Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The risk of malnutrition Essays
The risk of malnutrition Essays The risk of malnutrition Essay The risk of malnutrition Essay Introduction The most of import issue with for the Great Horn of Africa ( GHA ) states is the equal supply of sufficient nutrient. Poor conditions and struggle are some of the factors that cause the nutrient insecurity. Increase in planetary nutrient monetary values besides cause more weakening in nutrient security which increases the hazard of malnutrition. The purpose of this essay is to discourse how addition in nutrient monetary values in general affects lessening in nutrient security in the GHA and increase the hazard of malnutrition of the people in those states of GHA. The United States Agency for International Developments ( USAID ) defined nutrient security based upon the one adopted at the 1996 World Food Summit. This defines nutrient security as all people, at all times holding physical and economic entree to sufficient, safe and alimentary nutrient that meets their dietetic demands and nutrient penchants for an active and healthy life , ( Riely et al. , 1999, FAO, 2006 ) . Food entree, use, nutrient handiness and stableness are the four key elements ( FAO, 2006 ) . These four key elements province that there ever sufficient sum of nutrient, quality of nutrient has to be kept same even it is imported or produced, to fix nutrient and consume nutrient in a alimentary and hygienic mode equal tools or pecuniary resources for its acquisition is needed, and non to lose all these elements the hazard should ever be low. Otherwise, if any of these elements has some lacks so nutrient security will diminish. The states that are portion of GHA which has suffered from long term nutrient insecurity are Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Dijibouti, Uganda, Sudan, Kenya, parts of the Central African Republic ( CAR ) and the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . These states faced nutrient insecurities at critical degree and have required external nutrient aid for at least 10 or more old ages during the period 1988-2005. However, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan and DRC faced nutrient insecurities for the full continuance of this period or more ( FAO, 2006 ) . The causes of nutrient insecurity There were still some annihilating factors refering with the nutrient security in the GHA part. First of all, fickle and drought rainfalls combined with deforestation have ruined dirt quality in decreased harvest outputs and grazing land for croping animate beings ( Riely et al. , 1999 ) . The rainfall was below the norm in many parts of GHA bespeaking moderate to badly dry conditions in Somalia, some parts of Kenya, south-eastern Ethiopia and Dijibouti between February to September 2008 ( FEWS_Net, 2008a, FEWS_Net, 2008b, FEWS_Net, 2008c ) . Less sum of rainfall caused to the dirt wet degrees to drop and this affected corn harvest to neglect in some parts of GHA. Political instability and armed struggle are some of the causes that make it hard to get down and go on to administer nutrient to the people in a market substructure mode ( Riely et al. , 1999 ) . As an illustration, between 1991 and 2000, since Somalia has nt got a functioning authorities, it has merely recognized a transi tional national authorities after approximately a decennary involved in internal struggle ( Bureau_of_African_Affairs, 2010 ) . After all these happened, the figure of internally displaced people who can non work and depend on external nutrient assistance increased to 980,000. Due to some internal supplanting doing the post-election ferociousness in 2008, around 257,000 people had nutrient insecurity issues ( FEWS_Net, 2008d ) . All of these factors when they are combined affect people to obtain adequate nutrient in their ain economic system and force them to international assistance and markets. Food handiness and nutrient entree depend on the cost of nutrient. Since the production capacity degrees are lower, the GHA part is a net importer of nutrient particularly cereals from international markets ( IFRC, 2008 ) . In add-on to this, monetary values of cereal including rice and corn additions in the period from 2006 to 2008.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial strategy - Coursework Example Since, the two world wars and lot of scientific inventions, risk has been defined in many ways. When we go to the bus stand for the bus, various degree of risk is involved having different severity of accidents. Sometime risks may be voluntary or some risks may be trivial while other may be fatal. It may be argued that since the birth of civilization only risks have been responsible for any major advancement. In ancient times, risk taking cavemen lived with abundance of food and risk averse starved to death. In terms of financial theories and practice the risk management is equating risks with hedging. Organizations prosper not by avoiding risks but by managing risks to their own advantage. Ancient trade across the continents flourished because of risk taking and management. The key reason for Europe’s prosperity is risk management. In 1921, Frank Knight summarized the difference between risk and uncertainty with an example. â€Å"Two individuals drawing from an urn of red an d black balls; the first individual is ignorant