Sunday, March 31, 2019
Human Resource Development and Training Strategies
benevolent Resource Development and Training StrategiesIn the early 1980s, the field of force focal point shifted its function from handling staffing and related administrative activities to the phylogenesis of multitude as a resource of the organization (Sims, R. 2006). Thus, here comes the field of piece Resource Development (HRD). The endpoint HRD started out first simply as educate, then involved into upbringing and developmentTD, and finally into HRD. Therefore, some surprise arise relating to the difference between Human Resource Development and training and development. In order to differentiate HRD and TD, the author illustrates this essay by clarifying the definition of HRD and TD, their respective main social function, and the strategies of individually term.Definition of HRDBecause of the evolving nature of HRD, be HRD is difficult. The first definition of HRD offered by Harbison and Myers related HRD to broad contexts, including economy, political, social a nd assimilation contexts, rather than just unmarrieds and organizations. They delineate HRD as a act upon to sum up the knowledge, skills and capacities of all the people in a societyIn frugal terms, it could be described as the accumulation of human capital and its impressive investment in the development of an economy. In political terms, HRD prep atomic number 18s people for bragging(a) participation in the political process, particularly as citizens in a democracy. From the social and cultural points of view, the development of human resources helps people lead chockful and richer lives, less bound to tradition.(Harbison and Myers, 1964)HRD was also referred as a learning catch provided by employees, leading to the cash advance of their instruction execution and/all personal growth (Nadler and Nadler, 1989).A recent definition from Swanson (2009) explained the term HRD as a process of developing and unleashing expertise which aimed at improving organisational system , work process, team, and individual operation.Definition of TDGenerally speaking, training and development is defined as a field concerned with organizational activity whose objective is to remediate the capital punishment of individuals and groups in organizational context.To be specific, writers of some literatures have divided the term TD into two independent parts training and development. Separated definition for each word is created, which functions the definition of training and development quite straightforward.Training was defined as a planned and systematic process to modify or develop attitude, knowledge or skills through learning experiences, to achieve rough-and-ready performance in an activity or range of activities. (Garavan et al.,1995 Harrison, 1993 Reid et al. 1994) . A give definition of development was that the growth or realization of a persons great power through conscious or unconscious learning, which usually includes elements of planned field of stu dy and experience abideed by coaching and counseling (Wilson, 1999).Similarities can be seen from these definitions that both HRD and TD provide human resource with learning to improve performance. However, their emphasises argon different according to the definitions. TD focuses more on the improvement of individual performance, whereas HRD is a business approach which plays a crucial role in the improvement of whole organizational.II. Main Purpose of HRD and TDMain purpose of HRDThe key functions of HRD atomic number 18 individual development, organizational development, career development and performance improvement. Actually, the main purpose of HRD is under debate of researchers and practiti whizzrs. Should it focus on increasing the performance requirements of its organizations and enhancing the productivity of the workforce or on developing the individual competency and skills? When practice in productive organizations, HRD should contribute directly to the organizations culture. As a result, performance improvement becomes the main purpose of HRD.There are many aspects that HRD could improve performance individual, process, as well as organizational levels. For instance, performance is hinder when the destination of an organization do not conciliate various innate and external realities (culture, for example). HRD could solve this problem by formulating a goal that fit in the organizational culture while a culture heighten process being implemented in order to support the goal of the organization.Main purpose of TDIn many literatures, the purpose of TD concentrates on individual development. There is need to train and retrain the employees on continuous basis. TD has the goal of influencing basic values and beliefs of individual. Meanwhile, there are also technical and management TD programmes related to systems and procedures appeal to the inherent logic, and the planning methods and people skills appeal to the strategies of succeed.The con sanguinity (or difference) of HRD and TD (and other HRD functions) could be illustrated by figure1Figure1 (Haslinda, 2009)Although the main purpose of TD is individual development, which is one of the four key functions of HRD, we can not say that TD is a subset of HRD. HRD and TD are discrete entities. HRD is the integrated use of TD, organizational development, career development and performance development to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness.III. Strategies of HRD and TD1. Strategies of HRDTo contribute to the goals and missions of the organization, efforts of making HRD strategies must pay off place. First, there should be a clear overview of the relationship between the organizations missions, strategical agenda, and competitive environment. Followed by an assessment of the current capacity of workforce, special needs are identified. An evaluation system needs to be built in order to examine if the target competencies indeed enhance the actualizati on of organizational goals. Finally, the organization needs senior leadership and a culture that support lifelong learning of the work role of each employee.2. Strategies of TDTraining and development in an organization also requires a mechanism that establishes the competencies required by an organization to achieve success. Therefore, the strategy of TD includes 1) identifying the employees training needs, 2) finding out the HR strategic plan, 3) establishing personal developing plans and 4) evaluating the TD outcomes by assessment. The process could be rewrite over and over again.The strategies of HRD and TD have several points in common. However, those tiny distinctions make HRD a more strategically orientated organizational process.ConclusionIn spite of the existence of some similarities, HRD and TD are differentiated in their definitions, purposes, as well as in strategies. HRD has roles that extend far beyond training and development (Stead and Lee, 1996). It is an extension (or evolvement) of TD and is associated with an organizations overall business success and employees TD process.
The Function Of Subtitle
The Function Of Subtitle gibe to Mitterer H, McQueen JM, their prevail named external Subtitle athletic supporter but Native Language Subtitle psychic trauma Foreign obstetrical delivery Perception. Understanding the distant lecture is not lax in common, especi all toldy because of unusual mapping between sounds and speech communication. It is k immediatelyn that audiences in their native linguistic process washbasin use lexical knowledge ( about now forges ought to sound) to learn how to pronouns an unusual alien word in the delineation. Subtitles ar normally prep argond in a cinema, to provide lexical schooling, condense perceptual learning about foreign speech for those audiences.According to Cai Q, Brysbaert M, his book SUBTLEX-CH Chinese Word and Character. Subtitles be also makes video to a greater extent friendly for people with hearing disabilities or deaf. It is effortful to listen when the unknown regional accent is in unfamiliar foreign speechs. The unusual foreign vowels and consonants may mismatch more with native sound categories, seriously allow for shop to match any native category. This situation arises, for example, when we watch a photo in a non-native language, a Malaysian listener, fluent in side of meat and Chinese, watching a Thailand characterisation. He or she may contract immense difficulty escorting the language use in the movie. To adopt all those films or movie into target language culture, filmmakers use callbing, voice-over and subtitles to make the movie more acceptable to those foreign countries. Besides, subtitles rat translate speech, signs, letters and press out sounds to aid the deaf and overweight of hearing to understand more and play along the plot of the film.According to encyclopedia, it said that subtitle is used to interpret antecedently unheard words in a movie for those audiences. The ability to encode orders and to detect rule-violating events outside the focus of attention is vital for adaptive behavior.Our header recordings reveal that violations of abstract auditory rules are processed even when the sounds are absent. When subjects performed a parturiency related to the sounds but not to the rule, rule violations damage task related to the sounds but not to the rule, rule violations impaired task performance and activated a network involving supratemporal, parietal and frontal areas although n i of the subjects acquired explicit knowledge of the rule or became aware of rule violations. The determination that this happens even when subjects do not present the sounds supports the hypothesis that abstract rule encoding occurs unintentionally. The temporal and structural characteristics of the relevant brain response (MMN) were well-nigh identical in all conditions, that is, when subjects were ignoring the sounds, when they attended the sounds but rules were task-irrelevant, and when they attended the sounds and rules were task-relevant.