
Friday, May 31, 2019

Tupac Shakur :: Art

Tupac ShakurTupac Shakur, in my thoughts, is the best titty there is. Tupac Amaru Shakur was born on June 16, 1971. He was born in New York. Tupac Amaru be Inca words. Tupac Amaru means a shining serpent. Shakur means thankful to God, and that came from the Arabic language. When Tupac was 12 years old, his eldest performance was a play A Raisin in the Sun. In that play Tupac played Travis. In June of 1986, Tupacs family move to Baltimore from New York. That is where Tupac wrote his first rap. 3 months later Tupac attended Baltimore School for the arts. That is where he studied ballet and acting. around two years later Tupac moves west of the United States to Marin City, California. He moved in with a neighbor and then he began to sell drugs. In 1990 Tupac joins digital Underground a record enounce where he was a dancer and a rapper. At the beginning of 1991 Tupac makes his album debut on his new label Digital Underground. In November of 91 2Pacalypse Now was released. Shortly after his 2Pacalypse release. Tupac charged a lawsuit of 10 million against an Oakland Police for brutality after world arrested for jaywalking. On January 17, 1992 Tupac makes his first photograph appearing in Ernest Dickensons Juice, where he played a betrayal role of Bishop. On September 22nd, Vice chairwoman Dan Quayle accused that Tupacs 2Pacalypse Now has no place in our society. following(a) year on February 1, 1993 Tupac came out with another album. Once it was released it went platinum. It went platinum on April 19, 1995 along with 2Pacalypse Now but that went gold only. On July 23, 1993 Tupac makes his second movie appearance on John Singletons Poetic Justice. Just before filming the movie Janet makes 2Pac take an HIV test before kissing him in both scenes. On Halloween of 93 2Pac gets arrested for shooting two-off duty police officers from Atalanta. 2Pac said that he was hassle as a black motorist. The charges were dropped. During the end of November 94 while 2Pac is on trial for sex and weapons he was robbed $40,000 of jewelery and was shot five times. The $40,000 worth of jewelery was stolen in a recording studio in Times Square. The robbers had stole 2Pacs $30,000 diamond ring and $10,000 of gold chains. They left his diamond-encrusted gold Rolex.Tupac Shakur ArtTupac ShakurTupac Shakur, in my thoughts, is the best rapper there is. Tupac Amaru Shakur was born on June 16, 1971. He was born in New York. Tupac Amaru are Inca words. Tupac Amaru means a shining serpent. Shakur means thankful to God, and that came from the Arabic language. When Tupac was 12 years old, his first performance was a play A Raisin in the Sun. In that play Tupac played Travis. In June of 1986, Tupacs family moved to Baltimore from New York. That is where Tupac wrote his first rap. 3 months later Tupac attended Baltimore School for the arts. That is where he studied ballet and acting. About two years later Tupac moves west of the United States to Marin City, Califo rnia. He moved in with a neighbor and then he began to sell drugs. In 1990 Tupac joins Digital Underground a record label where he was a dancer and a rapper. At the beginning of 1991 Tupac makes his album debut on his new label Digital Underground. In November of 91 2Pacalypse Now was released. Shortly after his 2Pacalypse release. Tupac charged a lawsuit of 10 million against an Oakland Police for brutality after being arrested for jaywalking. On January 17, 1992 Tupac makes his first movie appearance in Ernest Dickensons Juice, where he played a betrayal role of Bishop. On September 22nd, Vice President Dan Quayle accused that Tupacs 2Pacalypse Now has no place in our society. Next year on February 1, 1993 Tupac came out with another album. Once it was released it went platinum. It went platinum on April 19, 1995 along with 2Pacalypse Now but that went gold only. On July 23, 1993 Tupac makes his second movie appearance on John Singletons Poetic Justice. Just before filming the mov ie Janet makes 2Pac take an HIV test before kissing him in any scenes. On Halloween of 93 2Pac gets arrested for shooting two-off duty police officers from Atalanta. 2Pac said that he was harassed as a black motorist. The charges were dropped. During the end of November 94 while 2Pac is on trial for sex and weapons he was robbed $40,000 of jewelery and was shot five times. The $40,000 worth of jewelery was stolen in a recording studio in Times Square. The robbers had stole 2Pacs $30,000 diamond ring and $10,000 of gold chains. They left his diamond-encrusted gold Rolex.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Biography

Edgar Allan Poe was a 19th century American poet, author, and critic. Poe is often described as a rebel against society and invention-for-arts sake hotshot who experimented in making his poems with let out didacticism and devoid of any meaning, but he is also respected as a genius in terms of his commitment to art and his ability to experiment with various forms of expressions (Fromm 304). In my opinion, Poe was not a rebel because he remained true to himself. Although he was influenced by usanceal artists, he adapted this tradition to his personal being. Although he might have been perceived as a rebel against society because of his innovative views on the world, human beings, and poetry, I believe his give way remains popular and influential today because he remained true to his style and personality. However, I agree that he was dedicated to art for arts sake because his main innovation was to express himself done his work. Poe did not bother with popular styles and techniqu es, but he was a master poet when it comes to adapting to different styles to convey his emotions appropriately. Overall, Poes poetry divulges sentimentalism because he puts all vehemence on emotions and no emphasis on logic, but it is not limited to optimism because he displays both positive and negative emotions, and he displays them often together employ both extremes in a single poem.According to Poes values, the only productive thinkers were both educated and imaginative, and he described poets as people who do not understand the mechanics behind the Universes laws, but they can obtain these principles intuition (Osipova 25). Poe wrote his poetry according to his beliefs, and every poem he wrote was a reflection on his intuitions insights and his state o... ...riences in form of divine beauty, I believe the main limitation was his experiences through intuition because translating intuition into intellect cannot be complete. However, his sentimentalism and the ability to dis play the same situations and points from completely opposite emotional contexts remains one of his best qualities as a poet. It is still difficult to say if Poe was influenced by his emotions completely, or if his emotions were out of control, or if he could observe all experiences objectively. My personal impression is that Poe was an objective observer who could view the same object, person, situation, or experience from several viewpoints and express his impressions and insights through poetry. Although his alcoholism points out emotional difficulties in life, when it comes to poetry, Poe could completely control and express all emotions objectively.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Death Over Life in Flauberts Madame Bovary Essay -- Madame Bovary Ess

Death Over Life in Flauberts Madame Bovary Often in literature, a character is found that is sooner memorable. Never was this more true than in Flauberts Madame Bovary. To some, Emma Bovarys action at the end of the novel was drastic and unnecessary others believed her death to be the end of the natural betterment of the story. However, Emmas decision to commit suicide was relatively simple, yet came as a last resort. She had exhausted all the other options she felt were available, and in the end make her plan based on finances, lost love, and the sheer boredom of her life. One motivation for Emmas suicide was her financial problems. She spent extravagant amounts of her husband, Charles, money on dresses, scarves, and nursing home decorations. More money was expended for Emmas music lessons, which were actually her alibi for her affair with Leon. Also, she had spent too much money while preparing to run off with Rodolphe, a journeying that never occurred. All Emmas debts piled up, then came due at the same time she tried to put them out of her mind, to no avail. She even went as far as to beg money from Rodolphe, her former lover, who rejects her. After leaving Rodolphe Emma is angry she has lost her normal ability to reason, but could still make a decision (Roe 42). As she could not forget, she devised, in a moment of Emma-style logic, the solution to her problems. So, ...in an ecstasy of heroism, that made her almost joyous, she ran down the hill...and reached the chemists shop (Flaubert 221-222). Once at the chemists, she frantically ingests a lethal dose of arsenic. It is tragic that the only release from her problems Emma could see was death. Emmas failed love af... ...cide became her only option, and having taken the action she thought necessary, ...she went home, suddenly calmed, and with something of the serenity of one who had performed a duty (Flaubert 222). However, Emmas death was not serene it was violent and grote sque. Ironically, she did finally achieve tragic romance heroine status she died young, penniless, and heartbroken. Works Cited Buck, Stratton. Gustave Flaubert. University of the South Twayne. 1966. 68-72. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. New York Dover. 1996. Green, Frederick C. French Novelists From the rotation to Proust. New York Frederick Ungar, 1964. 233. Roe, David. Gustave Flaubert. New York St. Martins, 1989. Turnell, Martin. Madame Bovary. Flaubert A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Raymond Giraud. Englewood Cliffs Prentice-Hall, 1964.

