Wednesday, May 27, 2020
The Key to Successful Short Essay Samples for Elementary Students
<h1> The Key to Successful Short Essay Samples for Elementary Students </h1> <p>Expository article uses formal language to discuss a person or thing. The subsequent sentence gives distinctive subtleties to deliver the peruser feel like he's there. The creator begins with a fairly inside and out story of an occasion or portrayal of an individual or spot. On the off chance that he is an individual, at that point their first name is utilized first. </p> <p>For many, recounting to a story is the most straightforward and best way to deal with form a grant paper. Discover someone you feel good and qualified letting reconsider your private articulation and give it to them. In this way, to compose an incredible exposition you must conceptualize all considerations concerning your background. Last, the detail of genuine discourse makes the scene pop. </p> <p>You may utilize the examples as an establishment for turning out to be the manner by which to write in the suitable style. In this way, it's an astounding establishment for grouped epic stories! To finish up, however it's easy to perceive any reason why permitting a grade school kid to have a cell phone would be helpful for after-school pickups or organizing playdates with pals, there's an excessive amount of proof to show that it's commonly not an extraordinary thought. A few understudies use the absolute first thought that shows up in their mind and work on it, yet the result isn't effective. </p> <h2> The Argument About Short Essay Samples for Elementary Students </h2> <p>Subsequently, paper was characterized from multiple points of view. You've quite recently composed a recognized article. Simply, the paper should state how you plan to prepare for class. A money related article can start with a theory, or it might start with a topic. </p> <p>You'll watch a comparable structure in a few of the papers. There are over twelve assortments of expositions, thusly it's anything but difficult to get confounded. In case you're to truly pick up from model articles, you need to see how to peruse the methods of the essayist'. It's basic that you learn from the get-go how best to create compelling expositions that impart obviously and achieve certain destinations. </p> <p>When you imagine that it is completely completed, you're set up to edit and arrange the article. Composing a secondary school paper in the event that you have the tips about how to do article successfully. The ESL article should be syntactically exact. At the point when you initially start composing expositions in school, it isn't phenomenal to have an entire subject doled out to you. </p> <p>No matter the crucial the paper, guarantee you're keen on your theme. You might want your exposition to stand out from all the others. Bridget's exposition is very solid, yet there keep on being a couple seemingly insignificant details that could be improved. Stephen's paper is very successful. </p> <h2> How to Choose Short Essay Samples for Elementary Students </h2> <p>One of the central errands of the application paper is to track with the headings. In this way, here are various pieces of exhortation to make the technique for creating an incredible informative exposition less complex. Taking everything into account, it would appear that task expositions keep on getting a conspicuous part in tertiary instruction as an evaluation device. Numerous inadequately made expositions are delivered because of a shortage of readiness and certainty. </p> <p>All the reference things start with the title of the data asset. Stay consistent with the subj ect, and you will get a sound piece that will get you an unrivaled evaluation. Understudies should figure out how to form a circumstances and logical results paper alone. </p> <p>If your exposition is depicting a procedure, similar to how to make a colossal chocolate cake, ensure your passages fall in the correct buy. The most significant thought of the entirety of the analysis is to offer a conclusion both of positive or negative ramifications. Each body section will have the indistinguishable standard structure. The subsequent body passage will adhere to precisely the same configuration as the absolute first body section. </p> <h2>If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Short Essay Samples for Elementary Students </h2> <p>Furthermore, you may download our free guide for more exhortation on the most ideal approach to find grants to concentrate abroad. You may decide to review on the type of paper they've composed and whether your understudies have followed the specific heading you gave. Understudies are familiar with the reality which their educators give them with the task's subject. Numerous understudies imagine that it is an exercise in futility. </p>
Social Problems to Write About
<h1>Social Problems to Write About</h1><p>Why would it be a good idea for me to expound on social issues to expound on them? There is nothing amiss with social issues, they are extremely common nowadays. It's the manner in which society responds to them that can represent the moment of truth the lives of our kin. So as to conquer any of these issues, there must be a superior comprehension of why we are encountering them in the first place.</p><p></p><p>The reactions of individuals to issues of this nature can be extremely abnormal inquiries. The appropriate responses that individuals give are difficult to process for those that don't generally have the foggiest idea about the responses to the inquiry, however the reality remains that we have no other decision yet to inquire. We are compelled to do as such so as to discover the appropriate responses and discover an answer. This isn't in every case simple to achieve, however it is something tha t we as a whole should be doing.</p><p></p><p>Sometimes it is more hard to expound on the issues than it is to expound on the arrangements. That is the reason I chose to compose this article about social issues to expound on them. I need to give a portion of the responses to the inquiry that individuals pose to me, and ideally a few arrangements that individuals can utilize when expounding on the equivalent issue.</p><p></p><p>There are those that imagine that changing the guidelines is the appropriate response since they accept that this will stop an inappropriate answers. Changing the principles isn't generally the appropriate response however. I am stating that individuals should take a gander at the manners in which that the standards are as of now set up and attempt to transform them a little to make them somewhat more reasonable and open to everyone.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous principles and obstructi ons that different various races from each other. These guidelines are set up which is as it should be. You should investigate these boundaries, to check whether they are gainful to everybody. On the off chance that they are, at that point you can begin seeing approaches to transform them with the goal that everybody can have the option to appreciate them. Consider the time that we spend on games. Numerous individuals simply sit before their PCs and mess around and go through hours on them. A considerable lot of them really don't get off of them once they get its hang. Possibly this is something that should be changed. Asking the individuals who are messing around about their suppositions on this theme is a decent idea.</p><p></p><p>Of course the Internet has been a humiliation for a long time now. There are a considerable lot of us that need to manage this day by day. Individuals have various degrees of skill about the Internet. One individual can't simply r eveal to you everything about the Internet that you would ever need to know. Individuals should be increasingly instructed and acquire specialists who can help get new guidelines and guidelines that will assist everybody with having an extraordinary encounter on the Internet.</p><p></p><p>Hopefully at this point you have understood that there are numerous motivations to expound on social issues to expound on them. It is something that we as a whole should be doing.</p>
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Term Paper Writing Service in Canada - How to Write on Any Topic
Term Paper Writing Service in Canada - How to Write on Any TopicIf you want a good and cheap way to improve your spelling, grammar and writing abilities, consider hiring a term paper writing service in Canada. Writing for academic papers in the United States is no doubt much more complex than writing for personal needs.Canada, after all, is a country with a great deal of English speakers and an equally large number of English teachers who understand the importance of a standardized curriculum in education. So, what better way to put your ideas across to a class of English teachers than through written English?When you study the subject of English at school, you need to think as quickly as possible to write an essay on any given topic. In the United States, the same task may be impossible to accomplish because most writers can't work that fast, especially when trying to express themselves in a short time. A term paper writing service in Canada may provide you with an opportunity to wr ite your own research paper in a few days or even weeks, not months or years.The fact that English is taught in schools all over the world makes it easier for students to understand the concepts that are part of the syllabus. But the same syllabus may fail to give students a good understanding of the fundamentals of grammar and spelling. In addition, most English classes in Canada are offered by native English speakers, so students will only need to learn the basic tools needed to present their ideas in the proper manner.There are few countries that would actually allow a student to just cram all of his or her thoughts into a short period of time and then present it as an essay, without thinking about the grammatical nuances and how it would be read. There are many subjects where such a term paper writing service would be useful, especially if you have difficulty writing clear and concise sentences. Students in the United States also need to write essays on important topics like poe try, religion, science and many others.As far as quality is concerned, a term paper writing service in Canada is a great alternative to writing and submitting a lengthy essay on the same topic yourself. An essay from a skilled and experienced writer will be a great source of reference for all those who want to understand a difficult subject.An online writer can also help students with their non-academic writing needs. If you would like to provide valuable information about topics in your field of expertise, consider hiring a term paper writing service in Canada to do the job for you. If you can't find a competent writer, you can always search on the Internet for sample articles that could help you.