( Schrger E, B endixen A, Trujillo-Barreto NJ, Roeber U ,2007)According to the Wikipedia, It announces that subtitles displayed at the bottom of a movie or goggle box screen that translate or transcribes the dialogue or narrative in the movie. It is also giving additional discipline about its content analogous monolog, mind-thinking and emotion. Those subtitles grass be in different categories narrative, forced, content, titles entirely, bonus, localized and extended/expanded. opus distributing content, subtitles git appear in one of 3 typesHard (also cognise as hard-subtitles or idle subtitles),Prerendered (also known as closed subtitles are separate video frames that are overlaid on the first video pour out while playing),Soft (also known as soft-subtitles or closed subtitles).The despotic effects of subtitlesAccording to Mitterer H and McQueen JM, their book Foreign Subtitle Help but Native Language Subtitle Harm Foreign Speech Perception, what the group found the greatest advantage of subtitles is the accompaniment that it preserves the passkey phone frequence track. Thanks to the subtitles, the actors speak with their original voice, and the ambience sounds are not disrupted by voice-over or inserted dubbing recordings. When the audiences read the subtitles, they depart more understand about the action, emotion and the expression by the actors in the movie. Thus, the audiences will become more interest and can be followed the part on the movie. The subtitles in a movie also focus on the speech act of characters. Audience can follow the movie by reading material the subtitles at the bottom of the screen. It serve as an aid not and for the deaf and hard of hearing, but also for people who learn the foreign languages or who need visual aid aside form audio input for study. It is to ensure the studying foreign language process is effective. So the effects are more of the essence(predicate) than lexical elements. Subtitles in the language of the film ind icate which words are universe spoken, and so can boost speech learning about foreign speech sounds and pronouns. The listeners can learn to interpret an ambiguous phoneme on the basis of disambiguating lexical contexts. That is wherefore the movie always has prepared the foreign subtitles for the audiences.According to Cai Q, Brysbaert M, the book was named SUBTLEX-CH Chinese Word and Character. Subtitles presentn the prior work on lexical retuning in spite of appearance the native language, and the suggestion that adaptation to foreign-accented speech is in part lexically driven, may be lexical retuning also in second-language listening. That is, listeners may be able to retune speech-sound categories based on their knowledge about how foreign words ought to sound or pronouns. Within subtitles, those listeners can learn about unfamiliar regional accents in a foreign language in the movie by reading subtitles prepared. It is a mechanism of lexically-guided perceptual learning. English subtitles should give provided in the most of the films, because it is international language. It can provide the extra information about the words organism spoken by a character.According to, subtitles are a very useful ways of communicating what is be said on the movie to deaf people. Subtitles are also used for many other reasons than this, and deaf people often prefer not to have them or to use another method because of the drawback of subtitling. In addition, foreign movie are often subtitled to allow the people who do not know the language to follow the action. As a near example, a lot of Thailand movie are subtitled with English for the audiences to make sure the movie acceptable by others in foreign countries like Malaysia.According to the joined commonwealth News and magazine, there wrote some comment about the subtitles. Subtitles can provide an additional source of information about the words that being spoken, and hence the sounds being heard, and so ought to reinforce lexically-guided learning. Our database is the first to include information about the contextual diversity of the words and to provide good frequency estimates for multi-character words and the different syntactic roles in which the words are used. The word frequencies are freely available for research purposes. Subtitles are a good estimate of daily language exposure and capture much of the unevenness in words processing efficiency.According to the Wikipedia, it announces that subtitle is a invoke and it really helps the people to understand the plot of the movie. It is also not a problem for people who watching movie in an overload footing music and ambient noise environment. It is a good reason why the parents can take care their child when watching a movie. If you do not understand a word that have been spoken by the actor, you may look at the subtitle, it helps hearing impaired people understand a movie. People will more understand what the characte rs are motto and get a better idea of what is happening.The negative effects of subtitlesSubtitles are limited both in time and space. An average subtitle consists of one or two lines of text, maximum 35 characters each. This limitation combined with the fact that on subtitle is at most displayed for four seconds gives us hard time to cover long utterances in dialogs.(Richard Curtis, 2003)According to United Kingdom News and magazine, another main disadvantage is the subtitles are mainly aiming at literate people with reading skills developed to a high extent. It is requisite from audience to read quick enough and do not provided concentrate on the subtitles, but also the image above or just behind the subtitles, and often requires from them to use both skills simultaneously. Is that impossible concentrates on both in a whole movie? Of course, for non-deaf people they can still hear the emotion in an actors voice even if it is in a different or foreign language but it is not easy to follow so many things. Other countries prefer to dub program and film-where an actor speaking the language of the country where it is to be shown is enter over the original language. But this is costly and time consuming and only worth the while of the crew if it is to be shown to a large routine of people. But again, similar arguments prevail with regards to nuances being lost-especially as the subtitles tend to be an exact explanation rather than taking idiom into account, and emotions being lost. social lion Freedman has a comment about the problem.I saw a superb subtitle mistake a couple of month agonethere was a report on the news about a new employment policy that would benefit millions of unemployed and impoverished Indian citizens the subtitle read If this policy works, it may be set to come upon even more that my hammock man Ghandi That kept me amused for weeks Or maybe Muhatma had a hammock company I am incognizant of?According to the Wikipedia, it said that transl ation of subtitling is sometimes very different from the translation of written text. Usually, the editor will watch the picture and listen to the audio sentence by sentence when a film or a movie is subtitled. The editor may or may not have access to a written transcript of the dialog. Especially in commercial message subtitles, the editor often interprets what is meant, rather than translating how it is said, meaning being more important than form. The audience does not always appreciate this, and it can be foil to those who know some of the spoken language, because spoken language may need verbal padding or culturally implied meaning, in confusing words, if not adapted in the written subtitles. The editor does this when the dialog must be condensed in order to achieve an acceptable reading speed, it purpose being more important than form. The result suggested that foreign subtitles are very encouraging but that native-language subtitles provide no benefit or less benefit. on ly(prenominal) one study focused on phonological processing minimum benefits for non-native subtitles were found. Clear predictions can nevertheless still be made about the effects of subtitle language on speech learning. If lexically-guided retuning operates in second-language listening, and is open to any influence from subtitles, then the influence should depend on the language of the subtitles.According to, the native subtitles may be easier for observes to read, but providing misleading or misunderstand information about the phonological forms being spoken. If the audiences are more concentrated in reading the subtitles than is watching the movie, he or she will not learn the new language. The audience can hear the original sound, voice of the movie and see the correct timing of expressions on the actors faces as they speak their lines? This is hard to finish reading the subtitles at the bottom of a movie because it is past fast and not easy to digest. Lowerin g muckle towards the bottom of the movie while reading the subtitles can become obtuse and/or distract from appreciating details, facial expressions and the emotion of those actors. The audience might be having such a good time reading the subtitle that is could foresee from watching the actual movie, it could block things in the movie and make audiences hard to focus on the action.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Rankin And Richard Avedon Comparison
Rankin And Richard Avedon ComparisonRichard Avedon and John Rankin Waddell ( much commonly known as Rankin) view as many similarities in their charm and have excessively do many of the same things during their c arers this is non to say that there are no differences though. During this essay I am going to emphasize to compare and argument both the photographic work and the careers of 2 lensmans.To do this I have researched both photographers, I have researched their lives and careers and alike their images. I have looking fored at similarities and differences in the photographers work, in style, composition, elements and equipment. For my research I have utilise a mixture of books and the internet (using websites, online interviews, biographies and news articles) which are all jiffyary sources of information.A brief back upground of the chosen photographersAvedon was born in New York City, the States in 1923. In 1942 after a short cartridge clip at University Avedon dr opped out to join the U.S Merchant Marine to correction picture victorious, he remaining in 1944 and began working as a captain photographer in a department investment trust. Within a year Avedon had been spotted by an art director and was working as a staff photographer for Harpers bazaar magazine. This was the start of a precise restless and fulfilled picture taking career for Avedon which went on until his death in 2004 at the age of 81.Rankin was born in 1966 in Paisley, Scotland but was brought up in Hertfordshire, England. After being expelled from school Rankin tried studying Accountancy for a short while, realising this is not what he wanted to do he went on to study photography at London College of Printing. In 1991 he leftfield college to go on and form Dazed Confused magazine with his acquaintance Jefferson Hack. This was the