Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Trends in Selection Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trends in Selection Methods - Assignment Example Also, the process of selection creates a base for practicing adequate employee motivational strategies. When the abilities and personal traits of the candidates for a job are assessed, the goal is not just to identify the individuals that can rightly do the job, but it is actually about choosing candidates that would actually accept to work when offered to and would tend to develop a long term relationship with the company, beneficial both for the employee and the organization. Thus, selection should ensure retention which means â€Å"the existence of an ongoing employee relationship†(Huang, Lin and Chuang, 2005). There is a certain cost associated with the process of selection, which goes into the training of the very personnel that are given the responsibility if recruiting employees for an organization, so that they may perform their duty adequately. However, the added cost is balanced by the increased retention that surfaces as a result of right selection of employees. â €Å"It is widely acknowledged that traditional selection interviews are unreliable predictors of which candidates are likely to be successful performers.†Rational practices: â€Å"Best practice†and â€Å"best fit†are two of the most fundamental and rational employee selection practices. The â€Å"best practice†is a perspective that emphasizes that many HR policies that also include the system of reward motivate the employees to work hard, while the â€Å"best fit†requires the managers to align the rewards with the strategic goals of the organization so that it may gain competitive advantage in the market (Morris and Maloney, n.d., p. 2). Many organizations do not make use of these practices and hence the performance of employees declines. There is dire need to take care of these matters along with making the selection procedure more reliable so that the difference between the expected and observed performance of the employees can be minimized. Analysis of interview as a selection tool: Although use of interview as a selection tool has been subjected to a lot of controversies in conventional recruitment practices, yet its efficiency as an assessment tool can not be denied. Particularly for the jobs in which assessment of an individual’s verbal and social skills are a critical factor, interview does the job efficiently. It helps the interviewer to make a sharp judgment not only of the candidate’s quickness of response, but also his/her fluency in the language demanded. In addition to estimating the candidate’s job related knowledge, the interviewer may also retrieve any supplementary information he/she may deem important in the context of a particular job. Likewise, the candidate may also ask the interviewing staff any questions that are influential upon his/her decision to join the organization. Hence, an interview is quite flexible in its structure and can be modified as required in an attempt to dra w the best conclusions both for the interviewers and the candidate. Sometimes, the interviewer is able to improve the process of interview for the rest after having conducted it with the first candidate. Because of its open nature, existing staff interviewing a candidate face-to-face may well assess if he/she can adjust in the very culture of an organization. This reduces the verisimilitude of interpersonal conflicts in the organization after the candidate is hired. In addition to that, selection through interview is a cost effective process. However,
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Obesity, Sleep Apnea and Cognitive Functions in Children Research Paper
Obesity, Sleep Apnea and Cognitive Functions in Children - Research Paper Example Obstructive sleep apnea is caused when the airways are significantly narrowed, and again increased neck weight can contribute to this narrowing and the subsequent breathing problems (Chan et al, 2004). Although the links between sleep apnea and obesity are well-researched, the links between impaired cognitive function, obesity and sleep disruption are minimal, although studies have been done comparing two of the above. The article in question (Clark, 2005) illustrates the possible links found between all three of the conditions. The purpose of this paper is to examine the biology behind the research and investigate the possible reasons for the connection. The structure of the pharynx is illustrated in figure 1. From this diagram, it is evident that the windpipe is a narrow structure and any further narrowing could cause a lowered ability to receive sufficient air into the lungs. Obstructive sleep apnea is categorized by a cyclic closing and opening of the pharynx during sleep, which can lead to disrupted gas exchange and disturbed sleep (Strohl, 1996). Evidently, any disruption in sleep is going to cause excessive fatigue/sleepiness, but research suggests that the effects of sleep apnea go beyond this and cause behavioural problems (such as impulse control and hyperactivity) and cognitive deficits. It has been suggested that these are caused by intermittent states of hypoxemia as well as reductions in brain metabolism (Clark, 2005). Figure 1 – Diagram of the neck illustrating the pharynx (Clark, 2005) There are also suggestions that obesity is linked to cognitive deficits. Learning, memory and abstract reasoning were all shown to be lower in people suffering from obesity and hypertension, although the effects were seen in men only (Elias et al, 2003). Despite this evidence, it is unclear whether obesity is a result of or a cause of these impaired cognitive facilities. People who have taken part in cognitive skill building exercises as younger children ar e shown to have less chance of developing obesity as adults (Hill et al, 2003), but this could be partly due to socioeconomic factors. Other suggestions have been made that show that impaired cognitive function is a result of obesity. The glucocorticoids (GC), for example, are implicated. Figure 2 shows the chemical structure of cortisol, an important example in this group of steroid hormones. GCs are found in almost every vertebrate cell, and bind to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). GCs are important in several areas of the brain, including the hippocampus, the amygdala and the frontal lobes (Clark, 2005). In obesity, individuals may be exposed to an abnormally high amount of glucocorticoids (Masuzaki et al, 2001), and evidently if they play an important role in brain function, obesity could well be a cause of impaired cognitive function. Image 2 – The Chemical Structure of Cortisol (Clark, 2005) Obesity has also been linked to a number of neurological conditions, primarily stroke. A stroke is characterized by a swift loss of brain function because of a blockage or other disturbance of the blood supply to the brain (Clark, 2005). Thrombotic stroke is the most common type of stroke in obese individuals (Clark, 2005). Blood supply in
