Thursday, January 30, 2020
More sports in school Essay Example for Free
More sports in school Essay More Sports in School Did you know six of seven of the world population like more than one sport? Our school needs more sports. Some of the students like sports, but we do not have enough sports. Some students want to be a player when they grow up. Sports make your body stronger. We need more sports for the students, so they can become talented. Students can learn about teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship. This can contribute to their development as solid citizens. According to the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry website, in two thousand eight between sixteen percent and thirty three percent of children and teens were considered obese. In organized team sports, students work together to accomplish a task and learn from their mistakes. Nicole M. LaVoi wrote school should have more sports to have fun, mastery, teamwork, and become professionals. There are a lot of sports like soccer, basketball, tennis, football, volleyball, hockey etc. Website: http://blogs. edweek. org/edweek/schooled_in_sports/2013/10/ny_times_hosts_roundtable_ on_ pros_and_cons_of_youth_sports.html Academically weak students are able to excel in sports and are challenged to improve their abilities. Furthermore, D. E. builds teamwork and units thee class as a group, living cultural or social background behind. In doing sport on regular basis, students become fitter and thus. Their self-steam is increased, but most importantly, it is fun. Many students who do not have the opportunity to participate in physical activities outside of school are thankful to do sports in school. If student enjoy sports they are more likely to care about education in general and in doing so improve their schoolwork. Sports only keeps the students healthy, but also gives them a fun break of other schoolwork. That is approximately one in four children who is over the suggested body fat limit for their age. Anyone is able to participate in sports and since a D. E. program in school offer different kind of sports. Some students argue about the fact that school should only be and not fun, because they are two different things. The time should be used to study instead of doing D. E. just the contrary is true. There are schools where students have D. E. lesson every day. org/essay/sports-is-a-necessary-part-of-168936. html Sports can help the students to improve their abilities. Sports are fun and students were exercising while playing sports. Soccer is the most exercised sports, because you have so much running to do. If there are more sports in school, it will be easy for the students to become talented and to be professional players. If student enjoy playing sports their more likely to care about their education. Sports keeps you physically fit, mentally strong, builds characters, and it is a way to take your mind off of school and other things.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Details of Human Sexuality and Society Essay -- Sexuality, gender,
This is a definition of from someone who has studied human sexuality †human sexuality is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings (Rathus et al., 1993). There are many factors that help develop our sexuality, arguably one of the most important, is our actual gender. Whether, I am a male or female will likely have a major influence on the development of my individual sexuality. Furthermore, sexuality is an integral part of our personalities whether we are aware of it or not.†Ludwin Molina. Here is my definition to me it is just the attraction to someone. The way you feel towards them mainly sexual feelings. Every culture has a different belief or value when it comes to making sexual decisions. I would say it mainly depends on how you are raised. For me and my family we have been taught to wait until marriage, although sometimes things may not work out that way it is still how we have been raised Also I think it depends on the generation. The generation now is a lot more accepting to sex before marriage. Kids think of it as â€Å"it’s going to happen anyway†. There for sexual attraction is shown a lot more often at a younger age. Now if you’re talking about older generations it is not as accepted. You were looked down upon if you had a child before marriage in some generations. This caused people to not be as affection and show there attraction for each other in the public eye because they didn’t want people to assume things and be looked down upon. Human Sexuality is a tough topic to talk about because it is so general. It is basically what attracts one to another and how they show there feelings. What brings them together and keeps them together. It also related to sexual attraction because it is ho... anthropology because anthropology relates to genetics. Human sexuality works very closely with genetics and how you are made and what you consist of as well as personality and culture traits. It also relates to parents because your parents are what make you and raise you how to act. This relates to genetics because it makes you part of your parents. Which we are learning about in class. In conclusion human sexuality just depends on how comfortable you are with your self, how you were raised and what you believe. It is not really just pushed on you. You develop it your self with your own opinions and views. As long as help with the ones around you. For example the way kids I know and I am friends with show there human sexuality is very different then the way our parents did because it is our culture, as well as how we rate situations and how we look at things.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Hobbit to Hero: Transformation of Bilbo Baggins Essay