beginning of Rankins career.FashionAvedon always had an absorb in Fashion and this was no surprise given that his Father owned a depart ment store in Manhattan and he regularly had magazines such(prenominal) as Harpers Bazaar, Vogue and narcissism Fair delivered to their family home. Reading through magazines such as these gave Avedon the desire to try to recreate these images which were taken by photographers such as Steichen, Man atomic number 75 and Munkasci. Avedon started producing his own photos by the use of a Kodak Box Brownie television camera and using his younger sister as a model.When Avedon became a professional forge photographer, fashion models were not public celebrities, their work had no prestige, and their label were not generally known (Avedon and Hollander 2005 p238)This is a big difference surrounded by Avedon and Rankin. When snapshot fashion it has always been common for Rankin to use famous models, this is not only due to choice but also due to a change in times. Fashion photography in the 1940s, when Avedon started out his photography career was different in many more ways than the fame or everydayity of the models. Avedon created a name for himself within the industry by injecting life and likeness into fashion photography that hadnt really been done before. His portraits contained smiles, laughter and action which alone went against the norm in photography for this period. This is something that obviously influenced Rankin and can nonoperational be seen in his work today. Images by both are usually very minimalist and clean looking.The number 1 image is by Avedon and was used by Vogue for the front cover and the second is by Rankin.PortraitsAvedon had always had an interest in portraiture and also a unique way of doing it. When taking portraits of multitude Avedon used to talk closely uncomfortable subjects and asked them very trenchant questions. This caused reactions that gave Avedon a raw view of hatful that wasnt very much caught by others. His style was very detectable from the subject posing in front of a plain innocence background and looki ng this instant into the camera. All the pictures were very minimalistic and almost clinical looking.In 1985 he held an battle array called American West the order consisted of 125 photos that he had taken surrounded by 1979 and 1984, he had photographed drifters, miners, cowboys and many other from the western United States. Avedon was attracted to working people and teenagers growing up in the west. This went on to be published as a book and even though it was criticised at the time from people saying it was giving a bad impression of America it is still seen today as a hugely important hallmark of twentieth Century portrait photography.Most of Rankins portraits are done with the same look of plain white background and the subject looking squarely into the camera. Rankin also has a way of bring something very personal to his portraits and has a accomplishment of really reflecting the models personality in the image but done in a different way to which Avedon did, usually by a pplying a nappy prop or pose.Examples of their portraits are below the first is by Avedon and the second by Rankin.DocumentaryAvedons portraits from the American West exhibition are of a objective style, the pictures are documenting the west of the United States the years of 1979 and 1981. Avedon was interested in memorialiseing the real people of this area and time, he chose to photograph workers such as oil field workers and miners in their dirty work gear. He also photographed unemployed travellers and teenagers that were growing up here.In 2008 Rankin, with Oxfam, did his own documentary photography exhibition entitled Cheka Kidogo. For this exhibition, travelling to the Democratic Republic of congou in June 2008, Rankin took photos of people that were now living in refugee camps due to fleeing contradict in area. The exhibition was to portray the reality and draw attention back to the forgotten conflict of the country. Rankin then donated all of the profits from his Rankin Live exhibition to Oxfam.Even though there arent many visual similarities between the two sets of photos, there is a big likeness in the reason behind(predicate) both and what the photographers wanted to show with them. The main reason for both exhibitions is to show the reality of living in a certain place and time and then the life that this then creates for people. Both tried to capture and show the lives of their subjects through the people in their portraits.EroticaBoth Avedon and Rankin have solidus an Erotica collection. Even though Rankins seems to be a lot more extensive, you can still the similarities and influences from Avedons work. In the pictures below you can see that the similarities are that of composition, deform, contrast and style. On the below image you can see that Rankin has also added his own style to the picture with the way he has lit the sweep and the addition of the snake. Avedons image is also very flat compared to Rankins image.The first is by Aved on, 1992, and the second by Rankin, 2007A large amount of Rankins recent work falls into the Erotica category. He has published a book that is preponderantly of this nature featuring Tuuli Shipster, who was previously his muse but is now his wife. The book is a collection of erotic images of her that he has entitled A Photographic esteem Letter. Rankin has also published other books that contain more of his erotic images, credibly his most famous one being called Cheeky, in 2002 he has released a book called Sofa Sexy which is slightly more adventurous and bald-faced than his other erotica work .ColourDue to the time a lot of Avedons photos are blackamoor and white but even as time went on and colour photography became much more in demand(predicate) and available, Avedon still shot much of his personal work in black and white. This doesnt mean that he never used colour though, quite the opposite, when shooting for fashion magazines during the 60s and 70s Avedon experimented a lo t with colour photography.Avedons long relationship with fashion magazine Harpers Bazaar allowed him to try out color as much as or more than any experimental photographer of the period. His pallet derived from trendy colors of the time, including hot pink, which helped spread the colours through the fit out and cosmetics industry.(Marien 2006 p354)Rankin does occasionally produce black and white pictures but as a whole most of his work tends to be in quite brainy colour.Both photographers produced a lot of portraits on white backgrounds.Even though one uses mainly colour photography and the other black and white both generally produce very high contrast, high divulge pictures.Rankin 7 photographs that changed fashionFor a BBC documentary Rankin tried to recreate what he thought were the 7 photographs that changed fashion. The photos were originally taken by photographers that had influenced and inspire him such as, Herb Ritts, Cecil Beaton, Guy Bourdin, David Bailey, Erwin Blumenfeld, Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon.During the program Rankins closing is to expose the ways in which fashion photography uses fantasy and beaut to communicate something about reality. (http// one of the seven photographs Rankin recreated Avedons 1955 Dovima With Elephants for this he used model Erin OConnor. He said he chose her for her tall set up and demeanour this obviously matched that of model Dovima that Avedon had used for his image. Rankin produced the image in colour unlike Avedons original that was black and white. Even though Rankin produced a very good image I dont envisage he managed to capture the atmosphere that Avedon did in his image.During the BBC documentary Rankin said about Avedon, Classic styling with energy and creative spirit. Daring, stylish and ambitious, his pictures reflected the optimism of 50s America and turned him into the first celebrity fashion photographer. (BBC 2009 The seven Photographs That C hanged Fashion)Avedon 1955 Rankin 2008Books and MagazinesBoth photographers have produced many books of their photography and many of Avedons have been produced after his deathAvedon Nothing Personal. Photographs by Richard Avedon and text by James Baldwin 1964 An Autobiography The Photographs of Richard Avedon 1993 Evidence 1944-1994 1994 In the American West Richard Avedon Photographs 1979 1984 1996 The Sixties 1999 Richard Avedon Portraits 2002 Woman in the Mirror 1945-2004 2005 Richard Avedon Photographs 1946-2004 2007 Richard Avedon The Kennedys Portrait of a Family 2007 Performance 2008 Avedon Fashion 1944-2000 2009Rankin Snog 2000 Celebration 2000 Rankinworks 2000 Rankin Male Nudes 2001 Sofasexy turning a cheap sofa into an object of desire 2002 Breeding a study of sexual ambiguity 2004 Visually Hungry 2007 Beautyfull 2007 Tuulitastic A Photographic extol Letter 2007 Heidilicious 2009 Alex Box 2009 Cheeky 2009Both photographers were heavily invol ved in magazines during their careers and both predominantly about fashion, whether it be working for one or publishing their own. At the very beginning of his career Rankin, in 1991, with his hero Jefferson Hack started magazine Dazed and Confused this is still very popular and widely sold throughout the world. This was only the start for Rankin and he has asleep(p) on to produce magazines such as, RANK, other Magazine and Another Man. Avedon was Art Director for Harpers Bazaar at the beginning of his career and also worked for Vogue, Egoiste, The New Yorker and LIFE magazine.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Guide to performing a Job Evaluation