Monday, May 25, 2020
How to Get Started in Writing an Essay
Instructions to Get Started in Writing an EssayYou have looked everywhere throughout the web for data on the best way to begin recorded as a hard copy an article. Possibly you need to compose an exposition, yet don't have the foggiest idea where to begin. Here are a few hints to assist you with starting with.The first thing you have to do is ensure that you realize how to compose an exposition before you start. This is significant, as though you don't have the foggiest idea how to compose, at that point the remainder of the procedure will be outlandish. You have to know how to lay the focuses, you have to realize how to structure the paper, and above all, you have to realize how to stream your thoughts.I realize it seems like a great deal of work to take somebody through the way toward composing an exposition, yet it truly isn't. With only a tad of time and exertion, it won't be so troublesome. Along these lines, what are a few hints to help you begin?If you can't discover any tips t o assist you with composing an article, at that point I propose you start by seeing some composing instructional exercises. These are programs that are intended to show you how to compose. These instructional exercises are exceptionally well known, and it's anything but difficult to track down them on the internet.If you don't have a clue how to compose, these instructional exercises will give you a head start and show you the nuts and bolts of English punctuation. Remember that you won't get the hang of everything immediately. That being stated, you can be set up to compose all around ok to set yourself up for the composing test you will be taking.Writing instructional exercises can be an incredible method to begin. On the off chance that you know nothing about composition, these projects can assist you with learning the fundamentals. It will likewise give you a smart thought of what kind of composing will be expected of you in school.Also, when you do choose to start composing a p aper, recall that you are beginning without any preparation. There is nothing more terrible than plunking down to compose a paper, just to discover that you can't come to the heart of the matter where you feel good. Ensure that you have a decent diagram before you start. At that point, when you know about the layout, you can proceed onward to different parts of the essay.Hopefully this article has given you a few thoughts on the most proficient method to begin recorded as a hard copy a paper. Recollect that beginning the essentials will assist you with getting a decent head start. With training, you will have the option to compose a paper well.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Buy a Term Paper Online - Tips to Avoid Buying a Waste Paper That is Broke
<h1>Buy a Term Paper Online - Tips to Avoid Buying a Waste Paper That is Broke</h1><p>You might be enticed to purchase a research project on the web, however you ought to be extremely careful about doing as such. This can be dubious for some individuals and they don't know about the traps in question. It is significant that you read this guide with the goal that you can recognize what to watch out for.</p><p></p><p>Some individuals imagine that purchasing on the web implies that they will set aside cash. The truth of the matter is that it doesn't. The motivation behind why is on the grounds that you need to pay for an expense to buy the research project online.</p><p></p><p>There is additionally a charge for delivery. A few organizations remember it for the expense of the paper, which makes it much progressively costly. On the off chance that you need to be sure that you will get the papers that you need, at that point you should get it from an organization that offers free shipping.</p><p></p><p>The other thing that you should pay special mind to is the important part. You ought to consistently ensure that you read the fine print before you purchase a research project on the web. This should assist you with settling on your choice. It ought to likewise enable you to realize what occurs on the off chance that you don't utilize it appropriately or what kind of punishments you could confront on the off chance that you do.</p><p></p><p>When you think about the costs from various organizations, ensure that you realize which organization is the least expensive. You can do this by looking at their conveyance charges and ensuring that they can get the papers to you in time. Ensure that you pick an organization that gives an ensured conveyance date with the goal that you don't wind up paying for the paper when it shows up after the settled upon date.</p& gt;<p></p><p>Another factor that you ought to consider is that when you purchase a research project on the web, you need to pay a handling charge. Ensure that you realize how much this is going to cost you before you purchase. In the event that you pay it simultaneously as the paper, at that point you can abstain from paying an extra expense later on.</p><p></p><p>The last thing that you ought to know about is that you should utilize this paper on the web. There is no reason for sitting around perusing it on paper. Ensure that you don't keep it in an organizer or cabinet, since you may forget about it and not have the option to get it out.</p><p></p><p>By following these tips, you ought to have the option to purchase a research project online with no issues. It is ideal to adhere to legitimate organizations that give magnificent client support and set aside you time and cash. You can ensure that you are getting the qu ality paper that you need at the value that you want.</p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on the Psychological Effect of the Internet on College Students
<h1>Essay on the Psychological Effect of the Internet on College Students</h1><p>If you need to compose a paper on the mental impact of the web on undergrads, there are some fundamental guidelines you ought to follow. Numerous understudies decide to compose expositions for the GRE or ACT. This is a test that quantifies the characteristics of an understudy's scholarly potential and is required by most universities. Furthermore, numerous undergrads currently take the SAT to contend in the following degree of testing.</p><p></p><p>As you survey this manual for composing an article on the mental impact of the web on understudies, you will gain proficiency with some essential rules that can assist you with developing a specific topic that will help you in your next test. It is additionally useful to comprehend that the principal exposition you compose may not be the best paper you ever compose. It will require some investment and practice to sharp en your abilities and become a superior writer.</p><p></p><p>A significant explanation you ought to compose an article on the mental impact of the web on understudies is on the grounds that most undergrads currently take online courses and classes. Regardless of whether you are not an understudy who takes online classes, you should in any case inquire about the Internet for the most ideal approach to respond to questions. As you find out about composing expositions, you will see that there are numerous hotspots for data. As you show signs of improvement, you will have the option to pick the best article subject that identifies with the inquiry that is being asked.</p><p></p><p>As you look for the best exposition theme, you ought to likewise be set up to change it as frequently as important. When you have made all the alters, make certain to utilize an alternate point of view to include setting. This will permit you to 'pivot' your arti cle and relate it to the central matter that you are attempting to make.</p><p></p><p>Another advantage to composing an inquiry regarding the mental impact of the web on undergrads is that you can truly associate with the class when you relate your own understanding. You can likewise think about the understudies as your friends. Furthermore, when you can identify with the world that your understudies are experiencing, it encourages you to relate to them.</p><p></p><p>Before you compose your paper, you will need to consider what you need to state. On the off chance that you need to examine some psychological points of interest, you should realize this relies upon what you need to discuss. In the event that you need to discuss utilizing the Internet to impart, at that point you should discuss approaches to improve correspondence using innovation. This will assist you with making an enduring impression.</p><p></p><p&g t;For model, on the off chance that you are composing an article on the mental impact of the Internet on undergrads, you should give data about how visit rooms can be helpful devices for conveying and the significance of utilizing email. In the event that you might want to discuss how interpersonal interaction destinations can be useful for understudies, you should take a gander at locales, for example, Facebook. You can likewise discuss the advantages of a network site, for example, a long range informal communication site for understudies. Truth be told, the more you think about these destinations, the better your paper will be.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you should remember that your general thought will be the main thrust behind your exposition. By investigating the territory you need to expound on, you will have the option to refine your thought until you have an article that individuals will adore. As you compose, you should consistently think of an alternat e point of view to improve your articles and make them unique.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Upside to How to Write about My Self
<h1>The Upside to How to Write about My Self </h1> <p>At best, you're telling the peruser something they definitely know. 1 thing to hold up under as a top priority is that for your private paper to really stick out, you should expound on an encounter that not every person experiences. Notwithstanding what's the point of your exposition, there's a preset number of focuses which you will be relied upon to manage. You may utilize the model' responses to give you an idea of what that answer may seem like in its last shape however be sure to utilize your own words. </p> <p>True, however not every person is an unadulterated essayist. Simply take a gander at her profile underneath and you're going to perceive any reason why. You may compose your will on a clear piece of paper, or you may buy preprinted structures for making your will. </p> <p>You may likewise consider a closure that reflects the beginning of your paper. Regardless of whether you wish to educate you whole biography or just a particular segment of it is all up to you. An individual must figure out how to organize the activity of composing and it needs to transform into a non-debatable bit of the ordinary daily practice. The rest of your diagram must comprise of specific occasions throughout your life that you might want to expound on in your life account. </p> <h2> Ok, I Think I Understand How to Write about My Self, Now Tell Me About How to Write about My Self! </h2> <p>You will have the option to discover all the assets you ought to create a best man discourse advantageously bundled together in one region. It is difficult to obtain on the local paper since they have a rigid control. In all honesty, there's much more to life than a person. In most of states, on the off chance that you wish to avoid a