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Writing an Essay About Why You Shouldnt Pass An Exam
Writing an Essay About Why You Shouldn't Pass An ExamTo write an essay about why you shouldn't pass an exam is the most common type of essay out there. To prepare for this type of essay, here are some tips to help you write one.A great example is to start with an answer which can either be a very short one, a long one or a full blown answer. For example, if your answer is four out of five, that means you're going to tell about your entire life, not just the four subjects you've chosen. But if you have to give a two-sentence answer like 'I don't think I can pass this exam', that's okay too. The important thing is that you outline your entire life, not just those four subjects.Write about the reason why you're not going to be able to pass this exam. Describe how difficult it was to get through school and what you do to keep yourself motivated, what are your strengths and weaknesses, and then summarize the reasons why you won't be able to pass.Write about the various words you used in y our essay and talk about why each one was so important. Some of them might sound pretty obvious, but if you try to forget them, it's best that you remember these words now.It's a good idea to write about why you want to pass this test instead of giving your opinion. You need to make sure you're addressing the reasons behind your non-passing and not what you think it should have been. You can add the fact that you've tried your best, but you're unable to reach the grade.Try to write something about your learning experience in the class that you're taking, and don't focus on what you think should have been done. You'll end up giving your opinion on the outcome, and that's never a good idea.If you need some help writing one, then you can ask someone who can write an essay for you, or use a writing service. You can always pay someone to write your essay for you, though.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
The Basic Principles of Negotiation Research Paper Topics You Can Benefit From Starting Today
The Basic Principles of Negotiation Research Paper Topics You Can Benefit From Starting Today Top Negotiation Research Paper Topics Choices You only have to bear in mind that commercial negotiations are of amazing significance in the growth of business relations. Negotiation is a sort of conflict resolution. Sporting contracts are not the same as entertainment contracts. Personal service contract was categorized so because of the simple fact that the 1 signing it has unique abilities, skills and talents to offer you. The notion of negotiation dynamics has interested me for quite a while. Researching any issue about government or laws can get overwhelming because of the intricacy of the issues and even on account of the wording of some laws. Negotiation has an integral role in the creation of peaceful relationships in many circumstances, war and employee-employer relationships are a few of the more prevalent instances. My approach to negotiation differs as it takes into account real-world interactions between parties by taking a look at the uncertainty of negotiations and the way to create flexible strategy whenever you have incomplete info. Not all negotiation ends in satisfactory compromise, sometimes negotiations can have a while to conclude because, there's no typical ground, or nobody is prepared to compromise. Furthermore, the different sorts of negotiation techniques (like competitive vs cooperative) often bring about session free of hope of adequate resolution. The airline industry negotiation process has a propensity to draw out for extended durations. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory for the initial five years after obtaining a license. Having assisted a good deal of students produce good research paper topics in years past we do have a concept of a few of the things that you have to know about when writing your research paper. In the event you find some topics, a lot of the students are unable to turn them into impressive research topics, and as such they wind up with lots of of rushed work that fails them in the long term. Through the usage of college research paper examples, students will be in a position to understand the appropriate format of how the in text citation and references ought to be carried out. Many students search for a research paper sample that would aid them in writing research paper example themselves, but fail to locate a superior piece of writing. It's possible to find more information about students' term papers here. Students can't decide on the very first idea they see on the net or in the print media it's about choosing excellent research paper topics on the relevant troubles. You must compose a great research paper, and the topic you've chosen needs to be fully developed. Every family needs to have a all-natural disaster survival program. Even if a particular research paper topic is getting plenty of buzz at this time or other folks seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic if you don't genuinely have some kind of interest in it also. Be quick to satisfy our English research paper topics for high school so you'll finish your paper punctually. Writing a great persuasive research