Saturday, December 28, 2019
Latin Numbers - The Ordinal or Ordered Numbers
Latin ordinal numbers are ordered numbers: as in other Indo-European languages, they are adjectives which refer to the order of a set of objects in a list. English ordinals are words like first, second, third, expressed in Latin primus, secundus, tertius. In contrast, cardinal numbers are nouns which tell you how many objects there are. Cardinal numbers in Latin are unus, duo, tres; English versions of those are one, two, three. Variations The ordinal numbers in Latin are declined like first and second declension adjectives. There are some oddities to note: Some versions of the numbers have a variable presence of n before s and both spellings are acceptablefor 21st in the feminine, you might see una et vicesima twenty-first or the contracted form unetvicesima. For other compounds, as in English, different texts use different versions. You may see the larger number before the smaller with no conjoining ​et or you might see the smaller before with larger separated by the conjunction et. Thus, you may see either vicesimus quartus (twenty-fourth, with the et) or quartus et vicesimus (four and twenty, with the et). For 28th, the Latin ordinal number is based on the idea of taking 2 from 30 or duodetricensimus, just as the duo de 2 from precedes 20th in the ordinal number for 18th: duodevicesimus. Primus Through Decimus Below are listed the basic ordinal numbers in Latin with the Roman numeral corresponding to their value and their English equivalent. Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationI. | primus (-a, -um) | firstII. | secundus, alter | secondIII. | tertius | thirdIV. | quartus | fourthV. | quintus | fifthVI. | sextus | sixthVII. | septimus | seventhVIII. | octavus | eighthIX. | nonus | ninthX. | decimus | tenth Undescimus Through Nonus Decimus Variations are present in the Latin ordinals for tenth through nineteenth. If that seems strange, recall that English ordinals for 11th (eleventh) and 12th (twelfth) are formed differently than higher ones (thirteenth through nineteenth). Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationXI. | undecimus | eleventhXII. | duodecimus | twelfthXIII. | tertius decimus or decimus et tertius | thirteenthXIV. | quartus decimus or decimus et quartus | fourteenthXV. | quintus decimus or decimus et quintus | fifteenthXVI. | sextus decimus or decimus et sextus | sixteenthXVII. | septimus decimus or decimus et septimus | seventeenthXVIII. | duodevice(n)simus, also octavus decimus | eighteenthXIX. | undevice(n)simus, also nonus decimus | nineteenth Ac Deinceps Exortis et Superiora Loca Ordinals higher than 20th follow the same patterns and variations as those seen in first through nineteenth. Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationXX. | vice(n)simus | twentiethXXI. | unus et vice(n)simus, also vicesimus primus | twenty-firstXXII. | alter et vice(n)simus or vicesimus secundus | twenty-secondXXX. | trice(n)simus or trigesimus | thirtiethXL. | quadrage(n)simus | fortiethL. | quinquage(n)simus | fiftiethLX. | sexage(n)simus | sixtiethLXX. | septuage(n)simus | seventiethLXXX. | octoge(n)simus | eightiethXC. | nonage(n)simus | ninetiethC. | cente(n)simus | hundredthCC. | ducente(n)simus | two-hundredthCCC. | trecentensimus | three-hundredthCCCC. | quadringentensimus | four-hundredthD. | quingentensimus | five-hundredthDC. | sescentensimus | six-hundredthDCC. | septingentensimus | seven-hundredthDCCC. | octingentensimus | eight-hundredthDCCCC. | nongentensimus | nine-hundredthM. | millensimus | thousandthMM. | bis millensimus | two-thousandth
Friday, December 20, 2019
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay
There are a select few individuals who have come variously to be called great or brilliant because they and their accomplishments have forever changed society and the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther Kings contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before him, lived by a heroic credo of non-violence. More than two decades since his death, Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a major transformation of American society- are as vital and timely as†¦show more content†¦King, quickly realized that the best strategy to liberate African-Americans and gain them rights was to use nonviolent forms of protest. He recognized that nonviolence was strategically the only realistic option for oppressed African-Americans to achieve justice as well as the fact that violence would simply polarize the races and make true justice and reconciliation impossible (King, 1983). This gave King, like Mohandas Gandhi, the stature of being both a great moral leader and a brilliant political strategist (Cone, 1969). King organized marches, speeches, and much more to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. His political philosophy and strong beliefs helped lead a nation to the racial justice it has today. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great speaker, a role-model, and a man who wasnt afraid to dream. Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all the world needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of thirteen years from 1955 to his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many wrongs (Cone, 1969). Martin Luther King was such an inspirational leader because he appealed to not only the black population, but he appealed to all people who believed in equality and freedom. King, not only spoke withShow MoreRelatedThe Idea of the Secular Saint in Ambrosios Work1738 Words  | 7 PagesSecular Saint Question 1: What elements in the life and work of Simone Weil, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, and some of the characters portrayed in the movies Dr. Ambrosio mentions speak to you most effectively about the qualities of the secular saint? There are many types of people in the world. Specifically, there are those who live to make their own existences happier and then there are those who work to preserve and protect the rights and needs of their fellow human beings. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Never Say No to Panda Essay Sample free essay sample