child, you should expli citly express that the youngster was barred. </p> <p>You could guarantee it is very hard by just having a URL to your site they need to click... at that point look around erratically planning to find your email. The best non-proficient supervisor is an individual who can compose and can be unbiased. On the off chance that you utilize the word understanding' you can connect this to your LinkedIn profile. The total bit by bit control remembered for the bundle will permit you to make your absolute best man discourse in a few minutes. </p> <p>Nobody can change or upgrade your life that is directly for you, so you need to do it for yourself. At the point when things come up short, they rapidly begin searching for strategies to put them right. Your genuine inclination about the way that it will wind up scanning for you. </p> <h2> A History of How to Write about My Self Refuted </h2> <p>Writers compose so the point is to distribute four pieces by April firstroughly at regular intervals. Moving cash from 1 ledger to another doesn't need to be unwieldy. On the off chance that you don't have youngsters or don't have numerous advantages, you may wish to make your own will. </p> <p>Have predictable terminologyOnce you get a general thought regarding what you will follow, endeavor to merge them in a reliable arrangement of terms. On the off chance that you decide to create your own will, you will presumably require some assistance making your record, you will need to realize what things to incorporate, and you're going to need to see how to permit it to be legitimate. Or on the other hand you may likewise just wish to follow the ordinary amount of time you spend day by day, week by week, or month to month on a particular movement. It is basic to put aside time and instruments it to carry it to an a lot more beneficial state. </p> <p>If you don't comprehend what you're doing, chances are, you won't be in a situation to exploit the specific subtleties and points of interest that each language and structure brings to the table you. Ninety-five percent existing apart from everything else, there's no genuine pending peril. Fortunately there are intends to appreciate what your information focuses mean. Speak the truth about territories where you aren't solid. </p> <p>Set your own limits for what you need and don't wish to share. There's no envelope to imagination. There are bunches of extraordinary seminars on Udemy which can assist you with figuring out how to create great thoughts. Many website architecture portfolios have a particular contact page, which is normally a smart thought. </p>
Lady Macbeth Essay - 1208 Words
Lady Macbeth It is thought that Macbeth was written in 1605 or 1606 and performed for King James 1 and his brother-in-law, King Christian of Denmark. Whether it was actually performed for the king, or was premiered at The Globe Theatre like most of Shakespeare’s plays, there can be little doubt that aspects of the play were intended to please James 1, who was by this time the patron of Shakespeare’s theatre group. For example, the character of Banquo, the legendary root of the Stuart family tree, is depicted very favourably, perhaps to please the king. The play is also quite short, possibly because Shakespeare knew that James preferred short plays and†¦show more content†¦Lady Macbeth seems very cold hearted and almost inhumane when she suggests that she would kill her own child breaking a promise to her husband. It is difficult to know whether Lady Macbeth is just exaggerating or whether she would be prepared to carry out such an incredible action. At this part of the play she slyly manipulates Macbeth by calling him a coward, saying, â€Å"Live like a coward in thine own esteem, letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would’ like the cat I’ the adage?†She then contrasts this with her own determination to accentuate Macbeth’s weakness. Macbeth is shamed by her persuasive words and agrees to take part in her murderous plan. Deceptiveness is another of Lady Macbeth’s great strengths. She welcomes Duncan whole- heartedly to the castle telling him â€Å" all our service, in every point twice done, and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.†This quality also proves very useful to Lady Macbeth in other parts of the play. When the bells ring- (the sign for the killing to take place) Lady Macbeth panics and has to rely on alcohol to give her ‘Dutch courage.’ This is a rare sign of weakness. It is times like this when we begin to wonder if the ruthless image portrayed by Lady Macbeth is true or not. The murder ofShow MoreRelatedLady Macbeth940 Words  | 4 PagesLady Macbeth Shakespeare, who was a writer born in Stratford-upon-Avon created many different plays, in which he always portrayed the woman as the â€Å"bad guy.†He was born in 1564 and he was a writer, actor and a dramatist. He wrote many plays, mostly revolving around tragedy such as: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth. Shakespeare was a respected poet, and writer who received recognition after he passed away, April 23rd. 1616. One of Shakespeare’s well-known tragic plays ``Macbeth`` describes howRead MoreLady Macbeth1003 Words  | 5 PagesLady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is the most interesting and complex character in the play. She is, in fact, the point on which the action pivots: without her there is no play. Macbeth s most interesting and complex character is most certainly, as the question states, Lady Macbeth. The purpose of this essay is to describe Lady Macbeth s role in the play and discuss why this makes her the most fascinating character. Her evil doings are the main reasons why she dominates the plot so greatly.Read MoreLady Macbeth960 Words  | 4 Pagesof time of fast decisions and unsure actions is going to expose them to danger or injury. In the play Lady Macbeth proves this to be true. The emotional mistakes shredded the journey Lady Macbeth puts down throughout this play and eventually ends in her death. She feels overpowered by everything that is happening in two ways, both mentally and physically and decides to end her own life. Play Macbeth by William Shakespeare shows two proper ordinary nobles whose lives twisted together in a whirlwindRead MoreThe Relationship Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay3134 Words  | 13 PagesThe Relationship Between Macbeth and Lad y Macbeth Macbeth and Lady Macbeth face an extraordinary situation involving a strong supernatural theme and murder and treason of the highest kind. However Shakespeare still cleverly manages to make Lady Macbeth and Macbeth relate to audiences of all eras and to convey a strong moral message within his play. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is fascinating to study. Shakespeare constantly changes their attitudeRead MoreLady Macbeth1937 Words  | 8 PagesLady Macbeth Essay I am going to do an essay on a play called Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare. The play is a tragedy, believed to have been written in 1611-12. The play is about a man named Macbeth whom, at first is a kind, tender man who later gets tempted by three foul witches to commit a murder in order to become king. Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth is thrilled by the prophecies given by the witches and is eager for Macbeth to commit the murder. Macbeth disagrees with his wife greatlyRead MoreThe Death Of Lady Macbeth1177 Words  | 5 Pagesbegin with one of Shakespeare’s most beloved and tragic plays, Macbeth. Set in 11th century Scotland there is more than one logical way to interpret the signs, symbols and themes of this intriguing story. There is more than one mystery and obscurity in this play that seems to be left open to the interpretation and imagination of the reader. One compelling occasion in particular is that of the death and supposed suicide of Lady Macbeth. Many critics, readers and other interpreters have discussed theRead MoreLady Macbeth vs. Serena Essay836 Words  | 4 Pages Comparing Serena and Lady Macbeth It is no secret that Ron Rash’s Serena is a very similar character in comparison to Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth. These two women are very much alike and only slightly different. Though Rash does not claim to base his work off of Macbeth, the two characters resemble each other in a couple different ways. Serena and Lady Macbeth are alike in the fact that they are both ambitious, malicious, and cold-blooded women who are driven by their love for their husbands.Read MoreEssay on Lady Macbeth1109 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the tragedy of Macbeth we observe two people on their attempt to gain power and glory through various foul actions. It can be argued that Lady Macbeth is the one responsible for triggering a slippage into this inevitable situation that led to their descent. From the moment Macbeth became aware of his â€Å"fate†Lady Macbeth started forming her own imaginary world in which her evil plans seemed likely to be effective. The thought of she and her husband being royalty makes her dismiss rationalityRead MoreThe Downfall of Lady Macbeth1371 Words  | 6 PagesIn Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth’s desire and ambition leads to her eventual downfall. When Lady Macbeth hears of Macbeth’s prophecy she dreams of the glory and high-standing that awaits being queen. She cannot withhold her ambitions and she is willing to manipulate fate to bring about Macbeth’s prophecy. She invokes evil spirits to be filled from head to toe with cruelty to do the evil actions necessary to make Macbeth king and to remove all remorse and pity for her action from her heart.Read More Lady Macbeth Essay1275 Words  | 6 Pages Term Paper On Lady Macbeth William Shakespeare created a dynamic character called lady Macbeth; she was the total opposite of what women of the Shakespearian era were supposed to be. Despite qualities women were supposed to have in Shakespeare’s time, Lady Macbeth defied the way most women of her time acted. Lady Macbeth defied the ways of women of her time by being manipulative, ambitious, and ruthless. Women’s lifestyles back in Shakespeare’s time period was very different from the modern day
Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for a Carnegie Mellon Writing Grad Essay
