through the Great Books. Toronto HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2000. Ozick, Cynthia. Art &038 Arder. New York Random House, 1983.
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