make to per runing a blood line EvaluationWhat ar the master(prenominal) issues faced by the residents in Portugal? Click on the play button to chink the exposure. Highlight the issues and look for the solutions. Sh ar your opinions in the LMS Forum.MMP Create video screen and embed video as shown in linkSource http//www.y melody valuation is the fulfill of determining the expenditure of short letters appoint to employees.The expense of a work is determined by the demand for it in relation to its vocation description, subscriber line specification and the expected outcomes from that put-on. In whatsoever cases, it is found that an employee who holds a similar position as his colleague whitethorn hold a different role, and have different responsibilities and accountability. In such cases, he/she should receive different give birth.This chapter discusses the importance of business organisation rating, staple calling evaluation orders, the hay guide map rule, and inputs to refer to when pricing undertakings. frolic Evaluation and Its Importance patronage evaluation is the offset of determining the protect of unmatched logical argument in proportion to the opposite melodys deep down the geological formation so a fair salary musical ar deviatement toilette be found. The blood line evaluation process is the to the highest degree usual method enjoyment to provide a rationale for a even out social organisation and to specify a commercial enterprise to a tolerate variety.Job evaluation piece of ass also be defined as a practical proficiency for trained and experienced employees to judge the size of one line of merchandise intercourse to other(a)s. It does not now determine the collapse takes but establishes the basis for an midland ranking of crafts.Among other definitions atomic effect 18 as followsJob evaluation is interested with assessing the coition demands of differ ent arguments deep down the organisation. Its usual purpose is to provide a basis for relating differences in pass judgment of pay to different in- transmission line requirements. It is on that pointfore a in like mannerl which cornerstone be employ to help determine a pay structure.(Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), London 1984)A furrow evaluation frame consists of compens up to(p) actors and a weighting scheme ground on the importance of from severally one compensable factor to the organisation. Compensable factors argon the characteristics of jobs that an organisation values and chooses to pay for. These characteristics may include job interlacingity, usable designers, necessary education, infallible experience and responsibility.(Noe et. al. 2003)Job evaluation is a arrogant procedure to determine the relational worth or value of jobs. Although in that respect ar several different approaches, all(prenominal) one considers the duties, responsibilities and work conditions of the job. The mark of job evaluation is to identify which jobs should be remunerative much than others.(Schwind et. al. 1999)The objectives of a job evaluation process in an organisation argon as followsEstablishes the relative value or size of jobs, i.e. internal relatives.Produces the information required to design and maintain equitable and defensible grade and pay structures, circumstantial in any organisation.Provides as a basis for grading jobs within a grade structure, thus enabling unvarying decisions to be do about job grading.Ensures that the organisation meets ethical and legal equal pay for work of equal value obligtions.More recently the use of job evaluation is the hinge of most equal pay cases. Despite its popularity, it is practically misunderstood. So, the following facts about job evaluation mustiness be do clearSELF-CHECKWhat is job evaluation and why is it cardinal?What argon the quartette facts about job evaluat ion?Job Evaluation schemesThe human pick management is usually responsible for administering the job evaluation programme. However, actual job evaluation is typically done by a deputation. The committee baron include the human resource director as the chairperson and the finance, marketing and achievement heads.Job Evaluation CommitteeChairperson(Human Resource Director) well of FinanceHead ofMarketingHead of w atomic number 18ion put down 8.1 The job evaluation programme is typically performedby a committee within the organisationSmall and medium sized organisations may elect to use outside consultants as they often lack job evaluation experience. When employing a qualified consultant, management should require the consultant to develop an internal job evaluation programme and train fellowship employees to administer it correctly. This can be done by reviewing information obtained through job analysis regarding the duties, responsibilities and working conditions of the org anisation. With this friendship, the relative worth of jobs is determined and the consultant go forth be able to shape a job evaluation programme suitable to the company by selecting an appropriate job evaluation method.Figure 8.2 The 10 basic steps in conducting an effectivejob evaluationThere are quaternary basic job evaluation methods normalalityly used by organisations. They are job ranking, job classification (or job grading), factor comparison and the point system. Job ranking and job classification are reason as non quantitative methods while factor comparison and the point system are classified as quantitative methods. A job evaluation committee or an outside consultant needs to choose one method and modify the method to suit the organisations particular need.Figure 8.3 Job evaluation methodsJob Ranking modeIn the ranking method, jobs are compared to each other and arranged in order according to their worth to the organisation. The worth of a job is usually based on judgements of skill, case ( sensible and mental), responsibility (supervisory and fiscal), and working conditions.The steps involved in ranking jobs areRank JobsMake an overall comparison between jobs, by way on certain factors such as, responsibility, skills, apparent motion, and working conditions. It is possible that elements of or so jobs may be overlooked or weighed too heavily.Rank jobs from the spunkyest to the lowest. The highest and lowest are rank first, followed by the coterminous highest to the next lowest, until all jobs are ranked. channel job analysis and write job descriptions. payment scales are established based on the rankings, where more important jobs are paid more. However, as the ranking of jobs are subjective and lack precision, the pay trains may be inaccurate.The job ranking method is perhaps the guilelessst method of job evaluation but it is also known to be the least precise among the foursome evaluation methods.WEB-SITEFind out the ten worst jo bs in the US of 2010. Go tohttp// ClassificationJob classification is a form of evaluation that assigns jobs to an existing grade/ family structure according to their relative worth to the organisation. First, job grades or categories are established and each is presumption a standard description, as shown in Table 8.1.Table 8.1 A Job Classification schedule for use with Job Grading MethodJob GradeStandard DescriptionI mold is simple and highly insistent done under close supervision requires stripped-down training and little responsibility, or initiative.IIWork is simple and repetitive done under close supervision requires some training or skill. Employee is only rarely expected to assume responsibility or evince initiative.IIIWork is simple, with little variation done under cosmopolitan supervision training or skill is required. Employee has minimum responsibility and must take some initiative to perfo rm satisfactorily.IVWork is more or less complex, with some variation done under general supervision requires high take skills. Employee is responsible for equipment and safety, and must exhibit initiative regularly.VWork is complex and varied done under general supervision requires advance(a) level skills. Employee is responsible for equipment and safety, and must show a high stage of initiative.Next, the standard description that most nearly matches a job description determines the grade of that job.Job classification or job grading is slightly more sophisticated than job ranking, but it too is not actually precise.Factor ComparisonIn the factor comparison method, each job is ranked according to a series of factors. This method includes atomic number 23 major steps.Under this method, instead of ranking complete jobs, each job is ranked according to a series of factors (as shown in Figure 8.3).Figure 8.4 The five universal job factorsJob evaluators must then identify factor s germane(predicate) and common in a broad range of jobs as shown in Table 8.2. A numerical point value is assigned to each job factor. The weights might be different for different job positions. some(prenominal) organisations use different factors for managerial, professional, sales and other positions.Table 8.2 Factors relevant and common in a broad range of jobsJobMental aptitudePhysical rightWorking ConditionSystem Analyst14213Data Entry shop clerk41141Programmer23324Operator32432NoteIn the mental requirement, systems analyst ranked highest (1), followed by programmer (2), operator (3) and clerk (4).The evaluation allows the committee to determine the relative importance of each job. In this method, pay will be assigned by comparing the weights of the factors required for each job. This method of job evaluation is more systematic. turn on SystemThis method evaluates the searing factors of each job. But instead of using earningss, as the factor comparison method does, it us es points. Under the point rating system, a number of factors such as skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions are determine as being common to all jobs being evaluated. Each factor is then apt(p) a weighting indicating its values relative to the others and for each factor on that point are varying degrees (as shown in Table 8.3).Table 8.3 Point system matrixNo.Critical FactorsLevels or DegreesMinimumI funkyIIModerateIIIHighIV1ResponsibilitySafety of others255075100Equipment and materials20406080Assisting trainees5206050Product/ Service Quality204060802SkillExperience4590135180 education / Training2550751003 crusadePhysical255075100Mental25701051504Working Condition offensive condition20206080Hazards20406080Total Points100A job description is watchful for each job and a committee then considers each description in turn, comparing it factor by factor, with the degree definitions. Points are al primed(p) for each factor and the total point value determines the relativ e worth of each job.A point system is more precise than the factor comparison method because it can put acrossle critical factors in more detail. This method is also used more than the other methods. Some 95% of the major corporations in the US are thought to use some variation of this method to evaluate jobs.AccountabilityAccuracyAnalysis and viewComplexityContact and diplomacyCreativityDecision-makingDexterity (clever, skilful, neatness)Education cause of errorsEffortInitiativeJudgmentKnow-howKnowledge and skillMental effortMental FatiguePhysical demandsPhysical skillsPlanning and coordination enigma-solvingResponsibility for hard cash/material/confidential tuition equipment, process, record and reportsSocial skillsSupervision addicted/receivedTask completionTraining and experienceWork conditionWork pressureFigure 8.5 A list of factors used most frequently in the point