<h1>Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for a Carnegie Mellon Writing Grad Essay</h1><p>If you are thinking about doing a Carnegie Mellon composing graduate exposition, at that point here are a couple of pointers that can support you. You should design your course well and read everything that is offered in the class, regardless of whether it is an understanding book. Make a rundown of the considerable number of assignments, both upper level and lower level and ensure you complete the task before the date of the test. Make a rundown of all the writing that you should peruse before the test and sort out them appropriately so you can check them when required.</p><p></p><p>In your Carnegie Mellon composing graduate exposition, you need to expound on two points. One is the subject that you need to expound on in your theory and the other is a verifiable zone that you need to discuss. Every theme can be all alone, or there might be more than one point. Ensure that every point has two passages, which will take up around one page. This page ought to have a start, center and an end.</p><p></p><p>The first section, which is on the point you will expound on, will mention to you what you need to talk about and incorporate your exploration and proposal. At that point you will go into your realities and you must be certain that every one of your realities are right is set apart with an asterisk.</p><p></p><p>When composing your postulation, you should utilize a typist since it will assist you with defeating the composition. It is prudent to get a knowledgeable typist on the off chance that you get lost while composing the postulation. Ensure that you deal with the subtleties like the sentence structure and accentuation, and ensure that you incorporate all the subtleties that are basic in your thesis.</p><p></p><p>When composing a proposition, you ought to think about utilizing the administrations of an affirmed school advocate or an outsider. On the off chance that you can't bear to employ a school instructor or an expert, at that point consider utilizing the administrations of somebody who can offer you an unprejudiced input about the proposition. Prior to choosing what to write in your proposition, you ought to ask your teacher and ensure that you have all the data prepared. Else, you will burn through your time and cash as the paper is never written.</p><p></p><p>Once you are finished with your Carnegie Mellon composing graduate exposition, you should fill in the studies before you present your work. There are two sorts of reviews, which depend on your inclinations. For instance, in the event that you need to find out about music, at that point you need to take expressions of the human experience overview, and in the event that you need to find out about human turn of events, at that point you need to take the s ocial science survey.</p><p></p><p>When you are finished with your Carnegie Mellon composing graduate paper, it is significant that you follow a specific configuration. Recollect that your proposition must be elegantly composed and intriguing. On the off chance that you don't design well, at that point you may wind up with a bombed paper and a terrible grade.</p>
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Problem Set - 663 Words
Me1 Problem Set #2 The US College Enrollment and the â€Å"Third Law of Demand†A theorem proposed by Professors Alchian and Allen in their text, University Economics (1964) has had several rebirths of interest in the literature. The so-called â€Å"third law of demand,†or â€Å"relative price theorem,†holds that a fixed cost added to a good of varying quality causes the consumer to prefer the category considered of higher quality to the lower. Recently a number of studies, keeping this theorem in mind have looked into a relationship between the ratio of public to private enrollment and unemployment in cross-sectional as well as in time series data. Part of the full cost of participating in higher education is foregone employment income. In their†¦show more content†¦Tables 2 and 3 show a clear distinction between the two genders. Table 2 Dependent Variable: Enrollment Ratio for Males (t values in Parentheses) State Level Data Repressors Coefficient Estimates CONSTANT 9.032 (1.196) UNEMPLOYMENT 0.8753 (0.539) UNEMPLOYMENT SQUARED 0.0l0 (0.409) INCOME -0.00008 -(0.354) FINANCIAL AID -0.1065** -(1.618) TUITION RATIO -5.4489 -(0.565) POPULATION -0.0029* -(1.881) N= 51, R2 =0.1503 ,F =1.297 Table 3 Dependent Variable: Enrollment Ratio for Males and Females (t values in Parentheses) State Level Data Repressors Coefficient Estimates Females Males CONSTANT -286.542 9.032 -(1.210) (1.196) UNEMPLOYMENT 99.510* 0.8753 (1.956) (0.539) UNEMPLOYMENT SQUARED -1.187* 0.010 -(1.491) (0.409) INCOME 0.01515** -0.10008 (2.240) -(0.354) FINANCIAL AID -4.4702** -0.1065* -(2.165) -(1.618) TUITION RATIO -114.185 -5.4489 -(0.378) -(0.565) POPULATION -0.0636 -0.0029* -(1.296) -(1.881) N 51 51 R2 0.2171 0.1503 F 2.034 1.297 **0.05 level of significance * 0.01 level of significanceShow MoreRelatedproblem set 2959 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿PROBLEM SET 2 Name: ___________________________________ Problem Set 2 is to be completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4. 1. The following table presents data for wages in the market for internet security professionals. (HINT: in the labor market the roles are reversed. Those who want to hire labor are the demanders. The workers enter the work force providing labor to the market place so they are the suppliers.) Wage Quantity Demanded Quantity supplied $50,000 20,000 14,000 $60Read MoreProblem Set 3691 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Problem Set 3 Problem Set 3 is to be completed by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6. 1. Data for the market for graham crackers is shown below. Calculate the elasticity of demand between the following prices. Price of crackers Quantity Demanded (per month) $3 80 $2.5 120 $2 160 $1.5 200 $1 240 $1.00 - $1.50: Elasticity of demand equals .45; favoring inelasticity $1.50 - $2.00: Elasticity of demand equals .78; favoring inelasticity $2.00 - $2.50: Elasticity of demand equals 1.29; favoringRead MoreAccounting Problem Sets1214 Words  | 5 PagesName: _________________________________________ Instructions: The exam is composed of six problems worth a total of 100 Points Make sure you have all parts in your exam. Including this cover page, you should have ten pages. Each problem has its own set of instructions. Unclear responses will receive 0 points. Show all work for partial credit. You may abbreviate labels to save time. If you do not have enough space for your answer, use the back of the page to complete it. ProvideRead MoreProblem Set 3748 Words  | 3 PagesFNCE 101 Problem Set #3 Due: 11-5-12 1. A) The private savings would not change, in the long-run, because since consumers tend to be consumption-smoothers, there would be a natural switch from the consumption of foreign goods to the consumption of domestic goods. However, in the short-run, there would be a decrease in savings because the demand for domestic goods would increase thus increasing domestic prices and since consumers are consumption-smoothers, they would dip into private savingsRead MoreProblem Set 2788 Words  | 4 PagesRunning head: PROBLEM SET I Problem Set I â€Æ' Problem Set I 4-20 Juan’s Taco Company has restaurants in five college towns. Juan wants to expand into Austin and College Station and needs a bank loan to do this. Mr. Bryan, the banker, will finance construction if Juan can present an acceptable three-month financial plan for January through March. The following are actual and forecasted sales figures: Table 1 Actual November $120,000 December 140,000 Forecast January $190,000 FebruaryRead MoreProblem Set 1842 Words  | 4 PagesPROBLEM SET # 1 Instructions: 1) Open book, open notes limited to only class materials. 2) Unlimited time. 3) This must be reflective of your individual effort. GMU Honor Code applies. 4) The Problem Set #1 (only the question solutions portion) is due at the end of the day on September 24th. 5) Show all work, as partial credit will be given for each question’s answer. Organize your work so it is easy to follow. You can use word, power point, excel or combinationsRead MoreProblem set 1788 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ECP 6705 – First Problem Set Fall, 2014 Name or Names: (if a group of two) 1. Write a memo to UWF COB Dean Tim O’Keefe explaining why you believe offering a tuition increase for the next semester MBA students will increase total revenue (assume that he has heard of elasticity, but is no expert on the subject). 2. Mentone Cabins recently reduced price by 20 percent and saw volume increase by 10 percent. Should the owners reduce price furtherRead MoreMacroeconomics - Problem Set2855 Words  | 12 Pagessupply) and into leisure. Problem Set 2: Suggested Solutions 2 Taxes in the Real Intertemporal Model (40 Raw Points) Taxes in the Real Intertemporal Model This problem studies the eï ¬â‚¬ects of a permanent (lump sum) tax decrease on macroeconomic variables such as This problem studies the effects of a permanent (lump sum) tax decrease on macroeconomic variables such as employemployment, output, consumption, investment, interest rates, and real wages. This problem is particularly ment, outputRead MoreProblem set Essay1062 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ 1. EP Enterprises has the following income statement. How much net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) does the firm have? Sales $1,800.00 Costs 1,400.00 Depreciation 250.00 EBIT $ 150.00 Interest expense 70.00 EBT $ 80.00 Taxes (40%) 32.00 Net income $ 48.00 a. $81.23 b. $85.50 c. $90.00 EBIT $150.00 Read MoreProblem Set Ii2197 Words  | 9 PagesChapter 12 ********** 22, 32, 40 Evan Lee Turner #22 Random samples of five were selected from each of three populations. The sum of squares total was 100. The sum of squares due to the treatments was 40. a. Set up the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. b. What is the decision rule? Use the .05 significance level. c. Complete the ANOVA table. What is the value of F? d. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How to Write an Essay on Learning How to Type
How to Write an Essay on Learning How to TypeIf you are trying to write an essay on learning how to type, then you should use samples of essays on typing by well-known individuals. You can get these in a lot of places, and it will give you a good idea of what you will be writing about.There are plenty of websites on the internet that offer lots of samples of essays on typing. These are usually created by college students or other individuals who are in need of a subject for their paper. This is probably why they choose to use samples as the basis for their essays.The first thing you will want to do is take a look at a writing sample on a website that offers sample essays on typing. You will have to pay a small fee to have the samples on this site, but there is no harm in doing so if you can afford it.You should do some research about each of the samples before you start to read them, especially if the papers are new to you. If the essays on typing were previously used on another site , you will want to compare the two, as well as how the paper is formatted. There is nothing wrong with doing this, since you will not want to copy and paste someone else's work.Take the time to go through the essays on typing and look for places where the person writing the essay had trouble with his or her writing. Often times, the writers of these papers are just looking for an easy way to get their point across. You may be able to see that in these examples.This is an important part of the essay on typing, because you want your readers to understand what you are trying to say. If the topic is difficult, then you need to make sure that you don't misrepresent what you are saying in the essay. For example, if someone is trying to explain how the grammar in English differs from that in other languages, then you will want to note that point as well.Look at a few essays on typing in order to get an idea of what you are dealing with. You should be able to remember these samples when you come across something similar in a future essay on typing. They should help you get a basic understanding of what is written in the essay on typing.You will also want to look for a writing sample on a website that offers samples of essays on typing. This is also a good idea if you have already purchased a sample essay on typing. It will give you a basic idea of how the essay is supposed to be written.