Great Wall Of China Report Essay example -- essays research papers fc

The spacious Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is truly one of the superior architectural achievements in recorded history. The longest structure ever built, it is about 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles) long and made entirely by hand. This wall is said to be circumpolar from the moon. It crosses northwestern China, from the East coast to Central China (Karls, 1). This massive wall is not only one of the ancient wonders of the world, but it also has been the inspiration of galore(postnominal) writers and artists. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some of the sections of the Great Wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the around appealing attractions all around the world, because of its architectural greatness and historical significance.The Great Walls construction began in 221 BC under the emperor Meng Tien, of the Chin Dynasty (Twitchett, 2). Continual invasions and wars from the barbarians to the North drove the emperor to o rder its construction to protect the newly unified China. It started at Lintao and extended to Liaotung, reaching a distance of more than 10,000 Li. After pass over the Yellow River, it wound northward, touching the Yang Mountains (Twitchett, 2). Although the wall is considered to be well under 10,000 Li (one Li is approximately a third of a mile) it was truly an frightful accomplishment (Twitchett, 2). Meng Tien employed some 300,000 men in the creation of the original section of the wall. The building of such a massive wall would definitely be a huge task. A wall that stretches through the wilderness is not easily accessed by add up lines, unlike a highway that creates its own supply line (Delahoye, 3). There was also a massive loss of lives during the construction of the wall, due to widespread disease and injury (Delahoye, 3). In fact it is an Ancient Chinese myth, that each stone in the wall stands for a life lost in the walls construction (Delahoye, 3). It is recorded that Meng Tiens section of the wall took only ten years to build, but it is believed that it actually took a substantially greater amount of time (Delahoye, 3). After Meng Tiens original construction the wall was far from completed. Other walls were added to and encompassed within The Great Wall. The last major work on the wall was completed during the Ming Dynasty around 1500 (D... ...s last name and the number represents the source number on my bibliography. THE GREAT mole OF CHINABy Jeff BelandDue Date April 26, 2004Class History 162 Section 1Professor T. TengAssignment Formal PaperBibliography1.Karls, Robert. 10,000-li Great Wall. New York, Crabtree publish Company, 1958.2.Twitchett, Denis and Loewe, Michael. The Cambridge History of China Volume 1. Cambridge University Press Cambridge, England, 1986 61- 63. 3.Delahoye, H.. Drege, J.P. Wilson, Dick. Zewen, Lou. The Great Wall. New York Warwick Press, 1987.4.Ledoux, Trish. Ancient Civilizations San Francisco, Mixx publishers, 1984. 5.Forbes, Geraldine. Asian Studies. New York, Mifflin Company, 1993.6.Muyaka, Ho Chin, Huang River New York, Penguin Publishers, 1994.7. Kalman, Bobbie. China the Land. New York Crabtree Publishing Company, 1989.8.http//www.travelchinaguide.com/china_great_wall/

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Psychology of Racism :: essays research papers

The Psychology of RacismSegregation has and still affects perceptions of ingloriousness inside and out-of-door the Black community by make Black people see themselves as clear people see them. Many of Black people have accepted the fallacy that they were inferior to light people at a young age, and sinlessnesss learned that Blacks were lower then Whites at a young age as well.Perceptions of inkiness within the Black community have been witnessed and lived by W.E.B. Dubois and many other Black writers and movie directors such as Spike lee side. W.E.B. Dubois wrote many pieces of literature that have been noticed. Spike Lee Directed many movies but only a handful showed perceptions of Blackness within the Black community.In the film Bamboozled by Spike Lee, he creates a show within the movie. The show is basically Black actors who paint themselves Blacker and their lips redder than they really are. This is to show the current audience how Whites saw Blacks during the Jim Crow er a. W.E.B. Dubois states in all of his pieces that the White man see all Black people the same way. W.E.B. Dubois and Spike Lee are two Black men that have accepted the facts of White America but overcame the prejudice remarks. Dubois and Lee both in writing and film showed perceptions of the Blackness within the Black community by showing segregation, and racism.?The total darkness is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world, --a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself by means of the revelation of the other world.? W.E.B. Dubois explains that the Black man is born with the gift of second sight meaning they can see themselves in the manor that White family line do. Dubois also states that Black people have no self identity, which means to me that they didn?t think they had as much power as the White people. Perceptions of Blackness outside the Black community include speeches from Gove rnment officials and documentaries. In the documentary ?A Class Divided? we see that young White children are elevated with a racist mentality. In the Government, George Wallace, Governor of Alabama (1962-1966, 1970-1974) we see the support of segregation.George Wallace states ?and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.? This quote shows the perceptions of Blackness outside the Black community. In the documentary A Class Divided a teacher conducts a study on racism on her elementary class.

The Psychology of Racism :: essays research papers

The Psychology of RacismSegregation has and still affects perceptions of total darkness inside and outside the Black community by making Black people turn back themselves as tweed people see them. Many of Black people have pass judgment the f every last(predicate)acy that they were insufficient to fair people at a young age, and Whites learned that Blacks were lower then Whites at a young age as well.Perceptions of Blackness in spite of appearance the Black community have been witnessed and lived by W.E.B. Dubois and many other Black writers and movie directors such as arm Lee. W.E.B. Dubois wrote many pieces of literature that have been noticed. Spike Lee Directed many movies but only a handful showed perceptions of Blackness within the Black community.In the film Bamboozled by Spike Lee, he creates a show within the movie. The show is basically Black actors who paint themselves Blacker and their lips redder than they really argon. This is to show the current audience how Wh ites saw Blacks during the Jim Crow era. W.E.B. Dubois states in all of his pieces that the White man see all Black people the same way. W.E.B. Dubois and Spike Lee are two Black men that have accepted the facts of White America but overcame the prejudice remarks. Dubois and Lee both in writing and film showed perceptions of the Blackness within the Black community by viewing segregation, and racism.?The Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world, --a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world.? W.E.B. Dubois explains that the Black man is born with the gift of second sight meaning they can see themselves in the manor that White folks do. Dubois also states that Black people have no self identity, which means to me that they didn?t think they had as much power as the White people. Perceptions of Blackness outside the Black community include s peeches from Government officials and documentaries. In the documentary ?A Class Divided? we see that young White children are raised with a racist mentality. In the Government, George Wallace, Governor of Alabama (1962-1966, 1970-1974) we see the support of segregation.George Wallace states ?and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.? This quote shows the perceptions of Blackness outside the Black community. In the documentary A Class Divided a teacher conducts a study on racism on her bare(a) class.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Milk Analysis

draw The movie milk was based on a true story of a gay activist in San Francisco, Harvey Milk. Milk shows his story done his statements by a recording made before he was assassinated. He narrated what happened to him during the last eight years of his life (40-48). It showed how confidently Milk went out of the closet and fight for the rights of gays. Milk became the representative of the festering population of gays in San Francisco. Milk eventually ran for the office because being in the office go out be the best way to easily fight for gay rights.Milk won and at the same time, another politician who was against the ideologies of Milk won also, Dan White. This marks the growing conflicts between the two. White regards gay as social deviants. Not only did he consider gays as social deviants moreover also Asians especially the Chinese people but Milk showed no hostility towards White in fact he tried to work professionally as co-politicians with White but in the end of the movi e, Milk was killed by White.Relating to the course, homosexuals sess be considered as deviants because they violate the gender norms which includes only male and female but for me, homosexuals nowadays should not be cons idered deviants at all because a large percentage of the worlds population includes homosexuals already and as I can remember through our discussions in class, in order to be considered deviant, these people should represent only a small number of people but relating to the movie, what Milk has done can be considered as tertiary deviance. Tertiary deviance is a deviant act when an individual tries to label a deviant act as non -deviant.As depicted in the movie, Milk fought for gay rights. He wanted people to regard gays as equal with the heterosexuals and normal people. In the movie, Milk managed his being homosexual through his charismatic characteristics as a gay activist he believed that he can be an effective re presentative of the gay community because a cop e of people liked him whether gay or straight. A lot of people supported his ideas since he was the first ever gay who had been elected for a speckle in the government. The connection had contrasting reaction to Milks actions.There are people who like him and supported him and there are also people who stayed as homophobic and believed that gay people should not be given jobs as teachers because they believe that these gays will just teach their children to also be gays. Reactions of people were different from one another depending on the perspective of the people and the belief that they hold onto. If these people are openminded, they would react to the gay activism as a normal mien b ut in the movie it seemed that there are people who cannot take the fact that there are other people in the society who hold different beliefs.A lot of factors can be considered why these people stay close-minded to the social realities. This is may be because of how they were brought up. Family, especially parents has great partake on your beliefs while you grow up. Another factor is religion. Religion has the power to make people follow its beliefs and hold onto it as much as possible. I also consider Dan White as deviant because he committed murder against a co-politician who is against his ideologies.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Communication Essay

This paper will focus on the American Red scar. The nicety, espoused values and enacted values atomic number 18 all important aspects of this physical composition. Communication plays a very vital role in the perception and fundamental lawal culture. Perceptions within this organization might cause misalignment between espoused and enacted values. Being able to identify the role of impinge in group converse of the organization is very vital to the success of the organization.The conflict tends to improve communicating within and among groups, so that the organization can be effective. American Red Cross According to http//www. firelandsredcross. org/History. htm, the American Red Cross is the largest volunteer organization in America. Since the founding of the Red Cross by Clara Barton in 1881, volunteers have been trained to help families, friends, and neighbors in the event of an emergency. It is committed to making a positive difference by improving the quality of human li fe, enhancing autonomy and concern for others, and destiny people avoid, prepare for, and cope with emergencies.The American Red Cross South Arkansas chapter saves lives by responding with food, shelter, and hope when a disaster occurs. This organization saves lives. When disaster strikes, we respond with food, shelter and hope. Some of the major principles of American Red Cross Movement are humanity, impartiality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. The shared values of this organization includes humanitarianism, stewardship, helping others, respect, voluntary spirit, continuous conducting, and integrity.Some key elements toward the success of an organization should be influenced by the culture, communication, role of conflict in group communication, and how conflict improves communication in the organization. Communication and Culture The relationship between communication and culture is very difficult to understand. Cultures are formed through communicati on. Communication is the way humans are able to interact by which customs, roles, rules, rituals, laws, or other patterns are created and shared. Without communication, it would be impossible to keep and pass along cultural qualities from one place and epoch to another.Communication plays a vital role in the success of American Red Cross and helps to achieve the desired outcomes of this organization. Culture is created, shaped, passed, and learned through communication. Therefore, communication practices are largely created, shaped, and transmitted by culture. Communication is the only organizational process that has the power to inform, educate and bring about cooperation and ultimately the kind of idiosyncratic behavior change that leads to powerful cultural change. The past, present and future of this organization, which reflect the culture, can only be preserved through various communication artifacts.If the culture needs to be changed, communication is the main tool around th e change process (Reiley & Roberts, 2007). Misalignment and Perception Often, misalignment of espoused and enacted values affects the perception of American Red Cross. Misalignment of values causes frustration, anger, muddiness and disengagment. Organization leaders talk about teamwork, but sometimes employees experience a different reality that some team members are better than others. A limited view of goals in this organization leads to efforts being ignored, unappreciated or even belittled. Conflict in Group CommunicationAmerican Red Cross is composed of individuals that have different opinions, beliefs, and values that cause conflict. Conflict occurs within this organization when the organizations differences are communicated. Conflict in group communication helps to bring clarity, vision, and direction. Therefore, group communication helps with unity of vision, clear directives, feedback, and challenges of the organization. Improving Communication Conflict allows us to listen for and understand what is felt and said. This is necessary in come in to build strong relationships among those in the American Red Cross.Conflict improves communication by the ability to recognize and respond to vital matters, find ways to compromise, and a belief that solving the problem can support the interest and needs of others (Leavitt, 2000). Overall, conflict improves communication by building strong and better relationships, overcoming challenges, and being made with work in life. Conclusion Finally, the awareness of the American Red Cross culture is necessary for continued diverse growth. In order to attract the outperform of the organization, a culture of diversity and open communication is needed.Once the American Red Cross has these qualities, it can improve efficiency and have more viewpoints to learn from. To make sure the organizational culture is compatible with the strategic goals of this organization, conflict must be beneficial to the overall improvement of communication in this organization and success will be guaranteed.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Humans & Errors Essay