In the beginning of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Gandalf, a supporting character, describes Bilbo, the protagonist, as a great thief and the perfect member a team of dwarves require for their expedition. During the start of their adventure we see that Bilbo is not very keen on going, but as he embarks on these adventures, he gradually begins to rely on his own abilities and starts to take initiative. In The Hobbit, the protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, changes from a mere thieving hobbit to an admired hero by stepping out of his comfort zone, the strength and bravery Gandalf sees in him, and through the trials he overcomes. Hobbits are laid back, easy going, love peace and quiet, like to live in comfort and are inclined to be fat. Bilbo Baggins had all of these traits and qualities, being a hobbit, but being a Baggins also made him predictable, â€Å"†¦. you could tell what a Baggins would say on any question without the bother of asking him.†(p2). Bilbo’s mother, Belladonna Took; being a Took meant she was adventurous and did unhobbit-like things. Even with his mother’s Took blood present in him, he chose to stay home; which he’d rather do anyways, but upon the arrival of the dwarves and Gandalf, Bilbo finds something that stirs up in him and is convinced to go on the great quest. By going on such an adventure, Bilbo was going against typical hobbit behavior, in doing so, upon his arrival home his hobbit neighbors and friends lost respect for him. Knowing that Bilbo was the ‘man for the job’, Gandalf encouraged him to join him in their quest for Thorin’s gold. Even though Bilbo was just a simple hobbit, Gandalf knew that he had Took blood in him, and that he longed for adventures, so he was sure that Bilbo would be a great adventurer. The dwarves and Bilbo doubted Gandalf, but he knew that Bilbo was needed. Gandalf thought that they would doubt him, and that Bilbo would doubt himself, but he assured them that he was the one needed, â€Å"There is a lot more in him than you guess, and a deal more than he has any idea about himself.†(p19). With Gandalf’s encouragement, even with the dwarf’s doubt and Bilbo’s in himself, he goes on the expedition in search of these qualities that are seen in him. Bilbo overcomes the obstacles in his path throughout the adventure by taking initiative and by displaying leadership. When Bilbo makes a reluctant attempt at taking a troll’s wallet, he displays the beginning of his transformation from a simple hobbit into a Tookish adventurer. After Bilbo slays a spider, he displays his hidden courage and bravery that has been in him this all along. Naming his sword after killing the spider is a major turning point in his conversion into a hero; since in ancient epic literature a named sword is a sign of bravery and heroism. Bilbo finally begins to see himself as a hero when he is speaking face to face with the great dragon Smaug, as he begins to create a name for himself, â€Å"†¦ I am he that walks unseen†¦ I am the clue finder†¦ I am the Ringwinnner†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p152). This would have been a difficult task for anyone, as everyone feared the dragon for one reason or another. As we see Bilbo went against traditional hobbit ways, but became better for it as he discovered hidden qualities in himself that made him a better hobbit. He became a hero and a leader by facing the challenges bestowed upon him head on. Even though he may have lost the respect of his fellow hobbits, due to his new Tookish nature, he has gained the title of a hero throughout the land. Bibliography Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989. Print. Tolkien, J.R.R. â€Å"Fellowship of The Ring.†PDF file. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on The Hobbit.† SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 17 Oct. 2012.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Eugenics Movement - 1101 Words
Episode 1 At the beginning of the 20th century, power and prestige was held by the majority of (if not only) White people. African Americans were living under Jim Crow laws, Native Americans were forced into reservations and all of the new immigrants were in crowded ghettos. Those that were a race other than White were at â€Å"the bottom of the social and political hierarchy.†One of the aims of the Eugenics Movement was racial purification. Using the concept of Mendelian genes, scientists would try to breed the best, smartest, most talented, most beautiful and always white individuals and breed out the worst and weakest colored individuals. Mixed race people were seen as not put together because it was a combination of the best and worst traits someone could have.