of the numbers of each color whereas the second individual is aware that there are three red balls for each black ball. The second individual estimates (correctly) the probability of drawing a red ball to be 75% but the first operates under the misperception†(Knight 1921). ... Risks provide opportunities for a good outcome out of a bad situation. If the reward outmatches the hazard of disaster, people are ready to take risks. If a firm is conscious of the risks it is undertaking, it is going to formulate strategies based on the decision. The Institute of International Finance (December 2009) has defined risk culture as â€Å"as the norms and traditions of behavior of individuals and of groups within an organization that determine the way in which they identify, understand, discuss, and act on the risks the organization confronts and the risks it takes†(2009). It is essential that the risks are challenged by the core group of decision makers with an objective to develop a spirit of nurturing buoyancy and inculcating an environment for continuous improvement, in line with the strategic aims of the organization. Business risk is related to political and social environment of a country. During the war on terror and US attack on Iraq, the air travel bec ame very risky and the insurance cost and cost of flying were many times higher than the previous prevailing rates. Similarly, in today’s world condition in Afghanistan is a threat for any kind of manufacturing business. Thus, no company would like to establish a factory in Afghanistan. Therefore, we observe that a lot of trading is going on these days in this region of the world. The uncertainty of terrorism has created a status of risk in almost the entire world for the last couple of decades, more appropriately since US invasion of Iraq. As a result of risk investment has moved out from this region. Despite the fact the countries in these regions are offering business incentives to the investors but in view of the high risk for capital and life,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Depression Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Depression - Research Paper Example Psychologists caution parents to handle children well in the quest to address this menace. After all, this problem affects all people in the world directly and indirectly. Depression is one of the most common mental problems in the world today. This mental condition arises when a person has much more do than they can handle at one time. Overcome Depression Organization (2009) implies that the world has become more competitive, busy, and stressful, and most people are having challenges coping with these activities. They eventually develop stress, which subsequently develops into depression. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 350 million people have depression in the world. This makes depression one of the most common disorders in the world today. The major symptoms of depression include loneliness, lack of moods, poor concentration, poor appetite, low self worth feelings and guiltiness (Marcus et al, 2012). Recent studies indicate that depression can arise due to earlier life experiences. Psychologists and scientists found out that child abuse and neglect is likely to cause depression in the future. Child abuse may take the form of physical assaults, emotional and psychological abuse including insults, and sexual abuse. The World Health Organization (2012) report on burden of disease implied that 51% of people neglected and abused in their childhood developed depression later in life. Childhood depression is easy to detect with the major symptoms, which are the same as for the adults. Childhood stress and depression is preventable and treatable with the various intervention and treatment strategies. Depression is a mental condition associated with low moods, which affects the way a person thinks, behaves, and feels. In most cases, depressed people tend to think a lot feel anxious, sad, guilty, worthless, hopeless, and worried. The depressed also lose interest in most activities
Monday, November 18, 2019
Reflective Article Review Log Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Reflective Article Review Log - Assignment Example The new demands of the learning environment can only be met if the instructional methods remain dynamic and provide a comprehensive understanding of the learning needs. By identifying the various changes in the learning environment, the authors lay a ground for launching a new strategy for meeting the learners’ demands. The article relies on empirical studies to identify the various learning needs of a diverse school population. The article summarizes the findings of hundreds of empirical studies to identify five common needs of a learner. Ming and Dukes (2010) identify phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as the key elements of a comprehensive lesson that can help children to become proficient readers. Phonemic awareness is defined as the ability to auditorily identify and manipulate individual sounds in words. On the other hand, phonics is the ability of the learner to identify the letters within a word. The two helps a learner to have a flow of the language what the authors term as fluency of the language. Next, the learners can learn how to use vocabulary which refers to the language words that add taste to the language. The last and the most important step is for the learner to comprehend the meaning of the language which is essential for a complete learning proce ss. The article provides a basis which instructors can perform a close analysis of the lessons and evaluate the dimensions that they omit in their lessons. Through a scientific approach, Ming and Dukes (2010) develops a strategy through which an instructor can develop incorporate the â€Å"big five†dimension in a diverse learning environment. The article emphasizes the need for preplanning stage in developing a comprehensive lesson plan. It is a stage that the instructor lays down the objectives the lesson and the various learners’ outcomes that he must attain at the end of their teaching. Next, the article