A series of telecasting commercials to sell Panda Cheese were released in 2010. They were produced in Egypt by Arab Dairy. the makers of Panda Cheese. The premiss in each commercial is likewise. person offers person else Panda Cheese. they decline. and a Giant panda shows up to terrorise their milieus. In my favourite. there is a pa and his boy traveling food market shopping. The boy spots the Panda Cheese and asks if he can acquire it. but the pa tells him no. Right so. a Giant panda shows up on the opposite side of their shopping cart. while the vocal â€Å"True Love Ways†by Buddy Holly Plays. The Panda stares at the pa for a drawn-out sum of clip while the vocal plays until he grabs onto the cart and knocks it over. sloping all of his points on the floor and stamping on them. On the 2nd portion of the commercial. the pa and boy go shopping once more and when the boy asks for the cheese. the Giant panda shows up earlier this clip and stares while Buddy Holly plays once more. Feeling intimidated. the pa opts to purchase non one. but two boxes of cheese to fulfill the Panda before everyone walks off peacefully. The commercial ends with a close up of the cheese being held by the Panda. with their celebrated mottos written at the top of the screen. â€Å"Never Say No to Panda. †The commercial seems to be aimed toward a younger age group. Peoples around ages 16-25 would happen the advertizements funny. which is something this audience group looks for in a commercial. The sheer indifference the Panda seems to demo with its face while bust uping everything merely makes it even more gratifying to the younger audience. The commercial could besides be targeted towards kids. Since they most likely won’t know any better. the ad could do fright and coerce them to inquire their parents for the cheese so they can be safe. This might do the parents experience a small resentful towards the ad. but one time they explain it. the kids could stop up happening it amusing themselves. The commercial is seeking to acquire people to buy Panda Cheese. In each commercial. person is offered cheese. to which they decline. Then. about like thaumaturgy. the unpredictable Giant panda shows up. looking harmless at first. but so goes on a violent disorder out of choler from person declining to hold his cheese. â€Å"If you don’t want and unfriendly visit from a Panda. purchase our cheese. †is fundamentally what the commercial is stating on a shallow degree. Of class. there has been no existent case of a Panda teleporting to person who decides non to eat his cheese. It’s the absurdness that makes it amusing to us. which makes us desire to purchase it. I think the commercials gross revenues pitch is really effectual. Humor. in my sentiment. is a great manner to sell points. It makes the point seem more realistic in a manner. like the point would be a great add-on to anyone’s life since it is associated with good times. The original picture of the Panda ads that was uploaded to YouTube earned over 20 million positions. and dozens more duplicate pictures were uploaded with important positions besides. This shows how effectual the commercials were. Even if non everyone enjoys them. they have become internationally known thanks to the cyberspace. which surely leads t o more people purchasing them. The Panda commercial entreaties to my sense of wit and makes me experience that there are other people that I may non detest. Through my old ages. I have become apathetic and have grown to be really antisocial. due to the bulk of people I tend to be about. My sense of wit is seemingly really different from others I’ve seen. What I find amusing. person else normally doesn’t seem to bask. This commercial is something I find truly amusing. and many others do besides. as I can state from the rave reappraisals all over the cyberspace. Sing others wishing this makes me bask it even more. and being able to portion the merriment with people is ever nice. The Panda commercial reminds me besides of my household. They are ever a gas to be about. My eldest sister is who I look up to. because of all the questionable things that have happened in her life. and holding people judge her for those things and my parents experiencing ( non excessively ) disappointed in her. she still shows how happy she is through her screaming sense of wit. She is merely really loud and speaks her head about whatever she thinks. and doesn’t attention about what others think about it. My other older sister has more of a sarcastic-droll sense of wit. though it’s still truly amusing. She can move really objectionable and fretful about things that don’t even matter. or really apatheti c towards things that do. and either manner they come off as hysterical in a really facile manner. My Dad loves to be amusing. He has the type of wit that any northern cracker would hold. being loud and sounding uneducated. but the manner he does it is merely excessively good. He’ll even go every bit far as physically harming himself to acquire a rouse out of me. which neer fails. Merely like in the Panda commercials. he’ll act all upset over something small. merely to acquire me to react. My ma. on the other manus. has a more average wit. which I think is most like the Panda advertizement. When she sees an chance. she’ll terminal up stating or making something that people other than her or my household would happen offending. like doing merriment of people on the telecasting for holding eldritch voices. When all’s said and done. my whole household is merely one large Panda commercial. Though my household is brainsick plenty to be compared to Panda. is doesn’t parallel to how my friends can be. One of my