Humans, by nature, are prone to errors. Most likely, its creation is close to errors as well. Since software is one of the many unique things man has made, it in like manner has a high probability to fall into errors. Accordingly, the software that is used to write a Java programming language may contain errors, too. Programmers saw this problem, thus, created an error-handling dodging that could look in to the world of programming particularly the Java language and its runtime environment.The runtime errors found in Java are otherwise and collectively regarded as exclusions, and the part to uncover and deal with such errors is what we margin call exception handling (Cohn, Morgan, Morrison, Nygard, Joshi, & Trinko, 1996). This describes how closely runtime errors, exception, and exception handling are related to each other. Exception handling is a process. Its main purpose is to detect and take action to exceptions in the most trusted manner.Exception, on the other hand, is the term used as an alternative for errors. This is because exception stands for exceptional or abnormal forms that are not essentially considered errors. Since technology is growing so fast, exception handling becomes important in such a way that it is used as a tool to improve the management of errors as they grow together with technology. Exception handling is a standard accession to the growing number of errors.Precisely, it is important in managing runtime errors because it has an innate characteristic to separate error-handling code from its functional program code. Apart from that, it provides a certain method of call stack wherein the method used to resolve a higher level of error can be used for lower ones. References Cohn, C. , Morgan, B. , Morrison, M. , Nygard, M. , Joshi D. , and Trinko T. (1996). Java DevelopersReference. capital of Indiana Sams. net Publishing

Friday, May 24, 2019

“Give me a stand point and I will move the earth” Archimedes Essay

Feminists are of the opinion that women in this world have been neglected by history and men through out(a) the ages and liberating them would be synonymous with giving them a stand point to move the world. Klues looks to the pioneers of female research in antiquity whose glimpsing women history through a record from which the female sex has been excised for millennial by patriarchal bias, must have been like constructing a house out of the space between the slats of a fence.Further Klues considers that assiduous and objective scholarship produced an unassailable picture of the role of women in classical Athens, a picture this instant almost universally accepted, in which domination of male over female is there seen as complete and crushing. Only one wave of classical scholarship, on the face of it by anthropology, looks to male-female relationship as a significant determinant in Athenian society, as in any other an ingredient of total coating no less fundamental than its econo my or its religion or its political structure. More authors have argued that women did not have a place in history.However, Hasel making reference to Pauline Schmitt Pantel makes a note worthy reminder of Greek philosophers works such as Aristotle and Plato that made relation to different sexes. A similar reference is made about the Greek cosmologies meaning that women have always had such a place. Hasel has therefore put forth a lustrous conclusion. The image of the Topos then might not hold much because it is based on concealment of women in antiquity which may not be the case. The portraits of Lipia as discussed in Bartman had an effect in creating a stronger imperial Rome.Though there are undertones of their use in propaganda and other political machinations and maneuvers, Bartman note that they were sculpted in the spirit of compromise which he refers as give and take between the sculptor and the sponsor. Scott say that there was a moment not all that ago, when feminists pu rpose gender to be an invincible barrier against biology. The sex/ gender distinction would analytically separate the physical body from the social body it would then no longer be conceivable that anatomy was destiny.Though women might be viewed as non- actors thus acting in the realms of those who built and wielded political power to which they were slip to had a private life which of course influences public life. In the words of Scott, those absent from official account none the less partook in the making of history those who are silent speak eloquently about meaning of power. This reawakening Scott notes has brought about congruence in thought between political historians and writers penning her story.It has besides brought about to the way changes occurred in law, politics and symbolic presentations. A further implication Scott explains is that there are social explanations rather than biological and characterological to the different doings of men and women and their unequa l positions. The feminists are thus challenged in this argument for neglecting female agency by diminishing the historical importance of personal life encapsulated in its three elements- family, sexuality and sociability.Thus irrespective of what feminists think women have always had the stand point and have moved the world as much. Reference Bartman Portraits Of Livia Joan W. Scott, (1988) sex activity and the Politics of History (New York 1988) 15-50. Joan W. Scott, Millenial Fantasies. The Future of Gender in the 21st Century, in Claudia Honegger Caroline Arni (eds. ), Gender. Die Tucken einer Kategorie (Zurich 2001) 19-37 Wagner Hasel (1989)Womens life in oriental seclusion? On history and and use of Topos. Pauline Schmitt Pantel (1992) Greek thought on the position of women resolved. Pg 79.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fun Loving Girl

Ive been on my own for several years now, so flip become independent enough that if I fuck accede out how to fix something, I will give it a try. I male parentt need to be in a relationship to be dependent on psyche, but want to put one over a relationship with someone who is my friend and confidant. My ideal match is someone who is easy to communicate with. If you cant lecturing to each other then there is non much future. I am visiting for someone who is trustworthy, honest and faithful. Life is too short to have to wonder what your partner is doing.I have a grown daughter that is on her own with a very fussy little girl that has stolen my heart. They are nearly important in my life and al counsels will be. Family is very important to me and I want to be with someone who also values family. This fun kind girl is ready to start taking care of her social life. I lay aside myself busy as a foster parent and sometimes obturate that I need to get out and have some fun. I a m a sm wholly town soil girl who just likes to keep things simple. I work at a hunting lodge so stay very busy during the season. I love what I do and dont consider it a job.Ive grown up around guns and like to shoot at the range. Never been out hunting, but would like to see what it is all about.. test the if it flies, it dies theory. I shot clays for the first time last fall and really enjoyed it, so looking forward to doing that again. Love to go sportfishing (and yes, I can bait my own hook), just kicking back and taking it easy, spending time around the fire with friends having a few drinks and divide of laughs. Id rather look at the stars and kiss in the rain than go to the mall. I like NASCAR and hope to get to a escape someday.I think it would be awesome to take a car for a spin around the track too. Demo derbies, stock-car races, dirt track. love the atmosphere. I havent been on the back of a bike in a very long time and have always wanted to have to ride myself, so if you are into that, I am not opposed to having the wind in my hair. I enjoy rock from the 70s, 80s and 90s and country. Never had much opportunity to learn how to two step but would like to learn. I like to go to out of the way places to look at the history, the old buildings and structures and remnants of the past that have been left behind.Antique stores and such are fun to explore and I like going to the local country auctions. I can always find something from the past that catches my eye. Im looking for someone to enjoy life with. Start out slow but have no limits to where it may go. I am a very affectionate girl who loves holding hands in public and giving hugs and kisses because that is how I like to build you that I care and I am really into you I dont have time to play games.. unless, of course, they are mutually agreed upon. I am incautious and passionate, so intimacy and romance is a must. You should know that I give like I want to get back and am looking for that special guy that does the same thing. You must have a great sense of humor I love to laugh and can find humor in just about anything. I believe you have to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at someone else. And I laugh at myself every day Laughter is a great healer and I try to surround myself with people who laugh at the smallest most ridiculous thing, and can also create their own humor.I am looking for someone to build a relationship with, that special friend to stand by my side through and through it allthe good and the bad. I want someone who also tries to keep a positive attitude in all things. I am unyielding to be happy, regardless of what life throws at me. I have learned through experience that the greatest part of my happiness will depend on my disposition, not my circumstances. I choose to be happy. I want someone to enjoy life with. I dont need someone to change me or someone to change for me. I am who I am, Im not perfect but I work through my imperfection to be a bette r person.Life is not certain so I live life with no regrets, I am who I am because of my life and dont live in the past. I look forward to each new day and the adventure it brings. So if there is someone out there who is up to the task, I am ready to have fun. Here is our chance to maybe finding that spark for more. I am looking forward to meeting new people, forming lasting friendships, exploring life and the possibility of lastly finding my soul mate. If you get what Ive said here, then hit me up and we can get to know each other.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jurlique Marketing Essay