Friday, November 15, 2019
Country PESTEL Analysis: Iran
Country PESTEL Analysis: Iran Despite political and economic ups and downs and uncertainties IRAN remains one of the Middle East top countries when it comes to the growth potential. With largest young population IRAN is considered one of the best export markets in the region. POLITICAL: Unique factor is that it is religious and Islamic. The political system of Islamic republic is based on 1979 constitution. Accordingly it is duty of Islamic government to furnish all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities. The white revolution which is a step taken with a view to strengthening the foundation of the despotic regime and to maintain the economic links. The tax environment for foreign businesses is highly risky. The corporate tax rate has been lowered to a flat 25% from the previous maximum of about 60. The fiscal year starts on March 21 and ends on March 20 of other year. TYPES OF TAX Income tax Islamic taxes Real estate taxes Capital gain tax Indirect taxes ECONOMICAL FACTORS: Inflation rate for IRAN is 13.50% for year 2010 while in 2009 it was 25.60%. It is transition economy with large public sector and estimated 50% of economy centrally planned. A unique feature is the large size of religious foundations whose combined budget makes up more than 30% of central government. Unemployment rate is 11.80%. According to official estimates some 3.5 million working age Iranians are currently unemployed. The jobless rate is high among women and youth of Islamic republic. GDP- real growth rate is 1.50%. GDP per capita is $ 4732. It is 18th largest economy purchasing power parity. Irans non-oil exports, excluding gas condensates to the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] were valued at $2.281 billion during the first 9 months of the current Iranian calendar year (March-December, 2010), showing 25 percent over the same period last year. The economic growth prospect for IRAN in 2011 is 3.2%. Prospects for both developing and high income economies of Middle East and North Africa should improve through 2011. Oil prices are expected to remain broadly stable over the forecast period, at around $75 a barrel. Strong global activity is allowing crude oil to return positive growth. Oil prices are expected to remain stable over forecast period at $75 per barrel. GDP growth for developing oil exporters should reach 3.1 and 3.7 percent, respectively, in 2010 and 2011. Basic statistics and population Physical areas: Area of the country 164 800 000 ha Cultivable area 51 000 000 ha Annual crops 12 106 644 ha Permanent crops 1 686 619 ha Population: Total population 60 050 000 inhabitants Population density 36.4 inhab./km ² Rural population 38.3 % Water supply coverage: Urban population 95 % Rural population 86 % EXPORTS in IRAN Below are the top 10 U.S. exports to Iran during the first 5 months of 2010. Soybeans à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $50.3 million, up 3.2% from 2009 (54.7% of total) Chemical wood pulp à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $11.4 million, up 87.7% (12.4%) Other acrylic polymers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $4.5 million, down 21.1% (4.9%) Other blood fractions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $3.6 million, down 38.4% (3.9%) Bovine semen à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $3.4 million, up 90.9% (3.7%) Multiple vitamins à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $2 million, down 33.3% (2.2%) Patient monitoring systems à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.5 million, up 93.5% (1.7%) Other vitamins including natural concentrates à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.49 million, up from nil in 2009 (1.6%) Insulin and its salts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.4 million, up from nil (1.5%) Heparin and its salts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.1 million, down 81.3% (1.2%). Mostly agricultural and medical items, the top U.S. exports above represent 87.9% of all American shipments to Iran. IMPORTS in IRAN U.S. imports from Iran amounted to $29.6 million during the first 5 months of 2010, up 3.2% from 2009. Hand-hooked carpets of wool or fine animal hair à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ U.S.