rating methodas prepared by the International Labour Organisation (ILO)SELF-CHECKDescribe how each of the fou r job evaluation methods below determine the worth of a job to an organisation.a) Job rankingb) Job classificationc) Factor comparisond) Point systemHay Guide chartThe job evaluation process is enormously time consuming, complex and often a frustrating travail as it is subjected to political pressures and biases that is natural among committee members who represent different functional areas. It has been proven that the job evaluation process is easier to do if the committee compares factors common to all jobs (compensable factors).For evaluating management jobs, the Hay Guide Chart Profile Method is the most popular method. This method provides a common language, an organised good example and the criteria to ensure that judgements applied can be tested and defended in an objective, consistent and equitable manner. This method is based on assessing ternary main factors, which areknow howproblem solvingaccountabilityINPUTPROCESS partKNOW-HOWPROBLEM SOLVINGACCOUNTABILITYFigure 8.6 The Hay Guide Chart Method(a) Know HowKnowledge, skills and experience needed for acceptable job performance. It consists of three dimensions which areScientific disciplines, work techniques, and practical proceduresThe depth and range of specialised knowledge required to perform the job. It requires a deep authoritative knowledge in areas of considerable significance to the organisation disciplines or general knowledge required to deal with strategic issues at the most senior level within the organisation.Managerial know-howRequirements needed in the job to plan, supervise, coordinate and shuffle different activities, resources or parts of the organisation.Human relation skillsSkills needed to drop dead with and influence individuals and groups within and outside the organisation to achieve the necessary results.(b) Problem SolvingThe span, complexity and level of analytical, evaluative and innovative thought required in the job. The problem solving factor has two components. They are thinking environmentThe environment in which thinking takes place. Identifies and addresses problems that arise. Depends on the absence or presence of policy, procedure, supervision as well as other guidance. thought challengeThinking done to assess the complexity of problems encountered, ranging from simple to complex situations. Also involves the extent of original thinking needed to arrive at conclusions.(c) AccountabilityDiscretion given to the job holder to influence or determine the course of events and his/her answerability for the consequences of his/her decisions and actions. Accountability has three dimensions which are independence to ActAssesses the degree of freedom of action given to a job by the organisation.MagnitudeGauges how much of the organisation is effected by the job holders accomplishment of the job.Job impact on end resultsConcerned with how directly the job affects end results in that area.SELF-CHECKExplain the three factors that the Hay Guide Char t method considers in evaluating the worth of a job to the organisation. impairment JobsPricing jobs are divided into two activitiesEstablishing the appropriate pay level for each job.Grouping the different pay levels into a structure that can be managed effectively.It would not be unusual, for instance, for the personnel manager of Motorola to regularly percent wage data on account positions. Firms in the community equivalent Hewlett Packard identify job positions such as maintenance engineer, electrical engineer, list punch operators or clerk-typists and give comprehensive descriptions of these jobs.During the wage survey, various information can be call for (as shown in Figure 8.7).Figure 8.7 Information that can be requestedwhen conducting a wage survey(a) Pay LevelThe appropriate pay level for any job reflects its relative and absolute worth. A jobs relative internal worth is determined by its ranking through the job evaluation process. The absolute worth of the job is con trolled by what the labour market pays for similar jobs.Figure 8.8 Pay levelSource http// ScattergramIn order to set the right pay level, the job evaluation ranking and the survey wage rates (the going rates in the industry) are combined through the use of a graph called the scattergram.GD Insert image of scattergramFigure 8.9 Scattergram(c) Wage-trend lineThrough the dots that represent key jobs, a wage-trend line is drawn as close to as many points as possible (the line can be drawn freehand). most importantly, this method can be used to identify jobs whose pay is out of the trend line. When a jobs pay rate is too high, it should be identified as a red circle rate. Undervalued rates (wage rate is too low) carry a green circle and attempts should be made to generate these jobs an average pay maturation.Figure 8.10 Wage-trend line(d) Pay structureJobs that are simila r, in terms of class grades and points, are grouped together. For instance, pay grade 1 may cover 0-100 points, pay grade 2 from 1-200 points, and so on. The result is a hierarchy of wages. The more important jobs are paid more, and as individuals assume jobs of greater importance, they rise within the wages structure.Figure 8.11 Pay structureSource http// ranges are simply pay ranges for each job class. For example, the wage-trend line indicates that $8.00 is the average hourly rate for a particular job class. With a rate range of $1 for each class, a marginal performer is placed at a nerve center or $8.00. When performer appraisals indicate above-average performance, the employee may be given a merit rise of, say 25 cents per hour. Once the employee reaches the top of the wage range, no more wage increase will be forthcoming. either a promotion or a general across-the-board pay raise needs to occur for this worker to exceed $8.5 0 an across-the-board increase moves the entire wage trend line upward.As new jobs are created, the wage and salary section of the personnel department performs a job evaluation. For this evaluation, the new job is assigned to an appropriate job class. If rate ranges are used, the new incumbent will start at the bottom of the range and receive raises, where appropriate, to the top of the rate range.SELF-CHECKWhat are the inputs that can be requested when conducting a wage survey to price jobs?Case StudyThe Thai Silk caller-out, Ltd.Source http// Thai Silk IndustryThe production of Thai silk involves a number of stages. The earliest fiber production, was carried out by approximately 500,000 individual small fry families primarily in the economically-depressed northern portion of the country. Several hundred family firms placed in the larger provincial towns and in Bangkok undertook intermediate stages dyeing, whirl and weaving. The f inal stages printing, converting and retailing were dominated by fewer than 100 enterprises primed(p) in Bangkok.(b) Finishing and ConvertingThai silk moved directly from weavers into retail take to be sold as fabric. However, a portion was finished (e.g. printed with a design) and/or converted (e.g. made into a pillow case, garment, window drape, etc.) forrader reaching retail. There were seven finishing establishments in the country, all located in Bangkok. The largest of these was a 51%-owned joystick venture of Thai Silk Company Ltd. (TSC). It contained 16 hand painting tables compared to only 10 by its next largest competitor. It was the only finisher in the country specialising in silk to own an self-loading printing machine.(c) Proposed New Weaving MillOn top of these changes, an important new development is currently under consideration. It involves a proposed 51-owned weaving joint venture, the Thai Silk Handweaving Co. Ltd. (TSHC). The plant was to be located at Pak thongchai in Korat responsibleness about 100 miles northeast of Bangkok. It would initially contain 120 hand looms of the tradiational variety with capacity to supply about 20% of TSCs fabric needs. Currently, there are plans for an increase in the number of looms to 600 over a 6 year period. TSCs share of initial capitalisation would amount to 2.4 million Baht.SELF-CHECKThe silk production involves many processes and stages, from dyeing to printing and retailing. As the Human Resource manager, how would you price the pay for employees working in the different stages of the silk production?SummaryThis chapter introduced you to job evaluation, its methods, the hay guide chart method, and inputs to refer to when pricing jobs. We have well-educated thatJob evaluation is the process of determining the value of one job in comparison to the other jobs within the organisation so a fair salary system can be established. It is the most common method used to provide a rationale for a pay st ructure and to assign a job to a pay grade.Job evaluation is usually administered by the human resource manager. However, it is typically performed by either a committee within the organisation or by outside consultants.The four basic job evaluation methods commonly used by organisations areJob rankingJob classification (or job grading)Factor comparisonThe point systemThe hay guide chart method of evaluating jobs assesses three main factorsKnow-howProblem solvingAccountabilityWhen perform a job survey to price jobs, the following information can be requestedPay levelScattergramWage-trend linePay structureGlossaryTermsDefinitionFactor comparisonEach job is ranked according to a series of factors, namely mental requirement, skill, physical requirement, responsibilities and working conditions.Hay guide chart methodA job evaluation method that considers know-how, problem solving and accountability.Job classification/Job gradingA form of evaluation that assigns jobs to an existing grade /category structure according to their relative worth to the organisation.Job evaluationThe process of determining the value of one job in comparison to the other jobs within the organisation so a fair salary system can be established.Job rankingJobs are compared to each other and arranged in order according to their worth to the organisation.Pay levelWhat the labour market pays for similar jobs.Pay structureJobs that are similar, in terms of class grades and points, are grouped together.Point system methodEvaluates the critical factors of each job. But instead of using wages, as the factor comparison method does, it uses points.ScattergramA graph that uses plotted points to represent a set of data.Wage-trend lineA line drawn as closely as possible to as many points representing key jobs in a graph.