1.0 Executive summaryThe main purpose of this business report is to review the appropriateness of Jurlique enhancive w bes for the Australian target food market. The profound findings are Australia is a huge market for enhancive and toiletry industry, while it is full of competition due to the zero duty on Ameri give the axe cosmetics Jurlique is a puff up established brand for most Australia customers, however, it still needs unique selling points other than natural ingredient to expand its market share. This is mostly ground on the product research and development.2.0 Introduction2.1 PurposeThis report sets out to review the product for a target plane section.2.2 ScopeThis report first describes the over exclusively cosmetic industry, the market share of Jurliques skin care products and the growth trend. Then the macro and micro-environmental analysis are conducted before the detailed description of the products category. sideline the target segmentation, some recommendat ions go away be made.2.3 MethodologyThis report is created based on the theories from the textbook and the secondary data from websites. In addition, graphs and tables are used to serve the specific analysis.2.4 Assumption and limitationDuring the research, some information stand non be accessed, however, the information good deal be found from others as the official website which is positive and perusable to do reference.3.0 Description of the industry3.1 Market size and market shareAccording to IBIS World (2010), cosmetics and toiletries industry are based on a straight foundation, with a booming prospect. He also forecasts that global cosmetic industry will embrace an inspiring growth at an average annual point of 3.2%, within the period to 2012-2013.Graph 1 Global cosmetic industry performance and forecast(Data source IBIS World 2010)As a key doer in the natural cosmetics and skincare industry, Australian-owned Jurlique Company is a well-deserved market leader. It manu accompanimentures and distributes a range of skin care and aromatherapy products as well as herbal medicines. with multi-channel distribution network, the company enters into 20 different countries, where about 60 company-owned concept stores and 5000 or so Jurlique-branded retail outlets are established (Official Website, 2012). Plus, department stores, pharmacies and health provender stores, as well as aroma-therapy clinics and beauty salons are also the sales channel of the companys 75% products.The differentiation in products themselves and diversification in marketing convey both contribute to the companys profit margins, which are thought to be about 30%, and annual sales, which are estimated to go on AU$100 million (RAPS, 2011).3.2 Macro-environment3.2.1 Overall cosmetic consumption trendGraph2 Total market sale of Australian cosmetic industrySource Australia government agency of StatisticsThe cosmetic and beauty industry has experienced a constant growth the whole world, and Australia is not an exception (see above graph). The Australia cosmetics and toiletries market value is in put of US$1.5 billion, with imports products occupying about half of that (U.S Commercial Service). This suggests that the domestic cosmetic brands are facing relatively fierce competition from cosmetic brands abroad.In terms of market share of cosmetic industry in Australia, the U.S is still maintaining about 30 percent market share (U.S Commercial Service). There are several reasons for this. The U.S is well known for its big(p) proportion of investment in cosmetics research and development Owing to the Free Trade engagement between Australia and the United States, the U.S enjoys zero frequent import duty on cosmetics and toiletries exported to Australia.3.2.2 Demographic factorThe cosmetics and toiletries industry in Australia is closely associated with the spates paying increasing attention to personal appearance, both for women and men. The emergence of an aging population in Australia, along with a raised awareness of health and environmental issues, stimulated to a certain extent the soul of the importance of products that prolong a youthful appearance.For baby boomer generation which is experiencing life changes brought by aging, they have shown increasing interests in cosmetics and toiletries, not only to lift their appearance but also for other reasons. A simple example is that they use foundation with treatment ingredients to protect their skin against harmful UV rays, and to encourage a variety of skin problems.3.2.3 Cultural changesAs the consumer attitude gradually changes, people are more in favor of the natural and safe products in cosmetic market. Australia consumers are not exception. They respected green-added cosmetics, namely, they are increasingly in pursuit of natural, pollution-free cosmetics with no chemicals added. Consequently, the products of chemical-free will gain competitive advantages in Australian cosmetic mar ket to meet the consumers psychological needs for green, organic skin care products.3.3 Micro-environment3.3.1 OrganizationJurlique is a Sydney-based cosmetic company, boasting its skin care products, all of which are made in the most natural way. Funded in 1985 by chemist and also a doctor-Jurgen Klein, the beauty company was characterized by farm system, which makes the fact possible that all ingredients are cultivated and processed in the Adelaide Hills, and then distributed in Australia and abroad (Pola Orbis, 2011). The companys mission is to generate sustainability and create rough-cut returns between people and nature, with its slogan Purest fell Care Products on Earth through Nature, Science and Innovation.Jurlique, with its headquarters in Mount doggy in the Adelaide foothills, has planted good names for its natural and chemical free products in Australia. On November 30, 2011, Jurlique International announces acquisition by POLA Orbis, which is the fourth leading cosme tic company in Japan and has been developing its business model around the cosmetics industry with a recurring theme of beauty and health since its founding in 1929. This acquisition makes Jurlique brand well positioned along with a strong presence and compelling momentum in key strategic markets, with a focus on Asia, the Americas and the home market Australia.Table 1 Changes in Jurlique shares held by POLA as a result of the AcquisitionSource POLAs Share Purchase Agreement3.3.2 CustomersCustomers of Jurlique are mainly female who pay a certain attention to their skin condition and are willing to buy skin care products at a reasonable price. In addition, customers of Jurlique need to be aware of the importance of natural ingredient for their skin. As spa gradually gains popularity, Jurliques target consumer will be expanded to whoever enjoys a natural and comfortable spa.3.3.3 PublicsRising concern can be noted by Australian consumers of any cosmetic product regarding health and sa fety. Greater attention is also being given to natural products in cosmetics. Innovative beauty salon products that incorporate premium and organic ingredients are given warm welcome. This can explain that sales of Jurlique products using natural ingredients are showing steady growth.3.3.4 CompetitionsDominated by industrial players like Luxus, P&G and Unilever in Australian cosmetic and toiletry industry, the main high-end competitive brands in the country include well-established world-famous brands such as Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, Shiseido, Christian Dior, Giorgio Armani, Bobbi Brown and Clarins. substance end brands contain Revlon, Max Factor, LOreal and Olay (U.S. Commercial Service). In addition, newer brands from Japan and Korea are very popular among Australian young girls such as DHC, Fancl, HABA, Mioggi, Lanegie, Skin Food.4.0 ProductsJurlique products can be classified into six categories by the companysofficial website.Table2 Jurlique product line (from Official Website)Product lineProducts detailed by categorySkin care linecleansers, deep cleansing, refreshing, recovering, renewing, moisturizing, nurturing, special care, eye and lip care, tools and accessories Body carehand care, body lotion, body oils, shower gels vibrissa careshampoo, hair conditionersBaby carehypo-allergenic and pH balanced baby care productsEssential oilscomprises pure essential oils, essential oil blends, and carrier oils seasonal offerscomprises seasonal sets of products containing specific blendsWithin all these excellent natural products, Herbal Recovery Gel needs to be mentioned more. Belonging to skin care category, it is a light gel concentrate for day and night, which contains natural antioxidants and is suitable for all skin conditions, including oily and problem skin. It works deeply to strengthen and restore hydration, which can help maintain ideal skin moisture balance.4.1 Three levels of the products4.1.1 Core levelCore level of a product represents the basic consumption benefit consumers can get from the product. Namely, it is the function or efficiency of the product. For skin care products made by Jurlique, they can not only meet the very basic requirements of target audience for better their skin conditionwith its natural ingredients, but they also can realize the process in a sustainable manner.4.1.2 true levelApart from the natural and high-calibre characteristics, Jurlique products also have a mature packaging bowed stringed instrument, which contains three sets of processes primary packaging, secondary packaging and tertiary packaging (Jurlique International, 2011). entirely products produced are packed into tertiary packaging for shipment from production to logistics, and from logistics to distributors or direct to consumers. The tertiary packaging utilized is common throughout the supply chain where possible.Just like the packaging, labeling considerations will continue to express the green concept. For example, the u se of relevant recyclable symbols such as the green dot and inclusion of the hooey identification will serve as an important tool in marketing strategy.4.1.3 Augmented levelCustomers who buy Jurlique products can enjoy comfortable assistance from the company. Jurlique has its mature online service and various distribution channels. Products sold through every channel will be delivered timely. In addition, anyone who is interested in this brand can sign up for emails, and become a Jurlique insider. The insiders can get the professional person advice in terms of skin care and also free gifts from the company.5.0 Target segment5.1 Demographic segmentationThe majority of target customers Jurlique are females, specifically Generation X and Baby Boomers who are looking for beauty products which can help stamp down wrinkles, better skin dark and contain natural or pure ingredients (Phosphagenics Newsletter, 2009). In Australia, Women between age 25 and 39 staying workplace have the stron gest grease ones palms power. They arevalue and quality conscious, prepared to pay a little more for a prestige product that works. For those female seeking natural and quality products, Jurlique is undoubtedly a perfect choice whose claims match product performance.5.2 Behavioral segmentationDifferent people seek different benefits from Jurlique products, and according to the product itself and the behavioral habits of Australian consumer, the market can be segmented into 1. Single brand loyalty it is of difficulty to break the previous loyalty for a certain brand, however, it this base have faith in Jurlique, the loyalty will last long. 2. Multiple brands loyalty this group is willing to try new brands, but the loyalty can not be assured. 3. No brand loyalty this group tends to be price sensitive or efficiency sensitive.5.3 Geographic segmentationIn geographical version, the whole Australian market can be segmented into several divisions.The five biggest cities in Australia Sy dney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide should be the major target markets which all have advantages of large amount of working female and strong purchase power.Cities with more than a hundred thousand populations in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania etc will be the second largest target markets for Jurlique.The remaining cities with less population but relatively big purchase power should also be considered.5.4 PsychographicBased on peoples life style and value, the market can be segmentedpsychologically. The research concerning peoples life style should be based on AOI 1. Activities this refers to where and when people use their time on skin care. 2. Interests how much attention would people pay to the change of skin condition. 3. Opinion this refers to what people think of the brand.6.0 primordial needsThe mainstream trend in Australian cosmetic and toiletry industry is that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for those technologically advanced p roducts because they distinguish the ingredients to be expensive, uniquely manufactured based on intensive research and develop. Therefore, the innovative initiative of Jurlique based on its laboratory R&D is in need.In addition, market for color cosmetics, hair care products and beauty salon based products unsaturated to a certain degree. This is mainly for the reason that those products are not the mainstream business scope for the major competitors from the U.S and France. Consequently, Jurlique could stretch its product line or emphasis the manufacture and market capture of those products.7.0 Recommendations1. Adjust the shift of distributional channels in AustraliaThe retailing of cosmetics and toiletries in Australia has experienced a remarkable change in recent years. Supermarkets are beginning to play a major component part in selling cosmetics and toiletries, replacing traditional retailers and pharmacies (Market Overview, 2010). Major supermarkets such as Coles, Safeway and Woolworths have become the sites where 45 percent of cosmetic products are sold in Australia. Pharmacies and cosmetic retailers are showing more and more presence in cosmetic market. Jurlique should take this change into account when it come to adjusting marketing strategy.2. Professional technologic security shows its increasing importanceIt should be realized that natural or organic ingredients are no more than distinctive selling points which add value to the products. Consumers straight off tend to expect assurance through product certification, especially for new or unfamiliar products, just as Jurlique for Australian consumer. Therefore, it is highly recommended that Jurlique obtain professional certification from authorized certifiers to enhance product credibility.8.0 ReferencesIBIS World (2010). Cosmetic and Toiletry Retailing in Australia, Melbourne Arna Richardson, Exporter Guild, Australian, Organic Market, P11(ix), April 2011Jurlique official website. Retrieved fr om http//www.jurlique.com.au/U.S Commercial Service. 2010, Retrieved from http//www.trade.gov/cs/RAPS (2011). Beauty environmental scan. http// Newsletter. (2009). Retrieved from http//www.docstoc.com/docs/45622966/PHOSPHAGENICS-concealerAsia-Pacific Cosmetics and Toiletries Market Overview. 2010Pola Orbis (2011). POLA ORBIS HOLDINGS enters into a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire all outstanding shares of Jurlique International Pty LtdR.2011.New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (2011). Export bear Organics and green market in Australia.Jurlique International (2011). Australian packaging covenant action plan. Retrieved fromhttp//www.packagingcovenant.org.au/documents/File/Jurlique%20International%20Pty%20Ltd%20AP_10_15.pdf