What If Toy Could Talk? A Guide to Essay Writing For People With Autism
<h1>What If Toy Could Talk? A Guide to Essay Writing For People With Autism</h1><p>Many individuals with mental imbalance see exposition composing as a test. One reason is on the grounds that the sorts of circumstances or thoughts that are asked in a composed exposition don't consider the kind of reaction needed.</p><p></p><p>This makes it hard for a kid with mental imbalance to write in a manner that is worthy to the individuals around them. Luckily, there are ways that you can show your youngster to write in a progressively successful manner, and afterward permit them to communicate normally in their own novel way.</p><p></p><p>One of the best approaches to figure out how to compose an article, and to get comfortable with the kinds of inquiries that you may expect, is by keeping in touch with yourself. I did this quite a while back and found that it was simple enough for me to keep in touch with my very own portion p apers. I had the option to expound on essentially anything, and even about things that my father had no clue about.</p><p></p><p>Writing can be something that you can do as a gathering, with a couple of others. You can rehearse at home and utilize a ton of things that you can do at home to assist you with your writing.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous online discussions, gatherings on particular sites, and even web journals that are committed to individuals with chemical imbalance. These destinations are stacked with articles and replies to questions, which can be useful. These destinations additionally can connection to web journals that are made by other people who have experienced the equivalent situation.</p><p></p><p>The web likewise has an extraordinary asset for paper composing. There are a few of these assets that you can get to and that you can utilize. The main thing you have to do is to make a record a nd register your inquiry, and afterward you will have the option to scan for related data on the internet.</p><p></p><p>This method of composing is extremely successful and furnishes you with a great deal of data about various zones of composing. The main issue that you will most likely experience is the way that your youngster may not generally have the option to stay aware of the entirety of the data that you are giving them, and afterward you should investigate their solutions to their own inquiries to check whether they are being honest.</p>
Evaluative Essay Topics
<h1>Evaluative Essay Topics</h1><p>Evalutation exposition subjects are nearly the equivalent all over. It's dependent upon you to pick which one to utilize. In any case, since there are such huge numbers of various methods of picking subjects, it is essential to comprehend a couple things.</p><p></p><p>There are some broad general guidelines that apply regardless of where you are. Evaluators will for the most part have the option to assist you with discovering points. Evaluators may likewise have the option to discover a few subjects that are not regularly utilized uniquely by a particular arrangement of individuals. Evaluators may likewise discover subjects that have been picked by numerous creators in that style or kind. This may assist you with narrowing down the search.</p><p></p><p>There are some other general dependable guidelines that apply to evaluative paper points. Evaluators can likewise assist you with find ing themes that are like what you're chipping away at. On the off chance that you pick the correct subjects and discover points that are like your work, at that point you will probably have the option to pick your composing style all the more effectively and quickly.</p><p></p><p>Evalutation article themes are additionally extraordinary relying upon the point itself. Evaluative exposition points frequently incorporate a tad of examination. For instance, on the off chance that your point manages understanding the subject, at that point you should explore the theme before writing.</p><p></p><p>You likewise need to comprehend the reason for the explanatory paper. Investigative papers require a smidgen of research, maybe significantly more than do the more typical expositions. A few scholars like to lead broad research before they begin composing a piece.</p><p></p><p>In request to compose an evaluative paper, you s hould know the subject or topic of the article. The subject must be very much characterized, and the key purpose of the paper ought to be spoken to obviously. On the off chance that you don't have a clue about the point, you ought to have the option to choose the kind of assessment subject that is required for the essay.</p><p></p><p>Once you know the general topic of the exposition, it is simpler to compose a progressively explicit assessment. The subject should fill in as the reason for the assessment. On the off chance that the point is unmistakable, at that point the evaluative paper should be very detailed.</p><p></p><p>An evaluative exposition is normally intended to assist you with learning a ton about the subject or topic. The point should manage the author through an all around characterized composing process. Utilizing these tips, you ought to have the option to locate the correct subjects to assist you with comprehension and compose an elegantly composed evaluative essay.</p>
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Custom Inscribed Writing Pad Features
<h1>Custom Inscribed Writing Pad Features </h1> <p>Custom tear cushions are superb publicizing and promoting materials since you can upgrade your message on each page. Buying these composing cushions on the web is fairly simple. Make your custom tear cushions address them so they interruption to think about your organization. Request online from Officeworks and experience a fast and easy to use administration with low rates. </p> <p>Likewise, you can transfer your business logo straightforwardly through our site. Try not to permit the promoting message overwhelm the notebook. Ten unmistakable formats can be found in each line style. Simply ensure you use print see to be sure it looks how you desire.</p> <h2> Custom Inscribed Writing Pad - the Conspiracy</h2> <p>Decide on the term of the lines you want to draw on a spotless sheet. You have loads of them from which you can choose the most appropriate for you. Moreover, the application shows you the points of interest of your current spot, incorporating your geographic directions with height. To utilize simply enter the entirety of your cushion information into every zone. </p> <p>Calmly Writer is a manager intended to focus on what you might want to tell, with a simple, unpretentious and ease-to-utilize UI. Composed reminder can be transmitted by email. This site has a large portion of the data which you could requireme nt for most subjects and has a significant great interface at which you can scan for explicit key terms, lines, writers, subjects, etc..</p> <h2> Getting the Best Custom Inscribed Writing Pad </h2> <p>It's conceivable to in any case print out individual sheets on the off chance that you need. All penmanship lined papers appear to be comparable. Make certain it's absolutely the indistinguishable size as your one of a kind sheets of scratch pad paper. Clasp the pages and back of your scratch pad with one another, verifying that the pinnacle of your notebook is entirely level and immovably squeezed together. </p> <p>Then this is a great printable organizer for you! Our schedules might be utilized to arrange your everyday exercises in a superior methods. These absolutely free schedules might be utilized as divider schedules. They can be utilized as pocket schedules. </p> <h2>Custom Inscribed Writing Pad: the Ultimate Convenience! </h2> <p>The office of having a composing cushion is the way that it tends to be associated with various gadgets like the PC, tablet, portable and so forth and helps you avoid scratch pad and ink. In such circumstances, a scratch pad would be a great deal of use. Indeed, the composing cushion is actually a computerized cushion at which you can compose on a superficial level in your penmanship. Cut a touch of thicker card for the back of your cushion. </p> <h2>The Ultimate Custom Inscribed Writing Pad Trick </h2> <p>If you have that kind of programming, you undoubtedly as of now comprehend the best approach to utili ze it. This article will turn into your reference at whatever point you're befuddled to choose the most reasonable embellishment for your home. The significant motivation to play Duck Hunt online is on the grounds that it's free and needn't bother with blowing in a cartridge to get it to carry out the responsibility. You can submit riddles to a few productions and you will be informed in the occasion the riddle does without a doubt gets distributed. </p> <p>In humanities, the investigation of the human body for a limit wonders has a broad history. It's conceivable to buy shoulder immobilizer on the web or from a wellbeing store as well, simply be sure that you initially solicit your doctor on which kind from support should you go with. The absolute first urinary tract contamination characteristic cure is to drink on the grounds that numerous liquids as you can. The specialist medicine configuration ought to have the name of the individual and furthermore should fuse the name of the doctor. </p> <h2> Custom Inscribed Writing Pad Options</h2> <p>There are a great deal of decisions from where you can buy however which one has the absolute best choices and which will give an incentive for the cash, is extremely hard to track down. Most of the remedy layouts are offered in a variety of sizes and arrangements so you don't have to stay with the indistinguishable exhausting structure size. These sorts of cushions are offered in a gigantic assortment. Some of the cushions are stuck on top, while some are wirebound or sewed, for expanded strength. </p> <p>Searching for a totally free writing material printable to use for an unmistakable birthday card or letterhere are 3 charming birthday writing material styles it's conceivable to download and print for nothing out of pocket. When settling on the thing, guarantee there is adequate space to take care of things, similar to leaflets and cards. Last, by utilizing print out sch edules you can put a schedule in each room in the house. Shutterfly conveys customized scratch pads in various structures and hues. </p> <h2> Understanding Custom Inscribed Writing Pad </h2> <p>These are used to assist individuals with recording valuable data that they expound on a specific point. Through this piece, you will run into the absolute most prominent composing cushions in India for understudies and educators, which have a progressively solid value which is somewhat hard to find in one region. These schedules are made to be utilized by people of varying backgrounds. Printable schedules give people a helpful way to deal with watch out for the days and their arrangements. </p> <h2> The Dirty Facts About Custom Inscribed Writing Pad</h2> <p>For this explanation, you may create a beneficial outcome on your providers and customers. The alternatives are perpetual. Using any and all means, composing paper layouts are handily produc ed by just watching various simple advances. Also, there are lined paper formats made to have the option to build profitability among individuals past preschool. </p>
The Powerful Examples of Narrative Essay Writing
<h1>The Powerful Examples of Narrative Essay Writing</h1><p>What are the examples of story exposition composing that can be utilized by understudies? For what reason would you need to utilize such article composing? Would it be advisable for you to try and compose such sort of article? What you should know before deduction about forming your own essay.</p><p></p><p>By utilizing an exposition, an understudy can finish assignments which they can't do in the event that they are simply doing a typical research paper. This is likewise in light of the fact that expositions will in general be more systematic than basic papers. It is so in light of the fact that an understudy generally needs to allude to the investigation notes and work from a composed contention. Hence in the event that they will do inquire about, there will be the ideal opportunity for them to think more.</p><p></p><p>Even however I am a decent exposition es sayist, my aptitudes as an author and editorial manager are very deficient. My composing style may sound great from the start yet it resembles I am perusing from a genuine book rather than an essayist. I ought to stay away from this slip-up when making my own essay.</p><p></p><p>If I composed an examination paper, I may have the inclination that I'm ready to compose anything. I comprehend what sort of research I'm doing, what research I'm looking into, where and how to discover the data, and so forth. However, recorded as a hard copy an account paper, I probably won't have all the data. This is on the grounds that a few things probably won't be identified with the point at hand.</p><p></p><p>In the instance of account expositions, understudies should have the option to comprehend the subject of the examination. In the event that they don't comprehend, they probably won't have the option to compose a persuading end. There ought to be co nfirmation given to perusers what was expressed in the text.</p><p></p><p>The most significant thing to recollect when composing an article is to give your peruser to get included access the subject you are expounding on. It is additionally basic to incorporate the piece of the theme that you have to disclose to others.</p><p></p><p>A influential article is just conceivable when the essayist can give their peruser an elegantly composed passage of data about the current subject. On the off chance that the author can't do that, it's significant that the individual in question is allowed the chance to reconsider the exposition with the goal that it is acceptable.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Graduate Business Problem Research Paper Topics
Graduate Business Problem Research Paper TopicsGraduate business problem research paper topics will make you a marketer and a professional, to paraphrase a famous philosopher. It is all about being organized, knowing how to think out of the box, and getting through the day with dignity. You can get some pretty cool ideas on the job as well as if you are willing to work hard. I'm sure it won't be that difficult to brainstorm for this kind of research paper topic.When you are writing your graduate business problem research paper topics, it is important to know your topic inside and out. The topic should come from your unique point of view. I suggest making a list of different things that are commonly in your field of study, especially if you are studying in a university.There are often different courses in a college, like English, Biology, and Psychology. Just think about what would be a good topic. You want to be able to convey your expertise in your chosen subject. However, make sure that your topic is well researched and gives the readers an idea of what you can do for them. Writing is something that can take years off your experience, so let's not ruin our chance by thinking up a new topic that will make us look like an idiot.The next thing that I suggest doing is to write down what kind of subject you are interested in. This is because there are people who have a topic that interests them, and you want to be one of those people. Another reason why it is important to know what kind of subject you are interested in is that you can use this information as the basis for your research paper topics. Knowing what your hobby is or what your interest is, could help you to write a very unique topic.After you have decided what topic you are interested in, you can find a list of topics that would be suitable for your graduate business problem research paper topics. If you aren't in the mood to write for hours at a time, then this might be a good idea. There are free onl ine business resources that will help you come up with topics for your paper. This is one of the best ways to research for topics.Your next step is to try to be objective and unbiased. Take notes of things that may not be right or may be biased. Don't be afraid to ask people what they think about your topic. You should also keep your opinions to yourself.When you are researching for your papers, be sure to listen to people's opinions and read magazines, newspapers, and other articles that you can find online. Take note of anything that has to do with the topic. This way, you will know what people think of it, and you can find out more about the people who are making the different opinions.After all this, you can go and check out your local library or bookstore to see what kind of books are out there. You could even start browsing for online topics, you will have a lot more options for books to research in the internet. Do not forget to take the time to really research for the things that you will need to write about in your graduate business problem research paper topics.