†Frederick Hoffman, presented data, statistics and a theory that claimed African Americans would become extinct because of high death and disease rates that were caused by African Americans being biologically lesser than Whites. However, his analysis was flawed because it failed to mention how systematic poverty and social neglect could be affecting the health of African Americans. Biological scientists believe our racial classification system is inherently flawed because genetically we are the most similar of all species. The film says that if we compare 2 identical penguins, there is twice the amount of genetic difference than you would see compared to looking at the DNA of a black man and a white man. EvenShow MoreRelatedEugenics And The Eugenics Movement2789 Words  | 12 PagesMichael Olson 951-36-5231 PS 308 PS 308 Essay Eugenics has always been given such a notoriously bad connotation, and rightfully so. Eugenics is essentially the belief in controlling the human population by means of improving the gene pool through different processes, and increasing the likelihood of traits which are generally more desirable to the whole of the species. Now that probably sounds familiar, doesn t it? People commonly connect the eugenics movement with the Aryan belief that Hitler infamouslyRead MoreEugenics And The Eugenics Movement1559 Words  | 7 Pagespaved with good intentions; this clichà © quintessentially describes the eugenics movement. Eugenics is the controlled reproduction of individuals; the main focus of eugenics is to isolate â€Å"good†genes from â€Å"bad†genes (Dolan DNA Learning Center). The main goal of Eugenics is to create a higher quality human race (Dolan DNA Learning Center). This movement became the center of which the twentieth century orbited around. The movement swa yed numerous significant policies, which were implemented within theRead MoreEugenics And The Eugenics Movement1530 Words  | 7 Pagesthat was paved with good intentions†; this clichà © quintessentially describes the eugenics movement. Eugenics is the controlled reproduction of individuals; the main focus is to isolate â€Å"good†genes from â€Å"bad†genes (Dolan DNA Learning Center). The primary goal of Eugenics is to create a higher quality human race and became the center of which the twentieth century orbited around (Dolan DNA Learning Center). The movement swayed numerous significant policies, which were implemented within the UnitedRead MoreEugenics And The Eugenics Movement1512 Words  | 7 PagesEugenics is the pseudoscience of obtaining desired traits in a population through controlled repopulation, specifically by preventing those deemed â€Å"unfit†by â€Å"Nordic stereotypes†from breeding. Most modern day Americans do not rea lize the origins of eugenics, which was planted by Charles Darwin and Sir Francis Galton and bloomed in America, and what effect it had on the attempt to create a master race in Nazi Germany. America played a very influential role in German eugenics by collaboration betweenRead MoreEugenics And The Eugenics Movement3686 Words  | 15 Pagesshould come as no surprise that eugenics follows this same guideline in human history. A term originally coined by Francis Galton, first cousin to Charles Darwin, eugenics simply means that the â€Å"best people†in society with the most â€Å"healthy†â€Å"normal†genes should continue to reproduce and pass on their â€Å"goodness†to the next generation, while the individuals with the â€Å"unhealthy†genes should be discouraged from having any children (Allen 2001:59). With movements beginning in the early 20th centuryRead MoreThe Eugenics Movement Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pagesstarted a movement known a s â€Å"The Eugenics Movement.†The idea of eugenics was eventually picked up by Germany, China, Peru, India and Bangladesh. The movement is still in effect till this day; however, it is not as prevalent as it once was. The beginning of the Eugenics Movement all started at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. The United States coined the term Eugenics from Great Britain in the early 1900s. In the year 1910, a man by the name of Charles B. Davenport founded the Eugenics Records OfficeRead MoreThe Holocaust And The Eugenics Movement2285 Words  | 10 Pagesbeen decreased 90 percent due to genocide, diseases, etc.) ? Did you know that there was a sterilization movement in the United States that found success in getting their laws passed in state legislation? These less well-known facts are quite similar to actions carried out by the Nazis, such as the holocaust and the sterilization movement that took place in Germany during the 1930’s. Nazi Eugenics and racism was not a unique instance but rather part of a larger global trend of justifying racism throughRead MoreThe Science Of Eugenics Movement1423 Words  | 6 PagesThe science of eugenics was widely used during the 20th century in the United States to strategically eliminate the reproductive rights of women who were deemed inferior on the social ladder (â€Å"What is Eugenics?†). Some women of color, women with disabilities, and women from lower financial classes were sterilized for permanent birth control, and sometimes without their consent or knowledge (â€Å"What is Eugenics?†). The eugenics movement was aimed to promote selective human features in order to increaseRead MoreRace And The Eugenics Movement987 Words  | 4 PagesRace matters! Race has been probably the most dominating factor beneath the eugenics movement and the pseudo scientific experiments the Europeans physicians and scientists conducted on people of African origin and other races since the 18th century. The foundation for these studies can be associated with ancient Greece, the roots of today’s western values of knowledge, civilized, and democracy which are considered to be the basis for human development. Similarly to today ’s Europeans, Ancient EuropeansRead MoreEugenics And The Social Movement1770 Words  | 8 PagesEugenics is defined as the social movement that claims to improve the genetic features of human populations through selective breeding and sterilization, The word Eugenics is basically selective breeding and it is a Greek word for good birth which was made in the late 1800 s by Francis Galton, who is related to the survival of the fittest scientist Charles Darwin. Galton s number one goal was that each generation contain the best people possible. His main fear was that the higher-class people
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