$16.9 million, up 8.2% (61.7% of total) Berry juice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $4 million, up 10,757% (13.5%) Shelled pistachios à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $1.3 million, up 148.8% (4.4%) Ancient antiques à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1.2 million, down 72.9% (4.1%) Untufted or unflocked man-made fiber carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $805,000 up 520.8% (2.7%) Hand-knotted textile carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $612,000 down 67.4% (2.1%) Hand-woven wool carpets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $402,000 down 11.2% (1.4%) Fresh or dried figs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $300,000 up 418% (1%) Hand-inserted pile carpets of wool or fine animal hair à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $274,000 up 1,543% (0.9%) Saffron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ $270,000 up 69.4% (0.9%). The above products represent 92.7% of all Iranian imports into the United States so far in 2010. Iranian carpets remain among the most popular imported items from Iran. SOCIAL FACTORS Government and people are not working together. Chances are much that Taliban is able to strengthen the base.  The nuclear laboratory that is functional here is also a cause of big tension. Obama administration is making the other countries of the world to also bring their attention towards Iran and come out with the ways in which it could be subjected to rebuilding its view towards Iran. In Iran, the family is the basis of the social structure. The concept of family is more private than in many other cultures. Female relatives must be protected from outside influences and are taken care of at all times. It is inappropriate to ask questions about an Iranians wife or other female relatives. Loyalty to the family comes before other social relationship, even business. Iranians see themselves as having two distinct identities: zaher (public) and batin (private).  When they are in public, they must conform to accepted modes of behaviour. It is only within their homes among their inner circle that they feel free to be themselves. Family members are always part of the inner circle. The inner circle forms the basis of a persons social and business network. Friendship is very important and extends into business. The people from the inner circle can be relied upon to: offer advice, help find a job, or cut through bureaucracy. HEALTH AND WELFARE Health conditions have been improved after World War 2. Many of the disease such as small pox, cholera have been wiped out. Public hospitals are there which provides treatment to the poor. All health services are supervised by ministry of health, Treatment and medical education. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Nanotechnology in fields helping to make best quality products at lower cost. IT companies collaborating to access the market. Inventions and innovation rate. Mechanization trend in the country. Irans apparently clandestine efforts to build a nuclear weapons program are a major foreign policy challenge for the Obama administration. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Vehicles emissions, refinery operations, industrial effluents which contribute to por air quality. Most cars here use leaded gas and lack emission control equipment. Buses and cars running on natural gas are planned to replace the existing public transportation fleet in nature. Iran is suffering from overgrazing and deforestation. Wet land and bodies of fresh water are being destroyed as industries are increasing. It contends that the international rush to develop oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea presents that region with a new set of environmental threats. To evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Iranian adolescents and their relationship with modifiable environmental factors. POTENTIAL SOURCES USING PORTER IRAN first nuclear power which has born after many years. Russia is helping IRAN for launching nuclear power. Iran is already an irritant and potential source of crisis in Turkish-American relations. Ankara has significant economic ties and energy contracts with Tehran. The total trade volume between the two countries is $10 billion and expected to double in the next three years given Turkeys growing need for natural gas and willingness to lessen its dependence on Russia. With continued Israeli threats to attack Irans nuclear program Iran has a right to defend its skies against attackers. Iran has signed an arms deal with the Russian Roso boron export arms group to buy 250 Su-30 MKM warplanes and 20 Il-78 MKI aerial tankers. THREATS The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to four countries Qatar, united Arab, Bahrain and Kuwait and keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down Iranian missiles. ANALYSIS IRAN is one of the few major economies that have kept positive growth despite 2009 global financial crisis and international sanctions relating to nuclear power. Distortion resulting from combination of price control and subsidies particularly on food and energy continues to weigh down the economy. There is wide spread corruption relating to private growth. High oil prices this year have enabled IRAN to amass US$100 billion in foreign exchange reserves. But there is still double digit unemployment and inflation in economy. GDP growth for developing oil exporters reached 3.1 and 3.7 percent, respectively, in 2010 and 2011. BIBLOGRAPHY
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Freud V Erickson Essay -- Psychology Psychologists Compare Contrast