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Concentration of enzymes Essay

CONCLUSIONBased on the results obtained from the experiment it can be concluded that the tautness of enzymes influences the rate of a chemical substance reaction. If enzyme concentration is decreased then the reaction rate will also decrease. If there is sufficient enzyme to bind with substrate then the reaction will prevent fast and if there are insufficient enzymes present then the reaction will slow downDISCUSSIONIt was predicted that with the increase of concentration of amylase solution, the date took to ramify down starch would decrease . This was prove correct , if basing on just these trials . The graph shows how with every single increase of the concentration , the amount of drops until the mixture fails to exceed a blue-black colour with iodine solution disappear decreased. This continually happened , without any outliers. The trend-line of the graph shows the predicted linear line in the relationship between concentration of amylase solution and the amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution. The amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution with a amylase concentration of 0.1% was found to be 12 drops, which was plotted on the graph.It can be presumed that a higher concentration of amylase is better because it does not take much time to break down the polysaccharide chains and a higher concentration helps to speed up this process. The amylase concentration of 0.1% took only 12 drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour, while the amylase concentration of 0.05% took 21 drops , the amylase concentration of 0.025% took 24 drops and the amylase concentration of 0.01% took 28 drops. Because the purpose of an enzyme is to speed up a reaction, it is logical that amylase would have a higher concentration so it can take less time for it to do its purpose. At higher amylase concentration the time taken until the mixture fails to give a blue-black col our with iodine solution. Despite this, there are sources of error that need to be acknowledge. The trial proved difficult for some, sometimes yielding no results. Another source may be the mixing of the concentration.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tourettes Syndrome in Children

Tourettes syndrome, as puff up called Tourettes b other is named after the neurologist, Gilles de la Tourette. Sometimes it is referred to as GTS simply more a great deal it is simply called Tourettes or TS. It is an hereditary neurological distemper marked by reason-based (motor) tics which atomic number 18 abrupt, repetitive, stereotyped, non-rhythmic movements, as well as vocal (verbal or phonic) tics which argon involuntary sounds produced by moving air through the nose, mouth, or throat. Tourettes is defined as wear out of a spectrum of tic inconvenience oneselfs, which includes transient and chronic tics.This disorder may appear in triple family members, and very much appears (co-morbid) with other behavioral disorders, in particular obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Hawley 2008). People with this disorder fill customary invigoration expectancy and intelligence, just now notes gutter lead to decrease in normal activities (Walkup, Mink & Hollenbeck 2006). Tourettes syndrome, as described in the psychiatric diagnostic tool DSM-IV-TR criteria is associated with distress or social or functional impairment (Hawley 2008). Onset and Diagnosis.The close common early sign to awake(p) people to visit the doctor for a possible presence of Tourettes is a facial tic much(prenominal) as rapidly blinking eyes or twitches of the mouth (NTSA 2009). Unintended, involuntary sounds such as throat clearing, shrugging or tics of the limbs may be initial signs but in certain case, although r ar, the symptoms become abruptly with multiple symptoms of movements and sounds. Chronic tic disorder is diagnosed with the presence of single or multiple tics, and the presence of motor or phonic tics (but not both) which is present for a year or more.On the other hand, Tourettes which falls under the category of in a higher place is diagnosed when there are multiple motor tics occurring at the same time wit h one phonic tic and is manifested for more than a year. As a general rule, simple motor tics like blinking are first noticed on the s perplexr at around 5-10 years old, while vocal tics start manifesting after 8 years old but before the sister is 15 years old. Symptoms of the disorder can be seen in infancy but this is a rarity. As a rule, the symptoms may come and go and children show identifiable signs at round 7 years old (Hawley 2008), and before 18-21years old ( filthy 2007).Studies name the most onset was between 9-14 years of age (Leckman 2003, Black 2007). Another study showed that tics started below 18 years, but 5 relatives had an onset after the age of 21 years. Affected persons will blink, jerk, grunt, clear their throats, slash their arms, grasp or clasp others, stupefy obsessive-compulsive behaviors or use verbal expletives (coprolalia) uncontrollably (Tabers 2001, 2207). In some cases, people suffering from Tourettes can control the verbal expletives in public b ut they will express it vigorously once they are in private.Coprolalia, the uncontrollable utterance of socially offensive or taboo words or phrases is the most popular symptom of Tourettes but it is not essential for a diagnosis hence about 90% of patients afflicted with it only Tourettes does not constitute coprolalia. The most common, initially noticed motor tic is eye blinking and the vocal tic is repetitive throat clearing (Black 2007). The disorder often grasps throughout the singulars lifespan but severity peaks in adolescence and thereafter decreases to a point that it is almost not bothersome to the person.This average though can be very misdirect be motion some form of fluctuation or recurrence befool been documented although it is not severe. There have also been rare cases that describe a recurrence of tics that is bothersome enough to seek medical attention, and have had to maintain lifelong interposition out-of-pocket to progressively worsening of tic activit y (Black 2007). Prevalence. Tourettes syndrome used to be cognise as a rare condition but it is now contended by doctors and psychologists that it may be more common but misdiagnosed because some cases are so mild that patients and their families discard it as being an homoeroticism rather than Tourettes.Most children with TS have mild, barely bothersome, non-disabling symptoms, and it is difficult to distinguish the signs of the disorder as opposed to a child acting out such as Mimicking others, blinking being viewed as tormenting someone who may have done so because they wear glasses, or by doing things that others would view as the child just stressful to get attention, therefore, medical attention is not a thought to the parents of the child who is doing these things.In some patients the tics improve and disappear as they grow older hence, they never seek medical attention. The estimated prevalence is 0. 7-4. 2% (Hawley 2008) based on children checked in public schools. Tour ettes is known to be familial and its prevalence rate in first-degree relatives is 5-15% (about 10 times the prevalence rate in the general population). Chronic motor tics occurring, without vocal tics has also been documented as being common in relatives (Black 2007).In special education programs, 26% of students identified tics, as compared to 6% of students in mainstream classrooms led to identification of co-morbidity with having symptoms of TS included ADHD and OCD (Hawley 2008), impulse control disorders, anxiety and vagary disorders, as well as difficulties with living and adaptation (Walkup, Mink & Hollenbeck 2006). It is estimated that 1 in 10 children per 1,000 have Tourettes disorder, and as many as 1 per 100 people may have tic disorders.In children, young-begetting(prenominal) to female ratio varies from 2-101 (Hawley 2008), boys have an increased prevalence for chronic tics compared to girls in exhibiting 51 ratio, although some studies show between 21 and 101 ratios (Black 2007). If OCD data is included as a variant of Tourettes, their quantities added to the total, the ratio between boys and girls become equal (Hawley 2008). Causes. Environmental factors may contribute to the cause but up to now exact causes of the disorder is still are not known.The clinical phenomenon are very similar across social classes, ethnicity and culture which suggests a genetic basis and the disorder has been reported globally (Hawley 2008). As children pass through adolescence, the tics decrease in severity and it is extremely rare for Tourettes to persist in adulthood. Whether the resolution is a compensation of the neuro system or a resolution of the underlying pathology is unclear (Hawley 2008).Adults who show signs of the disorder are likely to have shown symptoms since childhood, although these may have been so mild that they were in the main unnoticed and undiagnosed. In the US though, most diagnosed patients being examined at research centers and affiliat ed with lay organizations are white. But this does not necessarily mean that Caucasians have a predisposition, it may merely be due to differences healthcare-seeking behaviors. A non-genetic cause may also exist and is still under research and investigation.Additional evidence is being gathered regarding the differences in severity between affected twins with the twin having experienced peri-natal complications experiencing increased symptom severity (Hyde 1992, Black 2007). Also garnering much attention is the theory that Tourettes syndrome may be caused by an abnormal immune response to streptococcal infection. In several documented cases, tics began suddenly after a streptococcal infection. As a result of this the case definition for a post-streptococcal autoimmune neuro-psychiatric disorders came into being (Snider 2003, Black 2007).The difference between other movement disorders such as choreas, dystonias, and dyskinesias and that of Tourettes these are temporarily suppressibl e, non-rhythmic and more often than not are preceded by a precursory urge (Black 2007). Just before an onset, an afflicted individual feels an urge that is similar to one felt before a sneeze or an itch that ineluctably scratching. This is often pictured as a buildup of tension and energy which they are then able to consciously release so the sensation is relieved.It is further described as something stuck in ones throat, a localized provocation in the shoulders that leads to the need to clear ones throat or shrug the shoulders (Hawley 2008). The actual tic is eventually felt as relieving this tension or sensation, similar to clearing the throat or shrugging the shoulder. This is how premonitory sensory phenomena or premonitory urges are described by sufferers. Medication and Treatment. Often, medical specialty is unnecessary and a safe and effective medication for each and every case of tic is yet to be introduced.There have been medications as well as therapies that abet to re duce certain types of tics, but not cure it. In general, the medical management of Tourettes is the treatment of coexisting behavior symptoms, change in diet, patient and family education. The patient and family are educated regarding how to effectively brood the manifestations of the disorder, and if an effective adaptation is made, they can avoid the use of medications. Medication is only considered when there is substantial tour of duty with social and academic performance, as well as activities of daily living.The target is not for completely eliminating the symptoms but merely to alleviate the social embarrassment and discomfort so as to improve the social and academics life of the child. Various pharmacological agents are used to reduce the symptoms severity but it only treats the symptom and often the medications are have neurological effects whereas it has been argued that the disorder is a neurobiological condition. No curative or preventive treatments are atill available for this neurobiological or even biological aspect.There is a growing movement to go against medications because this being a chronic disorder, the goal should be long-term benefit rather than immobile improvement at any cost. Families are also getting increasingly worried that the medications might have a detrimental effect in their children, that perhaps in the end, it damages them rather than helping. It has been Resources for the child and families are available in several way which include educating students and school personnel regarding the nature the syndrome as well as improving the school environment will help the patient to avoid pharmacotherapy.Parents and families members of a child who has TS can turn to agencies such as the National Tourettes Association, counseling with the doctors, videos, and self help books. lineament List Black, Kevin J.. , Webb, Heather. Neurology Pediatric Neurology Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders. Mar 30, 2007. Available from eMed icine Specialties at http//emedicine. medscape. com/article/1182258-overview Hawley, Jason S. , Darnall, Carl R. , Gray, Sharette K. pediatrics Developmental and Behavioral Tourette Syndrome. 23 June 2008.Available from eMedicine Specialties at http//emedicine. medscape. com/article/289457-overview. National Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. Tourette Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions Website http//www. tsa-usa. org. Available at http//www. tsa-usa. org/ checkup/Faqs. html. 2009. Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. Tourettes Syndrome. (pp. 2207-2208). Philadephia, PA. F. A. Davis Company. 2001. Walkup, John T. , Mink, Jonathan W. , Hollenbeck, Peter J. Edition Tourette Syndrome. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2006.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mcdonalds Case Study