paper is a difficult undertaking. Needless to say, picking the appropriate topic for your research paper is the initial and most critical step on the best way to writing the paper itself. Always remember to seek advice from your instructor if you're writing a paper for a class. Just by the appearance of your research paper topics, the instructors can tell whether your work is well worth another appearance or a brush through. Each class or instructor will probably want a different format or kind of research undertaking. Narrowing down to a particular component of a wide topic gives you the ability to concentrate on a single subject. Once you get your subject, you will need to regard the question which is to be tackled as regards your research paper topic. In case the topic is too narrow, you might find it difficult to locate the appropriate literature. When you decide on a research topic, make certain it is one which you understand and have a firm grasp on. Negotiation Research Paper Topics Explained Organizing your research work is crucial. Key findings can help you to produce the discussion for each crucial finding. For some students, a choice of topic is the easiest part. Choosing good informative essay topics is simple if you understand how to go about doing it.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The Fight Against Essay Topics for Analysis
The Fight Against Essay Topics for Analysis Therefore, process analyses can be quite detailed and at times quite long. The duration of the analysis may also differ. Making literary analysis outline is a significant portion of a writing process. Likewise you should try and avoid comparing one process to another. What to Expect From Essay Topics for Analysis? Preparation is the secret to success and you should not rush your creativity. Another aim of the analytical essay is to rate thinking and that which you would do in various conditions. Just be sure that it is something which you require, not just something that you want in the brief term. Whether you're explaining a single notion, ideology or facts to compare many points, your aim ought to be avoiding creating misunderstanding for someone who reads. You might believe that interesting essay titles do all of the work, permitting you to add obvious examples and share ordinary ideas. If you've got the chance to select your topic, describing a process, you're acquainted with will produce the task a good deal simpler. When you opt to look for essays for sale on the internet, you will be amazed by the amount of businesses offering custom writing services. The process essays are usually written for companies or people who need tutorials. If you choose to compose your paper by yourself, but don't understand how to begin, read through the guides and samples on our blog. Following that, you'll be in a position to compose a good paper by yourself without any issues. A ll you need to do is contact an expert essay writer at MyPerfectWords. The good thing is that we've got an awesome group of inexpensive research paper writers at Edubirdie which can help you make an amazing essay to be pleased with. At any time you catch yourself feeling captivated by somebody's essay or article, take a good look at it. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most essential point to do is to select a topic and an argument you can really get behind. The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. Therefore, an analytical essay is a bit of writing that gives an informative observation about the particular topic or idea. You are able to read about how to develop into a talented and productive essay writer here. Ask the professor her or his opinion on this issue you've chosen. To get started writing a wonderful rhetorical analysis essay, the first thing springs to mind is the rhetorical analysis essay topic ideas. There's an endless number of different essay topics that may be analyzed. To compose a rhetorical analysis essay, you have to understand the topic and the work that you're contemplating. Opt for an intriguing essay topic, and you are going to begin enjoying it. There are lots of speeches that may be excellent topics. The introduction is a significant part of an essay. To end the whole essay, it's essential to make an overall concluding statement. An analytical essay topic that's engaging and effective is vital. All About Essay Topics for Analysis For instance, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing perspective. How to submit an application for a study abroad program. The very best topic for a crucial analysis essay is the one which will give students opportunity to demonstrate their understanding plus the capacity to analyze and cope up with relevant judgments. You can find with new ideas for young girls who aspire to become one if you've got the present of style. One of the most usual varieties of analysis that college and higher school students perform. It is possible to also talk about the issues that arrive with having a football program. Essay Topics for Analysis Help! Deciding upon a topic for the informative essay isn't a challenging issue to do, so long as you understand what you will need. When picking a topic for an important essay make sure you take a topic you'll be able to manage. It is indispensable to pick the topic that will interest you. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. For those readers, it's important to reveal the rhetorical facets of this issue and analyze them from various angles. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. There are a lot of topics to choose at and dissect. The topic shouldn't be overused as the readers may get bored and opt not to read it whatsoever. Checking on the transitional worlds and the way in which they link the arguments is in addition the trick to starting the essay. Making a review of the information gained and the contestations intended is very important. One of the absolute most important maintenance duties for cars is altering the oil regularly. There are special words and word combination utilized for analytical purposes which ought to be learned too.
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