Essay Topics on Animation - Selecting an Interesting Topic
Essay Topics on Animation - Selecting an Interesting TopicAs you look for essay topics on animation, you will likely come across a lot of discussion about how important it is to select good topics. However, you may also come across a few opinions that argue that essay topics on animation are not important and you may even hear a few arguments that suggest to write and research a short story instead.But there are plenty of writers out there who believe that it is much more important to write with passion than to write to please yourself. If you do feel that you should concentrate on some topics that have nothing to do with animation, then why not try some excellent topics in literature? You will find that you will become much more immersed in the topic and at the same time, you will have a way of being more conversational.One of the most popular arguments in favor of writing about literature is that you will be able to use the experience that you have while writing your essay topics o n animation to your advantage. If you are accustomed to writing about literature, you may even be able to discuss some of the important points about literature, which is something that is usually lacking when you are using content. You will be able to take the ideas that you have learned from literature and integrate them into your discussion about animation. Not only this, but you will be able to express your thoughts clearly and to a certain extent, you will even be able to find a way of expressing your feelings about animation.Of course, there are several options for you if you want to write the right essay topics on animation. However, you will also need to consider the fact that you should be able to write intelligently as well as concisely. In this case, there are a lot of good essay topics on animation that you can choose from.First, you may want to think about the blogging model in which you will be able to get inspired by other's articles. You can use this kind of blogging method in your writing as well. But you will want to include some valuable ideas in your writings. You can read a lot of blog posts and when you are interested to write about animation, you will find it easier to learn about animation.Another thing that you may want to do is to write the essay topics in an interactive mode. An interactive mode is where you will be able to interact with your audience. It will help you to be able to discuss issues and problems more thoroughly. This will also make your essays more interesting and you will be able to write much better than you would have been able to if you used the topic in a more passive way.Finally, you may also consider the how-to method that is often used by professionals in the field of writing. This method is based on the idea that we are able to become better writers through repetition. You may also want to read some good how-to books that will help you learn to do better at writing.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay - 1699 Words
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a condition affecting children born to women who drink heavily during pregnancy. There are three criteria used to describe the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and to make a diagnosis of FAS. The first of these is a pattern of facial anomalies, these features include: #61558; Small eye openings #61558; Flat cheekbones #61558; Flattened groove between nose and upper lip #61558; Thin upper lip These characteristics can gradually diminish as the child ages, but it is important to note that diagnosis does not change because of this. The second criteria is growth deficiencies: #61558; Low birth weight #61558; Decelerating weight over time,†¦show more content†¦FAE has often been used indiscriminately to label individuals with these problems, whether it not it was known they had been exposed to alcohol in the uterus. It is now recommended that the term FAE no longer be used, instead the more specific terms Partial FAS (PFAS) be used when applicable. ( Blume, 1996) Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NAS describes the presence of withdrawal symptoms in infants exposed to one or more drugs during pregnancy. These drugs may include: alcohol, narcotics, sedatives, anti-convulsants and others. Some of the symptoms of NAS include wakefulness, irritability, diarrhea, vomiting, respiratory distress and lack of sucking. (Abel, 1966) Alcohol-related birth defects that may be present to those born with FAS can easily be identified because of the cluster of characteristic features involving facial appearance, growth and brain damage. Children born to mothers that drink heavily in pregnancy may also have serious congenital birth defects such as : #61558; Heart defects; #61558; Kidney and other internal organ problems; #61558; Skeleton abnormalities; #61558; Cleft palate and other facial abnormalities; #61558; Vision and hearing problems. These are known as alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD). The range of these birth defects is likely due to such factors as: 1. variations in the timing of alcohol use; 2. variations in the amount of alcohol used; 3. use ofShow MoreRelatedFetal Alcohol Syndrome942 Words  | 4 Pages Fetal Alcohol Syndrome According to Seaver, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is birth defects causing learning, and behavioral problems in individuals whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. This disorder is very serious, yet it is recognized as one of the most preventable. This causes major issues, when something so serious could be prevented but is not. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a problem because it leaves a permanent effect on the unborn child, but some solutions could be educating women andRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome1466 Words  | 6 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome â€Å"If women didn’t drink anymore during pregnancy, there would never be another baby born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Effect†(McCuen 33). This is a very powerful statement. It is also a very simple cure for an alarmingly high birth defect that all women have the power to stop. â€Å"Every year more than 40,000 American children are born with defects because their mother drank alcohol while pregnant â€Å" (McCuen 34). That is 1 to 3 per 1,000 live birthsRead MoreThe Disorder Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome1018 Words  | 5 Pagesthe the disorder Fetal Alcohol Syndrome .This paper will aim to discuss what the disorder is ,it s history how it is diagnosed and the treatment and prevention of this disorder. Taking a sip a int hip Introduction :Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing(Bible-Judges 13:7).It has been known throughout history that the effects of alcohol use in pregnancyRead MoreEssay on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome1390 Words  | 6 Pageslead to many severe abnormalities in the growing fetus. More specifically, a disorder that will be explored in this essay is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS); caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Since the alcohol is consumed in such a developing stage of the fetus, it can potentially cause many different complications in the unborn child. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome could easily be prevented with more awareness to the issue and its defining characteristics, how it affects the fetus during growthRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1707 Words  | 7 Pagesof prenatal alcohol exposure (Lupton, 2003). This number will only continue to grow if the risk of drinking alcohol while pregnant i s not brought to the people’s attention. When the mother takes a drink of alcohol, so does the fetus, which will cause physical and behavioral problems after birth. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is completely preventable and irreversible. FAS awareness and prevention is important; expectant mothers need to know the background information about the syndrome, some commonRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1096 Words  | 5 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a mental and physical birth defect. It occurs when a pregnant women consumes high levels of alcohol during her pregnancy. The effects of FAS can be traumatic in some cases, and in others children were slightly affected by exposure to alcohol. FAS has a wide range of effects on the fetus and infant, retarded growth, under developed facial features, slow cognitive development, and many more. The evidence of cases is overwhelming, yet in some societies it is still anRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1522 Words  | 7 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a disorder that can happen to children whose mothers drank sufficient amounts of alcohol sometime throughout their pregnancy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition classified in a group called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and is the most known and severe of the group. FAS, depending on the factors such as location, population and race studied is considered one of the leading known causes of mental retardation and birth defects, with 0.2 – 1.5 out of every 1Read MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1100 Words  | 5 Pagesyou want your child to have FAS? Read on and I believe you will come to the same conclusion as I have about FAS. FAS doesn’t sound so bad, but in reality it is. FAS means Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. FAS is a combination of physical and mental defects first evident at a baby’s birth. FAS is a direct result of a woman drinking alcohol during pregnancy. These defects continue through out the child’s life. One in five hundred children are born with FAS. Your baby is at risk no matter how much liquor youRead MoreEssay on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome2703 Words  | 11 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental, physical, and behavioral defects that may develop in the unborn child when its mother drinks during pregnancy. These defects occur primarily during the first trimester when the teratogenic effects of the alcohol have the greatest effect on the developing organs. The symptoms associated with FAS have been observed for many centuries, but it was not until 1968 that Lemoine and his associates formally described theseRead MoreFetal Alcohol Syndrome Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesFetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is an increasing problem in our world today. At least 5,000 infants are born each year with FAS, or about one out of every 750 live births, which is an alarming number. In the United States there has been a significant increase in the rate of infants born with FAS form 1 per 10,000 births in 1979 to 6.7 per 10,000 in 1993 (Chang, Wilikins-Haug, Berman, Goetz 1). In a report, Substance Abuse and the American Woman, sent out by the Center on Addiction
Feminist Literary Theory Of The Yellow Wallpaper By...