Sigmund Freud is probably the most familiar name that comes to mind when one thinks of famous psychologists. Freud was born in Freiberg, Moravia in 1856, but when he was four years old his family moved to Vienna, where Freud was to live and work until the last year of his life. The scope of Freud's interests, and of his professional training, was very broad - he always considered himself first and foremost a scientist, endeavoring to extend the compass of human knowledge, and to this end, rather than to the practice of medicine, he enrolled at the medical school at the University of Vienna in 1873. He concentrated initially on biology, doing research in physiology for six years under the great German scientist Ernst Brà ¼cke, who was director of the Physiology Laboratory at the University, thereafter specializing in neurology. Eventually, Freud set up a private practice in the treatment of psychological disorders, which gave him much of the clinical material on which he based his th eories and his pioneering techniques.(Amacher) Freud's theories of development relied heavily on the belief that infantile sexuality must be seen as an integral part of a broader developmental theory of human personality. This had its origins in, and was a generalization of, Breuer's earlier discovery that traumatic childhood events could have devastating negative effects upon the adult individual, and took the form of the general thesis that early childhood sexual experiences were the crucial factors in the determination of the adult personality.(Freud2) From his account of the instincts or drives it followed that from the moment of birth the infant is driven in his actions by the desire for bodily/sexual pleasure, where this is seen by Freud in almost mechanical terms as the desire to release mental energy. This lasts until puberty, when mature genital development begins, and the pleasure drive refocuses around the genital area.(Amacher) It was also a friend and fellow psychoanalyst of Freud’s, Erik Erickson, who created one of the major theories that open a window to the development of everything that makes us who we are on the inside. It is referred to as Erickson’s Theory of Human Development and it simplifies the complex topic of human personality.(Miller) First, let’s talk about the man himself. Erik Homberger was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1902. The conditions ... ...believed that personality continued to develop across the lifespan and describes stages of adult development not considered by Freud. Both theorists emphasized the unconscious, but Erickson went beyond this to discuss the importance of the collective unconscious; an idea Freud particularly rejected. Both theorists had little physical evidence to support their hypothesis, however because of the early stages of development that the field of psychology was in, they were accepted based primarily on merit, and have been later evaluated by evidence, and some parts accepted and others disregarded. Bibliography Amacher, Peter. 'Freud's Neurological Education and Its Influence on Psychoanalytic Theory.'Psychological Issues IV, no. 4, monograph 16. New York: International Universities Press, 1965. Battino, R., & South, T. 1997. Ericksonian Approaches: A Comprehensive Manual. Neuyptology Press Freud, Sigmund, Brill, A. A., ed. (1938). The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, New York: The Modern Library Freud, Sigmund. (1935). An Autobiographical Study., London: Hogarth Press. Miller, P. (1983). Theories of Developmental Psychology. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Alcohol Abuse is dangerous for Everybody Essay
It is well known that alcohol abuse turns into a serious problem in our society because of several facts. More and more people, especially young people, drink a lot of alcohol; as a result, they don’t know when they have to stop and the alcohol use turns into an alcohol abuse. The question, which I ask myself, is: How is it possible that alcohol turns into a serious problem in our generation and which are the flash points? First of all, in every country are different age limits when people are allowed to consume alcohol. Some countries allow drinking beer and wine at the age of sixteen and all other alcoholic beverages at the age of eighteen. As an example in Switzerland, where I come from, the law allows us to start drinking at the mentioned ages. So Swiss people learn to deal with alcohol, everywhere in life, at a young age. Also, we are allowed to drink, so we get to know our limits faster. As you can see there is no allure to do something illegal by drinking alcohol with sixteen because it is allowed. In this way, we don’t drink to be cool; it is just all the time a part of parties, nice dinners or other special times in our life. Of course everybody has a story when we didn’t know when we had to stop drinking, but that happens to everybody and is a part of the process in learning to deal with alcohol in life. Even if we know it, we do sometimes abuse alcohol. Whereas, in the United States of America you aren’t allowed to drink alcohol till you are twenty-one. The law allows you to drive a car with sixteen, but not to drink alcohol. What I see all the time here is that people under twenty-one uses every chance to drink alcohol. If there is alcohol at a party, they use the chance and drink as much as they can in a very short