friends in peculiar. Carly. and I grew to like each other from holding the same sense of wit. as for the remainder of my friends. She is really coarse and doesn’t clasp anything back. even with me. which I love because it shows she is non a coward. She can be at some get-together with people we’ve neer met. and sheâ₠¬â„¢ll travel up and get down speaking like she’s already good acquainted with them. After holding little talk for a piece. she’ll find a pathetic alibi to neer speak to that individual once more. such as â€Å"wait. you don’t like Wavves? I have to travel talk to ice chest people now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ It’s screaming to detect her act in this mode. Sometimes she’ll even drag me in to the conversations by stating â€Å"Oh excuse me. my brother thinks you’re a gumshoe so I have to travel now. †She decidedly portions the same humor as the Panda Cheese ads. Other friends of mine. Shelbie and Amber. are besides really â€Å"Panda. †The first clip I went to Constantine. Michigan to run into them. they were lounging in their life room in their pyjama. Once they saw me. they jumped and tackled me to the land. stating me that I was non allowed in their house any longer and that I broke Amber’s sisters bosom. I played along and confessed I had feelings for archduchess of Austria. Maria Johanna. They sighed and said â€Å" oh. †and that was the terminal of that Role Playing game. That was merely the beginning of this eldritch friendly relationship. We tend to jest about things that others would happen creepy and violative. such as Amber ever jesting about how her ma was in prison. She will non lose a opportunity to slop that fact out for everyone to hear. non even if her ma is in the room. she’ll merely coolly say â€Å"oh. hey cats. retrieve my ma? She merely got out of prison. †Shelbie is a batch like Amber. but besides really different. She likes to jest about how her cats and how she is traveling to turn up to be a brainsick cat lady. Right now. she has three cats and a little plaything poodle. and she merely loves them. She besides can move really immature. for the interest of wit. and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve of all time seen. One clip she was in the bathroom while I waited outdoors. Another miss walked in. and I could catch them speaking in at that place. She made herself out to be one of the popular cheerleaders and intimidated her. She said. and I quote. â€Å"This is my bathroom. this is my school. and this is me stating you that you need to larn your topographic point. †This is to a miss she has neer met before! Her and Amber both love joking about the universe. merely as I do. which makes us even more Panda than the remainder. Arabs aren’t the lone people who are watching these commercials. They have grown in popularity in a affair of hebdomads. so much that it has become an Internet meme. The tendency likely won’t last for excessively long though. as does everything in celebrity. Even after people grow tired of him. his message will still be the same. â€Å"Never Say No To Panda. â€
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Securing the Mobile Enterprise with Network-Based Security and Cloud
Questions: 1. Using the university network, search the IEEE digital library to find: a) Provide a full reference to the paper in the Harvard referencing style. Provide a brief explanation on the process used to find the paper. b) Write a critical summary of the paper covering the following aspects: a. What the most significant points are b. Implications of this paper for networking professionals c. Implications for a small company d. How they have referenced the work of others e. How well the authors have presented their work 2. The law firm currently has two sites one in Durham (Remote Office) and the other in Sunderland (Main Office). Create IP addressing schemes for the Main and Remote Office sites: All departments need to be in separate subnets. The external IP address for Main is, and for the remote office is Use IP version 4 private addressing ranges within your networks (your choice as to which ones) and show how Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Addr ess Translation (PAT) could be used to enable the connection of the external sites. Head Office : Lawyers (16 users) PAs (16 users) Customer Services (2 users) IP phones (up to 42 users) Finance (2 users) Remote Office : Admin (2 users) Technical support (2 users) IP phones (up to 42 users) Home based workers (up to 32 users) Answers: 1. a. De Los Reyes, G., Macwan, S., Chawla, D., Serban, C. (2012). Securing the Mobile Enterprise with Network-Based Security and Cloud Computing. IEEE Xplore, Sarnoff Symposium (SARNOFF).[Online] 35, pp.1-5. Retrieved from [accessed 1 April 2015].b. a. What the most significant points are The most significant points discussed in this paper are dealing with the security of the company exclusive data over the wireless network. The paper focuses on the various aspects of using a Virtual Private Network for sharing the information between various levels of the organization. This allows faster communication of information within the organizational network, but this also poses threat to the information. Earlier complex LAN structures were in use to connect various systems in the organization, providing security features using the DMZ policies. But as the communication system started growing, complex LAN structure began losing its value , as most of the communication is now based on mobile network. Smartphones, tablets, PDAs are the new generation tools for communicating with the business network. Providing company secure data to these devices without posing any threat to the data is a challenging task, and is not possible to be achieved by using old LAN structure. So, the security analysts came up with new ideas to make this become a reality. Combining the Cloud system with modern day security