Throughout history the female gender has been considered the lesser sex, where they had little to no power over anything. Eventually they got tired of their mistreatment and those who wanted it to end became known as feminist. They hold the idea that both men and women should be treated as equals. Many feminist were authors who contained the feminist literary theory within their works. The theory mainly focuses on critiquing how women must comply with gender roles and how they have been denied their rights by men. The feminist literary theory has many forms, one of them would be cultural feminism, which focuses on the stereotypical women who is only meant to look pretty and take care of minor jobs such as cooking, cleaning, and watching the children. The feminist literary appears in the short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, which is about an unnamed female narrator who suffers from a nervous condition during the late 1800s, and is locked within h er bedroom. The feminist Kate Chopin has written many works containing the feminist literary theory, such as her short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour†which revolves around Mrs. Mallard, who has lost her husband in a train accident, so she starts to shed tears of sorrow, however her tears of sorrow transform into tears of joy. One of Chopin s novel, The Awakening tells the story of Edna Pontellier a woman who starts to realize the truth of society. Feminist literary theory can be viewed in many differentShow MoreRelatedA Critical Analysis Of The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1051 Words  | 5 Pages102 Esposito, Carmine. A Critical Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a famous social worker and a leading author of women’s issues. Charlotte Perkins Gilman s relating to views of women s rights and her demands for economic and social reform of gender inequities are very famous for the foundations of American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In critics Gilman ignored by people of color in the United States andRead MoreYellow Wallpaper1673 Words  | 7 PagesSvetlana Kryzhanovskaya Prof. Grajeda ENC 3014-MidTerm Paper March 12, 2012 Structuralism amp; Feminist Theory ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ written by Charlotte Gilman can be affectively analyzed from two schools of thought structuralism and feminist theory. Though structuralists’ deny the work of literature any connection to its author (it must be what it is, no underlying meaning) feminist theory must first and foremost be understood in its historical framework. By the turn of the century, journalsRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman846 Words  | 4 Pagesdignified journey of the admirable story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†created by Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s, gave the thought whether or not the outcome was influenced by female oppression and feminism. Female oppression and feminist encouraged a series of women to have the freedom to oppose for their equal rights. Signified events in the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†resulted of inequality justice for women. Charlotte Perkins Gilman gave the reader different literary analysis t o join the unjustifiable lifestyleRead MoreCharlotte Perkins Gilm Domestic Insanity And Feminism1072 Words  | 5 PagesRuiz-Velasco 10 February 2014 Charlotte Perkins Gilman – Domestic Insanity and Feminism Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an author who lived from 1860 to 1935 who represents the movement of American women towards intellectual freedom and empowerment during the turn of the century. Gilman was a great lecturer who used her fame to spread her ideas across the country, speaking at various organizations at cities from coast to coast. She was also a poet, novelist, feminist, mother, and worker. She saw theRead MoreEssay on A Male Dominated Society During the 19th Century952 Words  | 4 Pagescontrol, and power was a fantasy. According to Hall, he states, â€Å"Key to all feminist methodologies is the belief that patriarchal oppression of women through history has been profound and multifaceted†(Hall 202). In other words, it is known that the male takes complete cruel supremacy over the years in our history. In The Awakening and â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, they all convey the st ruggles that females faced to be accepted and to findRead More The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality by Judith Lorber1120 Words  | 5 PagesThere are many branches of feministic theorems. As Judith Lorber wrote in her article, The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality feminist denominations arose from different views, making many contributions to improve women’s status. Lorber discusses the views of, â€Å"gender reform feminisms, gender resistant feminisms, and gender revolution feminisms†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1) etcetera, all which have fought to improve women’s rights. Though there are many different aspects of viewing feminism,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper And Gilmans Vital Symbolism1624 Words  | 7 Pages The Yellow Wallpaper Gilman’s Vital Symbolism â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in which she describes the treatment of a woman diagnosed with a nervous disorder by her doctor and is prescribed the â€Å"rest cure.†The story describes the submissive, childlike obedience of women to men that was considered typical at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the story, there are many symbols that highlight women’s infantilization within marriage and a sexist societyRead MoreWomen s Patriarchal Oppression By Kate Chopin Essay1621 Words  | 7 Pagesopportunities. Feminist analysis discusses about topics such as women in society that s been through oppression, dehumanizing, and depression. Several brave female writers came forth during this period, to speak out against their oppression through the means of poetry, short stories, and the application of a typical female characters. Women s goal was to end patriarchal oppressions which was a way men oppressed women by li miting them. In the short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman andRead MoreMessage Of The Yellow Wallpaper1617 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in which she describes the treatment of a woman diagnosed with a nervous disorder by her doctor and is prescribed the â€Å"rest cure.†The story describes the submissive, childlike obedience of women to men that was considered typical at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the story, there are many symbols that highlight women’s infantilization within marriage and a sexist society. The symbolism of the wallpaper and the womanRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1824 Words  | 8 Pagesseclusion from the outside world. For Charlotte Perkins Gilman and other women in the late nineteenth century, this nightmare was a reality. But through this struggle, Gilman wrote her most well-known literary piece on feminism: à ¢â‚¬Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†. This autobiographical fiction short story was written to bring to light the foul treatment of women and is still highly debated today among feminists. A concentration on the history of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, key feminist interpretations of the short story
Persistence Discrimination China Evidence -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Persistence Discrimination China Evidence? Answer: Introduction Numbers of gender discrimination laws and court rulings have already legitimated the right of a woman of getting equality; however there is still subtle chauvinist behavior within work place which is quite adequate to tell the women work force that they are not equal. It has been eventually observed that reshaping the organizational strategies is a major tool for achieving the gender equality within the work places. Considering the issues with gender equality, it can be said that each person deserves to be treated as an equal one without any consideration of their gender differences (Comim Nussbaum, 2014). There should always be equal opportunity for both female and male employees as there should not be any kind of obstructions within the political, social and economic spheres based on the gender. The organizations should address these issues immediately and have an organizational culture that welcomes everyone (Verloo, 2016). Arrium is an organization operating in the manufacturing and mining industry. There are around 11000 employees who are dealing with different sectors such as consumables, mining and steel. Considering the business of Arrium and the recycling and industrial department, OneSteel has also got some difficult deals in managing the relations amongst employees which supports the essence of gender equality. The administration of the organization is fighting with this issue as they also want to promote their female employees. Most of the female employees of the organization are placed in higher positions, even though there is still no female employee in the engineering, superintendence or management. Therefore, this report has analyzed the case and made recommendations that can be implemented in the organization so that the management can enhance the gender equality. Scope of the problem: It can be seen from the given figure that only 11.7% of the employees are female even though the organization has implemented policies in order to enhance the gender equality within the organization. The major issues with the gender equality issues are the gender discrimination on the basis of gender, wag gap between the genders and the differentiation of performances. As within the manufacturing sector, the job is associated with working in a boiling hot and dirt place and it requires physical work (Petersen et al., 2014). However, now the job does not require much physical work compared to before, but still the stereotypical work culture does not support the female employees. There is still a common idea that the female workers are less efficient than the male ones in such heavy industry. Recommendations: Other than the pre-determined government policies, the organization should also implement some of their own policies which will promote their image and ensure that the company also supports gender equality within the work place (Woodhams, Lupton Xian, 2009). Eventually this will create a positive environment for all the employees irrespective of their gender. The recommendations for this issue are discussed below: Acknowledge the qualities of female employees As over the year the issue of gender equality has become a prevalent issue in the organizations, it is quite necessary for the organizations to represent female employees in front of the world. If the organization represents more women in the work force, they can promote gender equality more (Hacker, 2017). Therefore the organization can promote it by creating a group of star female employees who can advocate for the organization. This may not have any significant impact on any short term basis, but it can be sustainable on a long term basis. Women and men work in two different ways. Especially in the heavy industry, there is already a saying that female workers are less competent than the male workers (Cooke, 2003). Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to promote the qualified female employees in front of other staffs, so that they can be motivated and at the same time gender equality is promoted (Huang Lowry, 2015). If the management of OneSteel can locate the powerful performers and promote them, it is also possible that the other female employees are motivated to perform more. In addition to that the potential female candidates may also feel safe with such acknowledgments. There are several women employees who tend to miss the chance or any great opportunity as they are considered to be under qualified. At the same time, there are several instances that the men are promoted to a position where they are not supposed to be (Huang Lowry, 2015). OneSteel should not encourage such discriminatory ideas and they can actively encourage the female employees for taking more chances and grab the opportunities. There should be adequate support on behalf of the management so that the female employees can build their confidence and go for the chances. Implement policies for improving the organizational culture Elwr et al., (2013) has indicated that the separation of gender is a huge issue for the organization. Even if there is lot of promotions for the gender equality, sometimes there are subtle behaviors within the organizational culture that does not match the company policy. According to Atkinson (2017) the female experts and specialists in Australia report more gender discriminatory attitude than the low level occupations. However, it can be also seen that most of the organizational environments tend to filled up with the comparison between the male and female employee while indicating the actions of the male employees are more effective than that of females. Therefore, in this case, the management of Arrium should reevaluate the culture and behavior of OneSteel and implement proper policies to improve the organizational culture. The company should also provide proper training and development session to the employees regarding these matters. If the organization wants to promote gender equality seriously within the organization, they have to be very clear and transparent about it (Kaushik, Sharma Kumar Kaushik, 2014). The management has to have a clear message that they are not going to tolerate any sexist attitude within the organization and they have to be very strict about it. Having open discussion regarding such issues between the male and female employees can be very effective (Strachan, French Burgess, 2010). If the women employees are speaking their heart out and stating their issues, it is a lot easier to deal with the problems. Also, the male employees tend to understand the issues if those are discussed openly (Barak, 2016). OneSteel should organize open discussion forums where the employees can come and talk about their experiences and the others can learn from it. . Ensure that there is no gender gap and disparity For promoting the gender equality within the organization, it is necessary to pay the same to both the genders. Disparity in payment and gender gap are two prominent issues that act as a catalyst to the ongoing gender inequality (Tatli, Ozturk Woo, 2017). Therefore OneSteel should immediately revise its pay structure and pay all the employees equally and fairly on the basis of their experience level, not on the basis of their gender. The time has changed where women only had two or three specific roles to play in the business. In order to empower the female work force, the management should bring a unique and different perspective to the organization and celebrate the working powers (Doucet, 2015). Instead of giving the clichd roles to the women that are being played by men for over a decade, the organization can also start thinking about new job roles that create benchmarks. If the organization wants real equality to happen, it is very much necessary to implement the policies to a ll the levels. Implementing policies at the higher level can act as a huge motivational force for the employees. Therefore this may also have a positive impact on the retention policy and the organizational culture. Potential risks and benefits Implementing policies may have some risks and benefits at the same time. If the organization wants to implement several policies for empowering the women force, it is also possible that the male employees tend to feel neglected (Doucet, 2015). However, it is always about the aim of having equal chances for both the genders. Therefore, there is always a risk of taking undue advantage of the policies by some women employees. Therefore the management should ensure that while they are empowering female work force, they are not degrading the male force. There are other benefits of promoting a brand image in front of the world; therefore the company will be benefitted in the long term. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that the management of the organization have to implement some policies that should keep the balance of gender. It has been observed several times that the organization, Arrium experiences a serious gender gap. Therefore, this essay has evaluated the issue and the existing gender difference while it has also provided various recommendations that can be implemented within the culture. The culture has also triggered the changed behavior. If the organization starts implementing the recommendations, soon they will be enhancing the women power within the organizational culture. Reference list Agenor, P. R., Canuto, O. (2015). Gender equality and economic growth in Brazil: a long-run analysis.Journal of Macroeconomics,43, 155-172. Atkinson, J. (2017). Shared Parental Leave in the UK: can it advance gender equality by changing fathers into co-parents?.International Journal of Law in Context, 1-13. Barak, M. E. M. (2016).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Comim, F., Nussbaum, M. C. (Eds.). (2014).Capabilities, Gender, Equality: towards fundamental entitlements. Cambridge University Press. Cooke, F.L. (2003b). Equal Opportunity? The role of legislation and public policies in womens employment in China, Women in Management Review, 16 (7), pp. 334-48. Doucet, A., 2015. Parental responsibilities: Dilemmas of measurement and gender equality.Journal of marriage and family,77(1), pp.224-242. Elwr, S., Harryson, L., Bolin, M., Hammarstrm, A. (2013). Patterns of gender equality at workplaces and psychological distress.PloS one,8(1), e53246. Hacker, S. (2017).Pleasure, power and technology: Some tales of gender, engineering, and the cooperative workplace(Vol. 5). Routledge. Huang, Y., Lowry, D. T. (2015). Toward Better Gender Equality? Portrayals of Advertising Models Occupational Status in Chinese Magazines.Journal of International Consumer Marketing,27(1), 69-83. Kaushik, N., Sharma, A., Kumar Kaushik, V. (2014). Equality in the workplace: a study of gender issues in Indian organisations.Journal of Management Development,33(2), 90-106. Petersen, T., Penner, A. M., Hgsnes, G. (2014). From motherhood penalties to husband premia: The new challenge for gender equality and family policy, lessons from Norway.American Journal of Sociology,119(5), 1434-1472. Strachan, G., French, E. Burgess, J. (2010) Managing diversity in Australia : Theory and practice, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde. Tatli, A., Ozturk, M. B., Woo, H. S. (2017). Individualization and marketization of responsibility for gender equality: the case of female managers in China.Human Resource Management,56(3), 407-430. Verloo, M. M. T. (2016). Mainstreaming gender equality in Europe: a critical frame analysis. Woodhams, C., Lupton, B. Xian, H. (2009) The persistence of gender discrimination in China - evidence from recruitment advertisements. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (10), October, pp. 2084-2109.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accounting and Financial Management for Sales- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAccounting and Financial Management for Credit Sales. Answer: Comprehensive income statement for year ended 31st December 2016 Particulars Note Amount Amount REVENUE Costume revenue - costume hire 75,000.00 Costume revenue - costume sales 20,000.00 Less: Sales return 1 1,700.00 Total revenue 93,300.00 Less: Cost of sales 8,000.00 Gross revenue 85,300.00 LESS: EXPENSES Salaries 2,800.00 Cleaning 3,000.00 Accounting fees 1,800.00 Insurance 2 416.67 Interest expense 2,100.00 Marketing 2,750.00 Depreciation expenses 3 57,900.00 Total expense 70,766.67 Net income 14,533.33 Financial Position as on 31st December 2016 Particulars Note Amount Amount ASSETS Current assets Cash 14,500.00 Accounts receivable 23,600.00 Less: Bad debts 1 1,700.00 36,400.00 Inventory - costumes 6,500.00 Prepaid insurance 2 833.33 Total current assets 43,733.33 Non-Current assets Building 1,06,000.00 Less: Depreciation 3 10,600.00 95,400.00 Delivery truck 49,000.00 Less: Depreciation 3 9,800.00 39,200.00 Costumes 75,000.00 Less: Depreciation 3 37,500.00 37,500.00 Total non-current assets 1,72,100.00 Total assets 2,15,833.33 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Suspense account 400.00 Non-current liabilities Mortgage payable 1,00,000.00 Add: Interest payable 4 15,000.00 1,15,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 1,15,400.00 Shareholders equity Capital -Peter Pan 1,20,000.00 Less: Drawing 34,100.00 85,900.00 Net income 14,533.33 Total shareholder's equity 1,00,433.33 Total liabilities and equity 2,15,833.33 Statement of changes in equity for year ended 31st December 2016 Particulars Amount Capital - Peter Pan 1,20,000.00 Drawing -34,100.00 Net income 14,533.33 Balance as on 31st December 2016 1,00,433.33 Notes for adjustments Credit sales return As the sales made during the year amounting to R 1700 has been returned by the customer, it will be reduced from the revenue from the costume sales as well as from the account receivables. Prepaid insurance Total amount paid for 12 months 1,250 4 months insurance (1250*4/12) 466.67 8 months insurance (1250*8/12) 833.33 Total 1,250 As the 4 months period that is, 1st September 2016 to 31st December 2016 falls under the current year, it will be accounted as expense of the current year. On the other hand, As the 8 months period that is, 1st January 2017 to 31st August 2017 falls under the next year, the amount of 833.33 will be treated as current asset. Depreciation Asset Value Depreciation Adjusted value Building 1,06,000.00 10,600.00 95,400.00 Delivery truck 49,000.00 9,800.00 39,200.00 Costumes 75,000.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 Interest on mortgage Interest at 15% will be 100,000*15/100 = 15,000 Background of SAA SAA is the carrier of national flag from South Africa and the most rewarded airline from the continent. For last 80 years, SAA is engaged in transportation of the cargo as well as the passengers from the country. The airline provides various related services through the wholly owned subsidiary and through the group. Recent development SAA has revalidated their turnaround strategy for the long-term period and updated the strategic plan for navigating the economic, political, and the social environment under which it operates. Ratio calculation Ratio Formula 31st March 2016 31st March 2015 Amount Result Amount Result Liquidity and efficiency Current ratio Current assets 9,681 0.54 7022.00 0.41 Current liabilities 18,060 16947.00 Acid test ratio Current assets less inventories 8,954 0.50 6297.00 0.37 Current liabilities 18,060 16947.00 Accounts receivable turnover Net sales 28,827 4.49 28513.00 5.89 Accounts receivable 6,422 4842.00 Profitability Return on asset ratio Net Income -1,473 -8.79 -5639.00 -39.17 Total assets 16,761 14396.00 Return on sales Net income -1,473 -5.11 -5639.00 -19.78 Sales 28,827 28513.00 Debt ratio Total liabilities 27,725 1.65 23639.00 1.64 Total assets 16,761 14396.00 Equity ratio Total equity -10,964 -0.65 -9243.00 -0.64 Total assets 16,761 14396.00 Conclusion It can be concluded from the above analysis that the performance of the company in some aspects has been improved as compared to the previous year and in some aspects the performance has been worsened. However, if the overall performance of the company is considered, it can be identified that the performance of the company is not at all satisfactory. The liquidity ratio is indicating that the company is not efficient to pay-off the short-term obligation. Further, the company is not able to generate profit in both the year. Moreover, the solvency ratio is indicating that the company is highly leveraged and the solvency level is significantly low. Bibliography Ak, B. K., Dechow, P. M., Sun, Y., Wang, A. Y. (2013). The use of financial ratio models to help investors predict and interpret significant corporate events.Australian journal of management,38(3), 553-598. Bodie, Z. (2013).Investments. McGraw-Hill. Omar, N., Koya, R. K., Sanusi, Z. M., Shafie, N. A. (2014). Financial statement fraud: A case examination using Beneish Model and ratio analysis.International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,5(2), 184. Zainudin, E. F., Zainudin, E. F., Hashim, H. A., Hashim, H. A. (2016). Detecting fraudulent financial reporting using financial ratio.Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting,14(2), 266-278.
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