amount of time. Just because they can drink alcohol illegal and this seems to be very exciting young people do it. At first they feel still okay, maybe a little bit dizzy, but after a certain time, they are completely passed out. As you can see most of them have no idea which effects alcohol have and just drink without thinking about it. Finally, they often exceed their own limits without knowing it. But because they’ve never learned to deal with alcohol, Americans do a lot of not willing alcohol abuse. This alcohol abuse can cause different bad effects in our lives. As a beginning, more and more people drink too much alcohol and then drive in their cars. People have accidents on the road caused by â€Å"drink and drive†. It is not familiar to everyone that a lot of people die in car accidents. It can be a friend, a family member or just a stranger, but it doesn’t matter who died, it just matters that you took the life of somebody. Another effect is that you may have drunk so much that you have to go to the hospital and they will pumping-out your stomach. And this is in no way healthy for your body! People can get angry and aggressive if they had drunk to much alcohol. As a result, they start to fight with no reason or get mad at others just because they feel another way when they drunk too much. Also, you can get in big trouble with the police after all these effects, which doesn’t look nice in your report. Another thing is you have to keep in mind that you don’t just endanger yourself, you endanger all people around you too. Even if you drive drunk or if you turn to another personality, when you get drunk, you may disarrange others and get them in trouble. Maybe you have to think about the people around you too. For example, if you are passed out, there are always people who care about you, so they will take care of you in such situations. And to disarrange people isn’t always what you want and you will regret it for sure the next day. As a conclusion, everybody in our society knows that alcohol is no longer just something to drink, which all of us enjoy because of a nice occasion. Alcohol gets more and more really dangerous for our society. However, some people do alcohol abuse and at the moment they do it, they never think about the consequences in their life caused by this abuse. But there are really bad consequences and they are not good for everyone. Our society has to think about this problem and try to do something against it, avoid it!
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Role of Ozone in the Atmosphere and Environment
The Role of Ozone in the Atmosphere and Environment Essentially, ozone (O3) is an unstable and highly reactive form of oxygen. The ozone molecule is made up of three oxygen atoms that are bound together, whereas the oxygen we breathe (O2) contains only two oxygen atoms. From a human perspective, ozone is both helpful and harmful, both good and bad. The Benefits of Good Ozone Small concentrations of ozone occur naturally in the stratosphere, which is part of the Earth’s upper atmosphere. At that level, ozone helps to protect life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun, particularly UVB radiation that can cause skin cancer and cataracts, damage crops, and destroy some types of marine life. The Origin of Good Ozone Ozone is created in the stratosphere when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an oxygen molecule into two single oxygen atoms. Each of those oxygen atoms then binds with an oxygen molecule to form an ozone molecule. Depletion of stratospheric ozone poses serious health risks for humans and environmental hazards for the planet, and many nations have banned or limited the use of chemicals, including CFC, that contribute to ozone depletion. The Origin of Bad Ozone Ozone is also found much nearer the ground, in the troposphere, the lowest level of Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike the ozone that occurs naturally in the stratosphere, tropospheric ozone is man-made, an indirect result of air pollution created by automobile exhaust and emissions from factories and power plants. When gasoline and coal are burned, nitrogen oxide gases (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are released into the air. During the warm, sunny days of spring, summer and early fall, NOx and VOC are more likely to combine with oxygen and form ozone. During those seasons, high concentrations of ozone are often formed during the heat of the afternoon and early evening (as a component of smog) and are likely to dissipate later in the evening as the air cools. Does ozone pose a significant risk to our climate? Not really - ozone does have a small role to play in global climate change, but the majority of the risks are elsewhere. The Risks of Bad Ozone The man-made ozone that forms in the troposphere is extremely toxic and corrosive. People who inhale ozone during repeated exposure may permanently damage their lungs or suffer from respiratory infections. Ozone exposure may reduce lung function or aggravate existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis. Ozone may also cause chest pain, coughing, throat irritation or congestion. The adverse health effects of ground-level ozone are particularly dangerous for people who work, exercise, or spend a lot of time outdoors during warm weather. Seniors and children are also at greater risk