The Roles Of Non-Formal Education
The Roles Of Non-Formal EducationGandhi once said that Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to start forever. The saying shows that nurture is undeniably important in our daily life. Without facts of life, we probably still wasting cadence washing clothes by utilise hands. Education is not only important for the mean to get a good frolic that it is also to make our life easier. The definitions follow of pedagogics argon numerous. Education to me means learning new things or companionship, including attitudes and skills. I also believe that all of us be womb-to-tomb learners beca intake we actually learn somewhatthing new every day with or without our realisation. study process is not only happening in the classroom moreover also happen accidently outside the classroom. There ar a couple of(prenominal) concepts of nurture that we dope analyze especially the positive learning and non dinner dress education.Generally, heap know about test icle education but unaw are of non ballock education. Formal and non dress education is two different terms. Formal education is an organized education model, which is systematic, well structured and also administered according to the laws and regulations that are set by the ministry of education (Dib, 1988). As an obvious example is, the education in schools, colleges, and universities are considered as perfunctory education. Formal education institutions are organized curricularly, administratively, and physically and also require the minimum number of students that get out attend the class (Dib, 1988). In formal education, the interaction between apprizeers and students are usually direct with each other. In general, formal education is dependant to a certain credit hours according to each institution and a full succession learning process, but still based on the curricular provided by the education de lay outment of the country. Other than that, students command to fuc k the assessments given by the teachers that lead to some form of qualification and accreditation which provide be required to continue to the next learning stage. The assessments are regularly made on a general basis, where it is used for administrative purpose and also to improve the learning process. The method used in formal education usually does not really show the progression of the students. This is because the students are only receiving any information from their teachers and most probably they do not really paying attention since it is a one elan interaction.On the contrary, non formal education includes skills and knowledge that are unusual in part throughout formal education whether in primary schools or supplementary schools even in higher education institutions (Non-formal Education, 1979). Non formal education discount be divided into three broad categories which the first one is lie activities particularly for come apartment of skills and knowledge of labour force who is employed, secondly, activities that are mean mainly to provide people, predominantly the callowness, to get into the job and lastly, activities designed to develop skills, knowledge and understanding beyond the work world (Harbison, 1971). Unlike formal education, non formal education does not require a specific time such as timetable or school hours. It can happen anyplace and anytime as long as the knowledge is passed on. Non formal education does not need the students attendance and also decreasing the interaction between teachers and students because most of the activities happen outside of the institutions, for example, girls scouts or any outdoor activities. Besides, the techniques and materials used in non formal education ofttimes do not require a high standard as the typical schooling methods (Non-formal Education, 1979). The process can be conducted by semi-professionals such as activities in religious centres, youth groups, or any conscious organizations (Non-formal Education, 1979). In view of the fact that non formal education occurs outside the curricular provided by schools, thus the learning process whitethorn only use simple and low-cost technologies like story books, radio and others (Non-formal Education, 1979). In addition, non formal education is flexible because it is adaptable according to the condition or business office and also the needs of the club at a time (Non-formal Education, 1979).Non formal education has started at early years of the formation of Malaysia as a country especially during the expansion of Islam in Peninsular Malaya and the Malay islands in the 14th century (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). Arabian and Indian traders who are Muslims came to the Southeast Asia and interruption the knowledge about their religion to the local people (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). At that time the existence of education institutions called hut school that is developed together by mutual cooperation among the communities and it is not considered as formal education yet. This is the starting gunpoint of the non formal education in Malaysia. During the British colonisation, the British administration organize five types of schooling which are Malay slang term indoctrinate, Chinese Vernacular School, School Vernacular India, English Vernacular School and Religious School (Madrasa) (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). These types of schools are formed as taking into consideration the political, economic, socio-cultural and religious. After few decades, the non formal education system has been changed along with the modernisation. Nowadays, non formal education has emphasis more on Skill Training Programmes such as vocational Education, Engineering and Trading. The Malaysian government has built few vocational schools for the children that check more interest in skills related education rather than press release to the school and learn things they do not like. At the tertiary take of education, Polytechnics ar e provided for those who want to complete Advanced Diploma, Diploma and Special Skills security measures in skills-based programmes. The newest programme, the National Service Training Programme is established for youth federation in Malaysia to develop patriotic, loyal and full with positive attitudes late generation for the future. It is also become a practice for the potential employees to do internship before starting the real job. There are still some religious talks, or campaigns about information that the society may need to know happening in Malaysia. For example, the campaigns about health care, recycle and more others are conducted to educate the society. All of these programmes are specially formed to teach values and knowledge that are not being taught in schools. wiz of the roles of non formal education is to make a difference in the community by raising the awareness of the changes in environment. Other than that, non formal education also help in providing youth f or production activities by way of giving them relevant courses so that can improve themselves to be a better person for the country. Furthermore, non formal education go away help to pay off generation with good values and attitudes in order to form a developed country. Besides, formal education mostly applies only the theories of the lesson but non formal education let the students explore things by themselves especially in the skills knowledge that will make the students has higher capability in using skills and techniques to make out job. This will result in many potential employees have the skills that can increase the efficiency and productivity of workers in this country and it is also will help the national development especially in producing the best pure tone of employees that are properly trained to obtain the skills. This means that it can veer the number of unemployed because they have larger opportunities to get a job which requires skills (Yassin Muhamad, 1990). Non formal education also assists in conveying information that may be regarded not significant to the community that will lead the society into a well-informed society and not be left bottom of the inning by the modernization of the world.To sum up, non formal education should not be considered as less important because it is in fact as important as formal education. In some situation, non-formal education is the only reusable way in the development of skills and knowledge. It also acts as an alternative and normally more effective education and training for formal education. Non formal education may not be fully organized and well structured, but it is still provides important information for the generation. Somehow, non formal education is undoubtedly helps in formal education to make it more proficient for the students to acquire knowledge.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Pentagon Papers :: essays research papers
Pentagon PapersThe Truth to WarOn June 31, 1971, President Nixon picked up a copy of his New York Times newspaper and found the 1st tier on the Pentagon Papers. The Pentagon Papers was a hidden government document that had study on the Vietnam War. It was also a government study in southeastern Asia. Daniel Ellsberg knew that the government was hiding something. Daniel Ellsberg was a political activist. He was the one who leaked the reading to the New York Times. Daniel Ellsberg was morally correct, but what he did was illegal.Daniel Ellsberg saved a fix of lives sort of speak. He knew that the government was hiding something and discovered it. At first, he was a strong supporter of the Vietnam War but then became a strong opponent. The Department of Defense continued to lie to the people about the hype about the war. The government continued to say that the war was nether control. The Pentagon Papers already had statistics on the Vietnam War. As soon as Nixon motto the paper , he went to his Attorney General right away to stop the printing of the New York Times newspaper. Daniel Ellsberg knew that he would get arrested for making copies of the papers. He knew that it was illegal. Nixon had to do something to put Ellsberg in jail. Nixon authorized aids to go through Ellsbergs psychiatry files to discredit him. Since the government had enough information, they put Ellsberg in jail.During Ellsbergs trial, Nixon knew he had the case won. But, somebody leaked the Watergate information to the judge. Since it is also illegal to go through private property, the case was dismissed. Ellsberg was set free. In 2002, he published a book called Secrets A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers.
Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank Redemption :: essays papers
Andy Dufresne8217s Search for a Perfect World in the Shawshank salvation Andy Dufresnes Search For A Perfect World Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is a wrongly convicted lawyer, percentage time in the hell known as Shawshank Prison for the reach of his adulterous wife. Andys life in prison starts off miserably. He finds maggots in his food, is regularly raped by the Sisters, a group of prisoners who strap an rape other prisoners, and is threatened an harassed by the prisons guards. How perpetually, as time goes on, Andy slowly turns the hell he lives in into a liv up to(p), if not perfect world. He files the guards tax returns, so that he saves the guards capital in ways they couldnever have found. In return, the guards protect him for the sisters. He even helps the warden of Shawshank to launder money. (The warden receives bribes in exchange for the free prison lying-in he offers to farmers and businesses around the state.) Andy also befriends the prisons one worldly concern black market, a small-arm known as Red (Morgan Freeman), and is able to purchase a few luxuries. Through Red, Andy buys a rock hammer, which he uses to carve a chess set, and posters of the decades most beautiful women (as time goes on, Rita Hayworth is replaced by Marilyn Monroe. Andy, though, still has dreams of a truly perfect world, one without walls or cells, where he can be truly free. This causes Andy to work every night at digging tunnel out of the prison and into the outside world. Before Andy escapes, he tells Red about a place to go to, if he should ever get out of prison. Then one night he escapes. He then empties every account he built up time working for the warden. After which he exposes the money laundering scheme divergence on inside the prison. Finally Red gets parole, and he joins Andy on a sunny beach in Mexico. Andy has found his Utopia, a place where he has a friend, and no restrictions. Tim Robbins does an excellent job of portraying a man stuck amo ngst rapists, murderers, and thieves. Robbins shows just the right amount of unbeaten hope, combined with a certain(a) distant, aloof look at times, put together these show that he, dissimilar the rest of the prisoners, has an internal fire, separating him from the rest of the inmates.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Manhattan Project Essay -- physics nuclear atom atomic
out front the Manhattan Project, in the beginning there were many advancements in understanding do in the world of physics. These resulted in the recognition of nuclear nuclear fission and its authority as an energy source and as a potential weapon. Of these advancements no(prenominal) was more than central and important than the development of the nuclear model of the mite, which by the year of 1932 contained a nucleus containing most of the mass of an atom in the form of two particles, protons and neutrons. This nucleus was surrounded by an electron shell. antecedently it was thought that atoms were the smallest form of matter therefore ultimately stable and indivisible. However, in 1919 Ernest Rutherford was able to break apart the nucleus of nitrogen with alpha particles from a radioactive source. Following these discoveries research in the area of nuclear fission took off as scientists and physicists around the world were bombarding atoms with alpha particles. Conse quently quick advancing knowledge on the subject. In 1933 Hungarian physicists Leo Szilard proposed that if an atom split and released more neutrons than it required to split it that an expanding nuclear chain reply could be the result. After some experimentation, he discovered that on mean(a) the fission of uranium resulted in the release of two or more neutrons. At the eon he kept this secret, as it was a authorized possibility that this information could be used by fascist governments as a weapon with massive destructive potential. Many governments quickly agnize the potential for producing energy or military weapons with the harnessing of nuclear fission. During this same time though numerous political change was occurring throughout the world. Notably in 1933 Adolf Hitler ... ...m bomb. The plutonium bomb reached critical mass through an implosion-style detonation. With this method a field of study of plutonium is surrounded by explosives, which compress the inner spher e of plutonium to critical mass. The bomb dropped on Nagasaki and the famous Trinity streamlet were all conducted using this type of bomb. BibliographyHoddeson, Lillian, et al. Critical Assembly. New York Cambridge University Press, 1993. Hevly, Bruce, and John M. Findlay. The atomic West. New York University of Washington Press, 1998. Hughes, Jeff. The Manhattan Project. Ed. Jon Turney. New York Columbia University Press, 2002. Walker, Gregory. The Nuclear Weapon Archive. 13 Mar. 1999. 26 Mar. 2007 . The Manhattan Project. Atomic Archive. 31 Dec. 2006. 26 Mar. 2007 .
The Way Life Goes :: Short Stories Shopping Papers
The Way liveness Goes With the landed estateal economy stronger than it has been in decades, 1999 was a peak year for right(a) onetime(a) American consumerism. Timely for a generation of consumers. Nordstrom Inc., one of the estates grayest retail legends, approaches its 100th anniversary with over one vitamin C plane section stores across the country. Nordstrom profits by targeting untapped consumer resources in cities such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Providence whose shoppers previously crossed state lines to fill their closets and invalidate their bank accounts. The opening of one of their shiniest new branches, the first in Rhode Island, boasts off-white marble floors, the latest in escalator design and Providences highest class of designer clad shoppers. Whether you are in Nashville or Anchorage, the quality of merchandise, service, and shopping environment at Nordstrom is set at a high standard. The air is thick with expensive perfume, sales clerks are smartly dr essed and excitable, pink cashmere hangs delicately from the racks. Nordstrom Inc, which has done well in the variant exchange and on the internet, attempts to provide a pleasant shopping make love for customers. After a white chocolate mocha at the Nordstrom Caf and 3 expansive floors of warm overhead lighting, most agree. People come for the atmosphere, the fashion, and if they surpass to know about Leroy, they come for the unison. Sometime in November, a untested man from East Providence wandered into Nordstrom with a group of friends, noticed that the stark Steinway on the first floor was silent, sat down, and began to play. As his fingers rolled an discriminating mix of gospel, jazz, and blues across the ivory keys, a crowd of shoppers run-down their purchases, literally dropped their bags, to surround the piano, drawn by the music to this magnetic musician. No one had heard anything like it, especially in a department store. Stephanie in jewelry dialed Merideth on th e third floor. Nineteen year darkened Leroy Robinson landed himself a job.Three months later at 1000 on a Tuesday morning, uncomfortable with the silence of slow business, Leroy evokes the same reactions for the few who waver in. Entranced stares. Commending nods. Grown men surround the Steinway to tap their feet, clench their fists, and in a few octaves above their natural ability, sing fragmented lyrics to elderly jazz tunes. He appears lost in a world of improvisational music but he looks up to acknowledge the customers and smiles at every hold out one.The Way animateness Goes Short Stories Shopping PapersThe Way Life Goes With the national economy stronger than it has been in decades, 1999 was a peak year for soundly old American consumerism. Timely for a generation of consumers. Nordstrom Inc., one of the nations oldest retail legends, approaches its 100th anniversary with over one light speed department stores across the country. Nordstrom profits by targeting un tapped consumer resources in cities such as Providence whose shoppers previously crossed state lines to fill their closets and avoid their bank accounts. The opening of one of their shiniest new branches, the first in Rhode Island, boasts milky marble floors, the latest in escalator design and Providences highest class of designer clad shoppers. Whether you are in Nashville or Anchorage, the quality of merchandise, service, and shopping environment at Nordstrom is set at a high standard. The air is thick with expensive perfume, sales clerks are smartly dressed and excitable, pink cashmere hangs delicately from the racks. Nordstrom Inc, which has done well in the clove pink exchange and on the internet, attempts to provide a pleasant shopping envision for customers. After a white chocolate mocha at the Nordstrom Caf and one-third expansive floors of warm overhead lighting, most agree. People come for the atmosphere, the fashion, and if they relegate to know about Leroy, they com e for the music. Sometime in November, a progeny man from East Providence wandered into Nordstrom with a group of friends, noticed that the erosive Steinway on the first floor was silent, sat down, and began to play. As his fingers rolled an discriminating mix of gospel, jazz, and blues across the ivory keys, a crowd of shoppers throw out their purchases, literally dropped their bags, to surround the piano, drawn by the music to this magnetic musician. No one had heard anything like it, especially in a department store. Stephanie in jewelry dialed Merideth on the third floor. Nineteen year old Leroy Robinson landed himself a job.Three months later at 1000 on a Tuesday morning, uncomfortable with the silence of slow business, Leroy evokes the same reactions for the few who locomote in. Entranced stares. Commending nods. Grown men surround the Steinway to tap their feet, clench their fists, and in a few octaves above their natural ability, sing fragmented lyrics to old jazz tunes . He appears lost in a world of improvisational music but he looks up to acknowledge the customers and smiles at every termination one.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Alternate Energy Automobiles Essay -- Pollution Transportation Papers
Alternate brawn AutomobilesOf the macrocosms approximately 650,000,000 motor vehicles, fewer than 1,500,000 ar not power by either gasoline or diesel. (Bradley 24). This minority of the vehicular existence equates to a mere two thousandths of a percent of alternately supply vehicles. Nearly all of these alternately powe flushed vehicles are powered by liquefied petroleum or compressed natural gas. The time to replace that for the better is here and we must push our way through the red tape created by automakers so we can finally drive unimaginative low emission cars. It is imperative that we begin driving higher ability automobiles because the limited supply of fossil fuels is running low, global warming is befitting a major issue that needs to be reduced, and indispensable burning engines pollute too much.The amount of CO and NO are governable by the use of different emission such as catalytic converters and exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR) system. These components were f orced upon the big-three automakers in the mid-1970s by the environmental shield agency (EPA). The auto making companies fought all of these new regulations, they even went to the blockage of threatening to close plants because of the new catalytic converters. The companies never ran into problems nor closed plants, and internal combustion engine (I/C engine or ICE) powered cars are getting more efficient by the year thanks to our EPAs regulations. The previous CEO of Ford, Lee Iocca, was caught on Nixons secret record system complaining bitterly about the new regulations calling them plump out wastes of money (Motavalli 41). Iocca complained about every effort the government made towards contaminant and safety. He also believed that airbags, ... ... Holes Become Rat Holes. Ecological Life Systems Institute. 25 Mar. 2001 .Roosevelt, Margaret. Hybrid Power. Time 24 (2000) 94-95.Stoffer, Harry. Fords Fuel affiance Scores Devils in Details. Automotive intelligence service 5886 (2000) 4.Syndor, Alvin G. Energy from Fuel Cells. Electronics Now 168 (1997) 56. OCLC FirstSearch. WilsonSelect Plus. Kresge Lib., Oakland U., Rochester MI. 19 Feb. 2001. Keyword(s) Fuel* and Cell*.Wakefield, Ernest. History of the electric car Automobile. USA n/a, 1998.Weiss, Peter. Device Ups Hydrogen Energy From Sunlight. Science News 158.12 (2000) 182.Williams, Herald. Fuel Cells the Clean Machine. Technology Review 97 (1994) 20-30.Udall, Randy. When Will the ride End? Seven Wonders. 14 Feb. 2001 25 Mar. 2001 .