McDonalds case regard For at least 30 years McDonalds had the happen consumer base in the fast nutrient market. They seemed to have the market monopolized, however in time its consumer base drifted away. It would appear that Mcdonalds had become leisurely in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or property and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. Mcdonalds was suffering from low reaping and market base as well as decrease profits.The factors which affected this low growth and pretermit of profit was not only its competitors but also popular opinion of the quality and variety of the food not being up to the same standards of the competition such as Wendys or Burger king. overt opinion on Mcdonalds was that the food it sold was of poor quality with little to no variety and commonwealth would sacrifice the convinience and speed of their order for savouring and variety.To solve this bother Mcdonalds needs to br ing back the erstwhile reliable customers that it lost to the competition. This can be done a few different ways. Introduce sweet aspects to the existing menu, maybe different choices for existing products, possible rebrand and remarket any(prenominal) of these products with a possible price break. by chance improve the flavour of its beef as to improve the taste in all its burgers. -Introduce unexampled items on the menu similar to products of the competition ie.Burger King and Wendys. New slogan, new(a) product apperance on the cups and containers. This is to represent the new Mcdonalds. The previous list of ideas can be implemented the easiest by a complete marketing assail of the new product line and image for the caller-out. The size of the company allows it to have the resources to do this type of stir up with very little financial risk, basically the company has zero to loose but more customers.Mcdonalds slipperiness StudyMcDonalds case study For at least 30 yea rs McDonalds had the lead consumer base in the fast food market. They seemed to have the market monopolized, however in time its consumer base drifted away. It would appear that Mcdonalds had become comfortable in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or quality and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. Mcdonalds was suffering from low growth and market base as well as decreasing profits.The factors which affected this low growth and lack of profit was not only its competitors but also public opinion of the quality and variety of the food not being up to the same standards of the competition such as Wendys or Burger king. Public opinion on Mcdonalds was that the food it sold was of poor quality with little to no variety and people would sacrifice the convinience and speed of their order for taste and variety.To solve this problem Mcdonalds needs to bring back the once reliable customers that it lost to the competition. Th is can be done a few different ways. Introduce new aspects to the existing menu, maybe different choices for existing products, possible rebrand and remarket some of these products with a possible price break. Possibly improve the flavour of its beef as to improve the taste in all its burgers. -Introduce new items on the menu similar to products of the competition ie.Burger King and Wendys. New slogan, new product apperance on the cups and containers. This is to represent the new Mcdonalds. The previous list of ideas can be implemented the easiest by a complete marketing blitz of the new product line and image for the company. The size of the company allows it to have the resources to do this type of campaign with very little financial risk, basically the company has nothing to loose but more customers.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

High School and School Valedictorian Competition Essay

In the essay, The Joy of Graduating by Kate St bingle Lombardi, describes the traditionalistic lavishly school day valedictorian competition with the most prestigious students. The fight for the position of valedictorian has increase over the years. Danielle Gorman, an elected valedictorian at Moorestown High School in New Jersey, was quoted by Lombardi of the qualifications and standards it took to break down valedictorian. The traits Gorman describes common to valedictorians were taking on too much and are unwilling to fail.I think that Gormans assessment is reasonable because m whatever people who strive to be become valedictorian take on much than than than they can chew by taking multiple advanced placement classes to extracurricular activities in and right(prenominal) of school. My precedential class in high school had truly competitive students when it came down to ASB or any student elections. sever solelyy student who participated was usually the overachiever the y took multiple AP classes, team captains of the sports teams, and public speakers for all school events. Each student tried to dress intemperatelyer and prove that he or she could attempt to accomplish more than matchless a nonher.The students knew that having the title in high school would set them apart from eitherone else so that they could have a high ranking along with using their popularity to their advantage in gaining that title. The idea of originateting this title would overwhelm students so much that it would cause more stress on themselves on top of the classes they were already taking. Because of our schools competitiveness it was difficult to decide one individual for valedictorian. When it was time to decide who would become the valedictorian, in that location were devil top students whom our class thought would fit the winning spot.One of the students was a girl named Asal, who was elected senior class president for ASB. The other student was a boy named Hen ock, who was also elected in ASB barely for the school president. Both students had superb grades close to a 5. 0 grade point average and they both participated in every on and off campus school event. Each of them had many responsibilities. They each would do their part to help the school community when it came to any projects or tutoring. They set a gravid example for the student body to image up to. They wounded up the crowds during athletic games and pep rallies with incredible school spirit.They each would help come up with ideas and themes for dances, along with helping our school clubs with fundraisers and events such as blood drives. They would help put up flyers and learn announcements to make the students aware of fundraisers and activities that were constantly going on at school. They would try to help get the whole school more involved by creating fun games and contests going on during lunch to make sure that everyone felt like they were a part of something no matter what grade level they were in.They had all this pressure coming down on them with all these school activities, along with their school work. They felt the get hold of to accomplish these tasks in order to get into their dream college so this would help them feel a slender more secure that they would be accepted. It was incredible that they were able to complete these tasks as full time students and it moldiness have been mentally and physically exhausting. Our student body recognized their hard work and accomplishments so we course put them on a pedestal.The senior class knew that one of these remarkable scholars could be elected valedictorian. I personally encountered experiences with them both on how stressful it was for them to undertake so many duties. I had a equalize of classes with each of the presidents, and I started to witness each of them become more stressed out as more and more talk went around the school about who would become the valedictorian. They took the initi ative to work ten generation harder in class and pushed to receive perfect scores on tests and projects to raise their overall grade, so their ploughshare would help raise their grade point average.They took on so many extracurricular activities that they had no social life away(p) of school and struggled to keep up with everything going on. They were pushing themselves to the limit to be the best they could be. This soon glowering into a chaotic competition between the deuce most prestigious students in our senior class. at once graduation day had finally arrived, we were anxious to see whose hard work and commitment had paid off. Everyone was session in their assigned seats, clothed in their cap and gown apprehensively waiting for the manner of speakinges to be presented.I was looking around the stage to see who was chosen for the class valedictorian, nevertheless I couldnt front to spot out Henock or Asal anywhere. The principal was the first to give out the welcome spe ech. He presented a few awards and gave out some words of wisdom to the present senior class. Finally, at the end of his speech he announced that it was time to name our senior class valedictorian. Everyone moved around their seats anxiously trying to see who would be honored with this great achievement. The principal then surprised us with a statement none of us expected.There were to be two valedictorians honored this year because of their outstanding gpa and wide variety of extracurricular activities. Henock and Asal both gained the winning spot that they were each competing for. These two candidates spent their high school career taking various AP courses and being active participants in the school community in order to set themselves apart from the crowd and gained the honorable title of valedictorian. Little did they know that apparently their gpas were wholly a hundredth of a point apart.The principal explained that Henock actually had the overall high gpa, but he felt that because of Asals hard work and effort she should deserve the kindred recognition. needless to say our whole senior class was pretty shocked. We noticed how hard working and competitive these two had gotten to try to be valedictorian and yet both of them received the winning spot. Our school traditionally only had one valedictorian chosen each year so it caught us off guard that there were two valedictorians.It was ironic that they were both competing so hard against one another when all this hard work they accomplished still got them the credit they deserved. When the speeches were to be given out by our two valedictorians, I was expecting for Henock and Asal to contend for a better speech as well because I thought that since there is traditionally one valedictorian, they would still try to go head to head at who could give a better and more inspiring speech. But to my surprise they each gave out their congratulatory response to one another inside their speech.In Henocks speech, he acknowledged that Asal was a great inspiration and motivation for him to try harder in his classes and to exceed even his own expectations because that was how he perceived how she was in her classes. He admitted that he looked up to her with great respect and that she definitely deserved to be valedictorian whether or not he was chosen with her. Asal was very grateful and said a few great admiring words about him to show her appreciation towards him and his hard work.The fact that my highschool had two valedictorians did seem to be out of the ordinary for my senior class, but it certainly was deserved to the right people. Danielle Gorman describes the traits of a valedictorian to take one more tasks and harder classes with the drive to not fail.My classmates Henock and Asal indeed had that drive and it paid off well for the both of them and they each were appreciative that they got to share that identification number one spot with each other. Although they went head to head wi th each other trying to achieve the same goal, they were in it to win it and they did.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Domestic Violence Against Men and Women Essay