protocols has the potential to deliver the data securely to any mobile device. Use of Virtual Private Gateways has strengthened the security parameter of Cloud security, as now by using VPG an organization can limit the access to the content according to usage permission. The security is now basically on the cloud, and VPG is used as a channel to reach their, so now only policies are need to be designed for various user levels, thus providing better security over mobile devices with less complex structure.b. Implications of this paper for networking professionalsThis paper focuses about the various security loopholes present in the earlier models of networking, when used with modern day technology. Complex LAN structures, DMZ policies, etc. are a tale of the past now, and have almost lost their value in present day communication world. Now most of the corporate work is done over mobile devices, where these policies of the past find no fit. There is a need for developing new security policies or measures to counter the data theft attack in the mobile network via use of third party applications. One possible and the most promising way is described in this paper, that is the use of cloud storage, coupled with security at gateway and tunnel level, to keep the data entry and exit secure. A Virtual Private Gateway is used to monitor the traffic coming over the companys network, it also acts as a firewall to route the traffic originating from any third party software installed on the mobile device to another location. Data is secure over cloud storage and could be accessed from anywhere, using the access level specified to an individual by the organization.Industry analyst has raised issues of privacy concerns as the important barrier in adapting cloud computing in an enterprise. Thus to gain trust of the organization the technology of cloud should be able to provide levels of security and privacy , make system capable to resist threats and thus provide reliable storage to data and information. Figure 1: intersection of privacy and security needed to build trust in cloud applications The benefits of using the network security model proposed are as follows: It shall increase the trust and Longevity in the Marketplace. Customer satisfaction over Quality Solution Streamlined process and ensuring privacy.c. Implications for a small company The security features demonstrated here are well suited for companies with big budget for their security concerns, and a huge workforce who needs to access the data of the company over the move. Such companies have huge amount to spend over cloud storage or maintaining data servers. Small companies find it difficult to manage funds for obtaining such a high level of security, and although it is also not of so good use to small organizations, as the company size is small so there is not much need of transferring confidential data over the net. Here previous technologies could be used to provide security of the network. To conclude, use of cloud storage and VPG is not an economically viable option for small companies. d. How they ha ve referenced the work of others [1] William R. Cheswick and Steven M. Bellovin. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,1st edition, 1994.[2] Steven M. Bellovin, Clouds from Both Sides, IEEE Security Privacy,vol. 9, no. 3, May--June, 2011.Referencing is good where in the writers have referred to needed authors with respect to security, internet and clouds. This referencing displays the confidence and originality of the writers.e. How well the authors have presented their workThe authors have presented the work very efficiently. The paper is divided into segments, dealing with specific information of that segment. Use of figures and tables is very effective to demonstrate the working of the previously popular network security protocols and their effects and drawbacks, and contrasting them with the newly developed model of network security using cloud and VPG, describing its effects and constraints. Table has been used to contrast the difference between the new and old technology. In short, data presentation is very effective in this paper, keeping the reader engrossed till end and providing specialist knowledge to the readers about the topic, keeping the language simple and easy to understand by a beginner too.Answer 2: The law firm currently has two sites one in Durham (Remote Office) and the other in Sunderland (Main Office). The external IP address for Main is, and for the remote office is using IP version 4 private addressing ranges within networks following IP addresses can be described for the organization. Main Office ( For Main Office here we are using a class B Address for networking Class B Address Head Office Requirement No. Of Users Required Range of IP Address Used This network address Broadcast address Lawyers 16 - PAs 16 - Customer Service 2 - IP Phones 42 - Finance 2 - Remote Office ( For Remote Office here we are using a class B Address for networking Class B Address Remote Office Requirement No. Of Users Required Range of IP Address Used This network address Broadcast address Admin 2 -192. 169.1.3 192. 169.1.0 192. 169.1.4 Technical Support 2 192. 169.2.1 -192. 169.2.3 192. 169.2.0 192. 169.2.4 IP Phones 42 192. 169.3.1 -192. 169.3.43 192. 169.3.0 192. 169.3.44 Home Based Workers 32 192. 169.4.1 -192. 169.4.35 192. 169.4.0 192. 169.4.36 Following figure gives the required network layout for the organization References 1. De Los Reyes, G., Macwan, S., Chawla, D., Serban, C. (2012). Securing the Mobile Enterprise with Network-Based Security and Cloud Computing. IEEE Xplore, Sarnoff Symposium (SARNOFF).[Online] 35, pp.1-5. Retrieved from [accessed 1 April 2015].2. Secure, private, and trustworthy:enterprise cloud computing with,Retrieved from Figure1: Secure, private, and trustworthy:enterprise cloud computing with,Retrieved from
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