than the rest of the population because people in both age groups are more likely to have reduced or not fully formed lung capacity. In addition to human health effects, ground-level ozone is also hard on plants and animals, damaging ecosystems and leading to reduced crop and forest yields. In the United States alone, for example, ground-level ozone accounts for an estimated $500 million in reduced crop production annually. Ground-level ozone also kills many seedlings and damages foliage, making trees more susceptible to diseases, pests and harsh weather. No Place is Completely Safe from Ground-Level Ozone Ground-level ozone pollution is often considered an urban problem because it is formed primarily in urban and suburban areas. Nevertheless, ground-level ozone also finds its way to rural areas, carried hundreds of miles by the wind or forming as a result of auto emissions or other sources of air pollution in those areas.​ Edited by Frederic Beaudry.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC METHOD IN PSYCHOLOGY Essays THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC METHOD IN PSYCHOLOGY To read up on the application of scientific method in psychology, refer to pages 687-699 of Eysenck's A2 Level Psychology. Ask yourself What is the scientific method? Is psychology a science? What is peer review? What you need to know THE NATURE OF "SCIENCE" NON-SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO PSYCHOLOGY THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS THE ROLE OF PEER REVIEW IN VALIDATING KNOWLEDGE Key features of science The scientific method, including theory construction, hypothesis testing, use of empirical methods, generation of laws/principles (e.g. Popper and Kuhn) Humanistic approaches Social constructionist approaches The steps in the scientific process The peer review process Criticisms of the process The importance of the process in validating knowledge THE NATURE OF "SCIENCE" There is reasonable agreement that the following are key features of science: Controlled observations: in most sciences it is typical for experiments to involve observing the effects of some specific manipulation, e.g. mixing two chemicals together. As applied to psychology, this generally involves observing the effects of some manipulation of the environment on participants' behaviour. Thus, the experimental method has the great advantage over other methods in that it allows us to have some confidence that the independent variable has influenced the dependent variable, and so cause and effect can be established. Objectivity: even if total objectivity (free from bias) is impossible, it is still important for data to be collected in a way as close to objectivity as possible. It is impossible to carry out research that is completely objective as Popper (1969, 1972, see A2 Level Psychology page 688) demonstrated in a now famous lecture, which involved him telling the audience, "Observe!" The obvious and immediate retort was, "Observe what?", which makes the point that no one ever observes without some idea of what they are looking for. Thus, scientific observation is always driven by what you expect to see and so cannot be free from bias. Testing theoretical predictions: scientific experiments are generally carried out to test the predictions of a theory. Theoretical predictions need to be tested because science advances when inadequate theories are replaced by ones that are more consistent with the data. Falsifiability: the notion that scientific theories can potentially be disproved by evidence. Popper (1969, see A2 Level Psychology page 690) argued that the hallmark of science is falsifiability and this is what distinguishes science from religions and pseudo-sciences such as psychoanalysis and Marxism. Scientists should form theories and hypotheses that can, potentially, be shown to be untrue by experimental tests. In scientific research a null hypothesis is stated; this predicts no difference between the conditions or an association between two variables. It is the null hypothesis that is actually the starting point and it is this that you are setting out to test, not the alternative hypothesis. Research mainly seeks to reject the null hypothesis although some research does seek to show no difference. Research that tests a hypothesis that can be rejected if not supported by the research findings is said to be falsifiable. However, there are a number of psychological theories that do not have a testable hypothesis because the concepts cannot be measured, and so they cannot be falsified, e.g. evolutionary and psychoanalytical theories. Replicability: the findings obtained by researchers need to be replicable or repeatable; it would be hard (or impossible) to base a science on inconsistent findings. Replicability of findings in psychology varies enormously as a function of the area of psychology under investigation and the type of study being performed. Replicability tends to be greatest when experiments are conducted in a carefully controlled way, and it tends to be lowest when the experimenter is unable to manipulate the variable or variables of interest. Thus, laboratory experiments permit a high degree of replicability, but are not without weaknesses. The fact they are replicable is because they are conducted in a controlled environment, but this also means they are artificial and so may not be generalisable to other settings, and therefore lack external validity. Paradigm: there is a generally accepted theoretical orientation or paradigm within a science. Thomas Kuhn (1962, 1970, 1977, see A2 Level Psychology page 693) argues that a paradigm is the most essential ingredient in a science. Kuhn (1962, see A2 Level Psychology page 694) argued that psychology has failed to develop a paradigm