Whenever the thought of home(prenominal) help helpated vehe custodyce comes to mind, more than frequently the visual picture is a wo hands or a child. However, on that point is another side that has been ignored because it is pushed nether the rug. The unfortunate fact is that hands ar the victims of national violence at least as very much as women ar. While the very idea of men is being beaten by their wives or associates pull backs antonym to many of our deeply ingrained beliefs or so men and women, female or male violence against men is a well-documented phenomenon al close to completely ignored by twain the media and society (Watson 2013).The majority of male victims do not report being abused because of the fear that people bequeath not hope them. men be also silent on the issue because of societys automatic erudition that men are physically stronger and should easily be able to overcome a female attacker. Countless stories secern of men who are physically abused by women calling the law of nature only to be arrested themselves when the police arrive. One story tells of a man being driven to the hospital by the police by and by his wife struck him with a frying pan as he slept the wife was not arrested. many another(prenominal) men who experience violence from their wives during marriage are advised not to bring up much(prenominal) incidents in their divorce proceedings because the court may consider it an act of violence against the wife. In these possibilitys, perception takes center stage and allows women to get away with abuse while men pay the unjust consequences. The children keep apart themselves, want go to school, lying to protect the family, acting out, even bed wetting. In the long run those children that are witnessing the violence stomach be come abusive themselves. A family infra stress produces children under stress (Ackerman & Pickering1989).In America about 3 one million million million children witness some type domestic violence. Children that witness domestic violence in the home are at seek of being buffet themselves either by the batterer or by the victim. The long term effects of such violence can create a cycle that spans from generation to generation. Facts show 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men contract experience an attempted or completed rape. Three women are killed by a current or former intimate partner each day in America, on average.Over 22 percent of women to 7. 4 percent of men reported being physically assaulted by a current or former partner in their lifetime. Women who were physically assaulted by an intimate partner averaged 6. 9 physical assaults per year, 37% of women seeking injury-related treatment in hospital emergency rooms were there because of injuries inflicted by a current or formal spouse/partner. Women are at an increased risk of harm shortly after separation from an abusive partner. As previously mentioned, the majority of statistics show that women are v ictims of domestic violence.However, here are some more facts according to the house servant Violence against Men. It 100 domestic violence cases, 40% of these were against men, 60% against women. In a 1995 to 1996 study conducted by the U. S. Department of Justice (as promulgated in 2000), out of 8,000 women 25% were subjected to domestic violence. Out of the 8,000 men 7. 5% were also victims of domestic violence. The aforesaid(prenominal) 1995 to 1996 study estimated that, annually, in the U. S. , about 1. 5 million women and around 830,000 men are victims of domestic violence.Thats al more or less a 21 ratio of women versus men who were subjected to domestic violence. (Graham-Kevan, 2013). On the other hand, several(prenominal) conflicts destroy a relationship. The biggest conflicts that seem more widely publicized and always at the forefront are infidelity, poor financial handling, sex, children and abuse. Seemingly, abuse is something that is more tolerated and unmentioned as a code of silence on both sides of the relationship. According to (Tjaden, P& Thoennes, N 1998) women are more likely to report abuse than men.Usually this is the case because the victim are too ashamed to mention the abuse, and unless either witnessed or displays visible signs of abuse it will be tolerated until the victim has had enough, or until death occurs. Guilt most often what keeps the victim, at the hands of their abuser, that congenital turmoil that the victim goes through with leaving the since of feeling responsible, the feeling of leaving the relationship and the household, this alone is the cardinal reasons behind not leaving, not wanting to separate the household.Self-blame can not be avoided for some of those who believe that they just have not done enough, the only thing that will help is time, distance and ameliorate and too not get into another relationship until they are completely ready. It is estimated that about 3. 2 million men are victims of assault by th eir partner each year in the United States. However, most of these assaults are relatively minor, such as hitting, smacking, pushing, and shoving, others are much more serious. It has raised serious questions about implementation of arrest policies, equivalency of intimate partner aggression across genders, and management of female domestic violence offenders.This study compares demographic characteristics, criminal history variables, and the past domestic violence history of men and women arrested for domestic assault against a heterosexual intimate partner. Using victim reported information and data undisturbed by local criminal justice agencies, we found that female arrestees were significantly less likely than males to have histories that warrant concern regarding the potential for proximo violence. (Henning, K. , & Feder, L. 2004, 19(2), 69-80).The warning signs to look for in domestic violence. Many of the signs women are taught to interpret as caring, attentive, and romanti c are actually early warning signs f or future abuse. Here are some examples which includes constantly asks were you are going or were you at. Insists on you spend most of you time with cutting you off from family and friends. Accuses you of infidelity. Gets extremely anger when things do not go their way and accost negative of other women.With men there are no signs for them to follow the advice that I have is to keep abreast for some of the same things that women look out for. Some may even result in homicide by the same partner. The main goal is to strengthen families through treatment, counseling and education suggestions involved mandating intervention Programs for men and women, couples counseling, mediation, and judicial trainings, by implementing these helpful systems, it would be more effective towards the decrease of domestic abuse, and assist with fixing of the mental capacity of the abused and the family in a whole.In most domestic violence issues it ordinarily is a woman but has you can see men are also victims of domestic violence. home(prenominal) violence could be even eradicated or all together dismissed. Society is beginning to realize that domestic violence is an increasingly growing issue and must continue to work towards implementing programs to decrease it within the home. Domestic violence is not a private matter, a couples matter, or a domestic squabble. It is the choice of the abuser. Domestic violence is a way for a person to control another person.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Human resource management Essay

M any(prenominal) production line owners prep atomic number 18 a demarcation contrive before stick outing their military control. However, small calling owners often do not accommodate military personnel imagery planning as part of their over-all business plan. They may start out with only a few employees or none at all. Over time, it is important to powerful forecast employment inescapably. Just as failing to address potential threats in the marketplace chiffonier jeopardize the viability of your business, failing to anticipate personnel invites throw out impact on overall business success.The success of a business is directly linked to the performance of those who hold up for that business. Under makement can be a reply of workplace failures. Because hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that you put effort into human resource planning. Planning for HR needs provide help to ensure your employees exhaust the skills and competencies your business needs to succeed. An HR plan works hand in hand with your business plan to determine the resources you need to achieve the businesss goals. It will ruin prep be you for cater turnover, recruitment, and strategic hiring and alleviate stress when you have emergency/last-minute hiring needs.Human choice Planning Process Or Steps Of HR PlanningHuman resource planning is a process through which the company anticipates future business and environmental forces. Human resources planning assess the men requirement for future period of time. It attempts to provide sufficient men required to perform physical com patchal activities. HR planning is a continuous process which starts with identification of HR objectives, move through analysis of manpower resources and ends at appraisal of HR planning. Following are the major steps involved in human resource planning1. Assessing Human ResourcesThe assessment of HR begins with environmental a nalysis, under which the external (PEST) and inherent (objectives, resources and structure) areanalyzed to assess the contemporaryly available HR inventory train. After the analysis of external and internal forces of the organization, it will be easier for HR manager to find out the internal strengths as well as weakness of the organization in one hand and opportunities and threats on the other. Moreover, it includes an inventory of the workers and skills already available deep down the organization and a comprehensive job analysis.2. Demand ForecastingHR forecasting is the process of estimating consider for and cater of HR in an organization. Demand forecasting is a process of determining future needs for HR in legal injury of quantity and quality. It is done to meet the future personnel requirements of the organization to achieve the desired level of output. Future human resource need can be estimated with the help of the organizations current human resource situation and a nalysis of organizational plans an procedures. It will be inevitable to perform a year-by-year analysis for every significant level and type.HR planning must be tied to the overall business plan. You can start the process by assessing the current conditions and future goals of your company. effect these assessments regularly. Consider some of the succeeding(a) questionsWhat are the companys goals and objectives?Do these goals call for expansion into clean markets?Are fresh product lines planned?Are changes in technology necessary to stay war-ridden?Will new skills and/or training be required to meet the companys goals and objectives?The following three-step method is designed to help youdetermine whether or not you are ready to hire1. aim line of work Strategy and Needs2. Conduct a speculate Analysis and save a Job Description3. Determine the Feasibility of HiringHuman Resource Planning ChecklistStep 1 Identify Business Strategy and NeedsIdentify pressures and opportunities Clarify your business strategy and directionIdentify aspects of the business that need helpThe following questions will help you determine how many people are required, and with what skills, to fulfill your business needs. What new smirchs are opening up?What special skills (e.g. computer applications) will be needed? What work experience (e.g. in a particular area) will be required? When will new staff be needed?When should hiring be scheduled to ensure a smooth transition?Does the hiring plan similarly provide for employee turnover and attrition?Step 2 Conduct a Job Analysis and Write a Job DescriptionReview your current workforce-Describe the employees you now have in terms of their familiarity, skills, and experience and describe how they function together to get work done, At the same time, consider how the current work could be reorganized to make the trump out use of current and future employees.Identify any skills and knowledge gaps-Note any gaps between the skills and a bilities your current employees have and the skills and abilities that your workforce needs to meet your business objectives in the future. Write a job descriptionSet an appropriate salary-Start by adopting a general salary range to help you determine what you will need to budget and whether potential candidates are within your budget. You may want to complete a job evaluation, whereby you rank jobs and their corresponding salaries. Weigh the vastness of critical skills and knowledge for each position, compare positions, and rank the new position on the pay casing accordingly.You will need to do a comparison between the new and existing positions.Is the new position more junior/senior?Will the new position require more specialized skills and knowledge? Will the position have more complex tasks and different running(a) relationships? Will the new position have more or less responsibility?Tips for Conducting a Job Analysis* Ask employees near each position within the business and how they are (or are not) connected * Ask employees if they think hiring a new employee or creating a new position would be a good idea * keep open employees at work and earnestly ask for their ideas about better ways to operate be prepared to put good suggestions into action * Talk to clients about which employees are easiest to deal with or provide the best service * Find out and understand why past employees have left be transparent with yourself * Talk to customers about their needs* Understand the needs of people the new employee will be working with * Differentiate between nice to have and must have skills and experiences * Look at employees who are acting at a superior level and try to assess the skills and behaviors that distinguish them formula for evidence of these behaviors during the interview * Look at similar positions in other companies andthe requirements they have* Read books or articles about companies that may have found themselves in similar situationsStep 3 Determine the Feasibility of HiringUnderstand the costs of hiring-Labor costs, such as salary and benefits, Recruiting costs, which may include advertising in addition to time spent on recruiting activities, orientation and training.Understand the benefits of hiring-* better esprit de corps of other employees, if a departing employee was a problem or if the area has been Under staffed for some time* Improved morale of existing staff if the growth means new business and opportunities * Improved productivity if a departing employee was not productive or if employees believed that you have made the decision to hire as a result of their input* Increased revenues once a new employee is perform at an acceptable level * A new employee who is more qualified than current employees can help train the existing employees * Increased customer satisfaction and potentially saved business.Understand the risks of not hiring-* Loss of revenues because of an inability to keep up with contend * Lo ss of employees because they are unwilling to continue being overworked or to do the work of a leave employee* No new ideas or knowledge brought in through new employeesIf you decide that hiring a new employee is feasible, you are ready to begin the recruitment process. If not, you might need to revisit your strategic plan or business objectives.3. Supply ForecastingSupply is another side of human resource assessment. It is have-to doe with with the bringing close together of supply of manpower given the analysis of current resource and future availability of human resource in the organization. It estimates the future sources of HR that are likely to be available from within an outside the organization. inner(a) source includes promotion, transfer, job enlargement and enrichment, whereas external source includes recruitment of fresh candidates who are capable of performing well in the organization.4. Matching Demand And SupplyIt is another step of human resource planning. It is concerned with bringing the forecast of future demand and supply of HR. The matching process refersto bring demand and supply in an equilibrium position so that shortages and over staffing position will be solved. In causal agency of shortages an organization has to hire more required number of employees. Conversely, in the case of over staffing it has to reduce the level of existing employment. Hence, it is concluded that this matching process gives knowledge about requirements and sources of HR.5. Action PlanIt is the last bod of human resource planning which is concerned with surplus and shortages of human resource. Under it, the HR plan is penalize through the designation of different HR activities. The major activities which are required to execute the HR plan are recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, socialization etc. Finally, this step is followed by control and evaluation of performance of HR to check whether the HR planning matches the HR objectiv es and policies. This action plan should be updated according to change in time and conditions.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Auditing in business world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Auditing in business piece - Essay ExampleThis paper aims to discuss whether it is just to involve or blame the auditors for companies failures or bankruptcies or even fraudulent activities. Are auditors really part of the blame-game or is the public just reacting on what they grasp as the auditors failure to see and to report these bankruptcies and fraudulent activities Is on that point really a gap on what the public expects auditors to do and to report and what the auditors ar really tasked to doAccording to Robert K. Elliot (1998), the purpose of the audit is to provide self-assurance that the investors and the stakeholders can rely on the information presented by management in the follows financial statements and that they are non taking on undue financial risk when they invest in such a company. The auditors report, the ultimate output of the external auditor, is meant to communicate the various claims of the auditors. These claims are that the auditors have complied wit h the required auditing models, that they are independent of the company they are auditing and that they are stating that the balances of the company (as presented in the accompanying financial statements) are free from material misstatements and are thus, reliable to the outside readers and users.The website, www.abrema.net, defined expectations gap in auditing as the gap between the auditors actual standard of performance and the various public expectations of auditors performance (as opposed to their required standard of performance). The same website enumerated the various expectations of the public. These expectations accept (but are not limited to the following) (1) that the auditors should have prime responsibility for the financial statements that they audited (2) that auditors certify the financial statements (3) that when auditors provide a clean opinion, this means that the financial figures are accurate and free from error (4) that auditors should give early sample ab out the possibility of business failure and (5) that auditors are supposed to detect fraud. Another definition, match to Stanley Martens, is that this gap is the difference between (1) what the public and other financial statement users perceive auditors responsibilities to be and (2) what auditors deal their responsibilities entail (2001). Mr. Martens went on to state that this expectation gap has been in existence for several years (even decades) presently and may have stemmed from previous well-publicized hearings in a previous fraud case.Still some other definition from Marianne Ojo is that is the expectations gap is the difference between what users of financial statements, the general public perceive an audit to be and what the audit profession claim is expected of them in conducting an audit (2006). In fact, there is also a distinction between the expectations of the audit profession of an external audit and the perception of the external auditor. Thus, even at heart the accounting profession, such an expectation gap exists.Components of Expectation GapWww.abrema.net further divides expectations gap into the requirements gap, where there is a difference between the actual performance of the auditor and what is required by the current standards of the purchase order and the feasibility gap, is the difference between societys required standard

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Biographical Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biographical tax deduction - Essay ExampleDeath was inevitably his favorite topic in both his poems and short stories. During his life, Poe undergo severe social isolation. These feeling of isolation started when his father transferd or disappeared about the time of his sisters birth. His sisters name was Rosalie (Patrick 20-22).The family past relocated and Poe was isolated from his older brother, who was left with relations in Baltimore. During those younger years, he found his mother in the final phase of tuberculosis. On her demise, he was then isolated from his younger sister, Rosalie. Another major low point in Poes life was the demise of his surrogate mother, Mrs. Frances Allan, and his surrogate father rejecting him, all happening at one time. The most important blast to him was the sudden demise of his cousin, whom she had married-Virginia Clemm. This solitary loneness was the cause of almost all of his feelings of separation in his adulthood. He was attacked by a fit o f apprehension that made him believe that almost everyone he become close to would at long last die. The topics of isolation become inherent topics in his work (Silver valet de chambre 12-19).William Wilson is a short story which tells of a man and his doppelganger, which runs after the man around the universe trying to keep him away from trouble. Poe created his character to represent his own accounts of boyhood, which was he spent a large, rambling Elizabethan schoolhouse, in a misty-looking village of England (30-33). The setting of William Wilson is doubtlessly semi-autobiographical and passes as relation to Allan Edgar Poes home in England as a boy. The misty-looking village of England (30-33).The poem A Dream within a Dream explores the difficult process o saying goodbye to a loved one. Poe wrote this poem after the experience he went through after losing the women he had affairs with. In Poes mind, he perceived