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discussion and participation week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion and participation week 4 - Essay Example ontingencies Gain is Probable Gain is Reasonably Possible Gain is Remote Disclose in notes only Disclose in notes only Nothing (Ecfa, 2011). (2011). Accounting for Contingencies. Retrieved September 1, 2011 from Weygandt, J., Kieso, D., Kimmel, P. (2002). Accounting Principles (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Gain contingencies are not recognized in the income statement, but loss contingencies may be based on the circumstances. â€Å"Loss contingencies may be recorded in the financial statements after evaluation to determine if inclusion is required†(Ecfa, 2011). The probability of occurrence is the determining factor that must be evaluated to determine the proper accounting treatment. The three options are probable, reasonable possible, and remote. Each of the options has different accounting treatment based on losses or gains. The table below shows all the possibilities. Loss Contingencies  Loss is Probable Loss is Reasonably Possible Loss is Remote Amount of Loss can be estimated Record liability and disclose in notes Disclose in notes only Nothing Range of Loss can be estimated Record low end of range as liability and disclose in notes Disclose in notes only Nothing Loss can NOT be estimated Disclose in notes only Disclose in notes only Nothing Gain Contingencies Gain is Probable Gain is Reasonably Possible Gain is Remote Disclose in notes only Disclose in notes only Nothing (Ecfa, 2011). (2011). Accounting for Contingencies. Retrieved September 1, 2011 from 3. A hedge can be defined as protecting a long position in one asset while being short in another in order to reduce overall risk (Tewales & Bradley & Tewales, 1992). If the fair value of the asset changes the investor can minimize his losses based on the use of a hedge. A hedge is a complex investment instrument that should be used only by expert and institutionalized investors. I would not recommend a novice investor in the stock market to invest in hedges. Teweles, R., Bradley, E., Teweles, T. (1992). The Stock Market (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. 4. The four types of contingencies mentioned in your answer are right on target. I only came up with liabilities as a potential contingency out of the top of my head. None of the contingencies you mentioned are ever included in the income statement when they are gain contingencies. If the gain contingency is probable or reasonably possible they are disclosed as a note to the financial statements. The existence of a gain contingency is a factor that can positively influenced the price of common stocks of public corporations. 5. Early extinguishment of debt typically results in either a gain or loss. In the income statement gains or loss resulting from early extinguishment of debt are included as other income. â€Å"
Friday, November 1, 2019
Research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research design - Essay Example The essay also examines the fundamental principles of each feature and the significance of their contribution to the results of the study. Finally, I have discussed the limitations of the RCT as used in this study and concluded by reinstating that the RCT carried in this study had a significant level of accuracy and success. Randomized Control Trial (RCT) is one of the most rigorous ways of determining whether the mode of treatment chosen and the outcome of the treatment have a cause-effect relationship. This is done by looking at the cost-effectiveness of a regime of treatment chosen. Randomization during RCT entails two procedures whereby the first step is choosing the randomization procedure that will help in coming up with an allocation that cannot be predicted. Thereafter, the allocations shall be concealed to ensure that the assignment of patients is not revealed before they are allocated to their respective groups. The allocation is not determined by the study participants or investigators. The aim of random allocation of participants is to ensure that the attributes of the participants are as similar as possible across sets at the beginning of the comparison. Proper randomization reduces the threat of a severe disparity in known and unknown factors that could affect the participants. Blinding in RCTs also known as masking is done to minimize bias. In a single blinded study, the subjects are uninformed of which group they have been assigned to, but the researchers recognize whether they have been assigned to control or treatment group. In a double blind study, both the subjects and the researchers know the groups that the subjects have been allocated to. A double blind study is regarded as being more rigorous than the single blinded study. However the readers must always consider if a study does not blind the subjects
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