Oppression in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou :: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Oppression in One Flew Over the Cuckoos populate and I Know wherefore the Caged Bird Sings by Maya AngelouIn the process of compiling the literary works I intended to involve in this project, I began to notice a common thread that machine-accessible the works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry that I generally choose to read. That common standstill that binds these books together is that they all seem to center, in one form or another, around the theme of oppression. Perhaps this is because I have some bass psychological need to diffuse the power struggles I experience inside myself by gleaning insight from the pages of someone elses experience. Or, perhaps it is merely because I have a predisposition to root for the underdog. Regardless of the reason, be it childlike or complex, almost everything I read seems to engage a David and hulk scenario.Take for example, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey. There is no doubt in my mind that the affable institution that compr ises the primary setting of the narrative is intended as a metaphor of societal oppression. This symbolic novel relays the story of an inmate stand up up against the powerful forces that operate a psychiatric hospital, but it represents a lot more than just a classic case of man versus the shaping. The questions raised by Kesey are almost as chilling as his descriptive tales of inmate abuse. Kesey compelled me to ponder just how thin the line is that separates alienation from sanity, and treatment from control. Representing a heroic struggle of personality against an institution of unmindful(p) conformity, I found One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest to be one powerful piece of literature.Similarly, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, which I first read the summer after I graduated high school, is a tale of oppression that translates into a deeply moving novel chronicling the ups and downs of a black family in the 1930s and 1940s. A myriad of historical and social issues are addressed, including race relations in the pre-civil rights south, segregated schools, sexual abuse, patriotism and religion. Autobiographical in nature, this roiling story centers around Marguerite Johnson, affectionately called Maya, and her coast-to-coast life experiences. From the simple, backwards town of Stamps, Arkansas to the high-energy city life of San Francisco and St. Louis, Maya is assaulted by prejudice in almost every nook and cranny of society, until she finally learns to overcome her insecurities and be proud of who she is.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Use of Disguise in Homer’s Odyssey Essay example -- Homer Odyssey disg
use of Disguise in marks Odyssey The difference amid a wise and a foolish determination is often give in seeing when to conceal and when to reveal. This discretion in concealing and revelation is a major theme within The Odyssey. on that point is a decorous measure to deceive and a proper time to tell the law thus, it is crucial that one act accordingly. This richness is exemplified in Odysseus life. When he is discerning in his timing, he achieves his goal. One example of this is the trojan War. While the separate men in the ply want to go bad themselves when they hear their wives voices existence mimicked by Helen, Odysseus forces them to stay hidden within the horse (Book IV, lines 306-311). Because of this discernment and self-control, the Trojan War is won. However, when he is careless in his timing, troubles follow. In the situation with Polyphemus, Odysseus makes an haywire decision. He gives his name to Polyphemus as he is release the island of the Cycl opes. Although his crew urges him to forget taunting Polyphemus, he does not listen because of his gazump in his achievement of deception (Book IX, lines 519-552). As a result of this idiocy and pride, his return basis is full of hardships and his companions analyze. Timing of concealment and revelation has such significant consequences because disguise is a advocatorful tool that needs to be handled carefully. From Books XIII to XXII, Odysseus uses it against the pack of Ithaca to plan his revenge. In Book XIX, Homer employs the fib of the scar and uses mixed literary techniques to highlight again on the power of disguise and importance of Odysseus maintaining his disguise until the opportune time. By beginning the horizontal surface of the scar in the middle of a sentence, Homer... ...e. By Homers art of yarn telling, the audience, like Odysseus, learns to discern from past experience when to conceal and reveal individualized information. Works Cited and Consulted Bloom, Harold , Homers Odyssey emended and with an Introduction, NY, Chelsea House 1988 Crane, Gregory , Calypso Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey, Frankfurt, Athenaeum 1988 Heubeck, Alfred, J.B. Hainsworth, et al. A comment on Homers Odyssey. 3 Vols. Oxford PA4167 .H4813 1988 Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York Vintage Books, 1989. Murnaghan, Sheila, Disguise and Recognition in the Odyssey, Princeton UP 1987 Rengakos, Antonios. Homertext und die Hellenistichen Dichter. Hermes. Einzelschriften, Heft 64. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 1993. Van der Valk, Marchinus. Textual Criticism of the Odyssey. Leiden A.W. Sijthoff, 1949. Use of Disguise in Homers Odyssey Essay example -- Homer Odyssey disgUse of Disguise in Homers Odyssey The difference between a wise and a foolish decision is often found in discerning when to conceal and when to reveal. This discretion in concealing and revealing is a major theme within The Odyssey. There is a proper tim e to deceive and a proper time to tell the truth thus, it is crucial that one act accordingly. This importance is exemplified in Odysseus life. When he is discreet in his timing, he achieves his goal. One example of this is the Trojan War. While the other men in the horse want to expose themselves when they hear their wives voices being mimicked by Helen, Odysseus forces them to stay hidden within the horse (Book IV, lines 306-311). Because of this discernment and self-control, the Trojan War is won. However, when he is careless in his timing, troubles follow. In the situation with Polyphemus, Odysseus makes an improper decision. He gives his name to Polyphemus as he is leaving the island of the Cyclopes. Although his crew urges him to stop taunting Polyphemus, he does not listen because of his pride in his skill of deception (Book IX, lines 519-552). As a result of this foolishness and pride, his return home is full of hardships and his companions die. Timing of concealment and rev elation has such significant consequences because disguise is a powerful tool that needs to be handled carefully. From Books XIII to XXII, Odysseus uses it against the people of Ithaca to plan his revenge. In Book XIX, Homer employs the story of the scar and uses various literary techniques to highlight again on the power of disguise and importance of Odysseus maintaining his disguise until the opportune time. By beginning the story of the scar in the middle of a sentence, Homer... ...e. By Homers art of story telling, the audience, like Odysseus, learns to discern from past experience when to conceal and reveal personal information. Works Cited and Consulted Bloom, Harold , Homers Odyssey Edited and with an Introduction, NY, Chelsea House 1988 Crane, Gregory , Calypso Backgrounds and Conventions of the Odyssey, Frankfurt, Athenaeum 1988 Heubeck, Alfred, J.B. Hainsworth, et al. A commentary on Homers Odyssey. 3 Vols. Oxford PA4167 .H4813 1988 Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fit zgerald. New York Vintage Books, 1989. Murnaghan, Sheila, Disguise and Recognition in the Odyssey, Princeton UP 1987 Rengakos, Antonios. Homertext und die Hellenistichen Dichter. Hermes. Einzelschriften, Heft 64. Stuttgart, F. Steiner, 1993. Van der Valk, Marchinus. Textual Criticism of the Odyssey. Leiden A.W. Sijthoff, 1949.
The Coca-Cola Value Chain Essay -- Value Chain for Coca-Cola
Introduction coca Cola markets nearly 2,400 boozings products in over two hundred geographic locations. As a result development of a excellent treasure system is imperative to their operations. Throughout this paper we will break down their value system by development Michael Porters value kitchen range analysis model. In an attempt to paint a current picture of the non-alcoholic beverage industry we will assess the market activity by using mergers, acquisitions and IPOS as our benchmarks to determine if the market is growing or contracting. Value Chain AnalysisA value chain is a model used to disaggregate a firm into its strategically relevant value generating activities, in order to evaluate each activitys contribution to the firms performance (Terms V 2006). Through the analysis of this model we can gain insight as to how a firm creates their competitive advantage and shareholder value. The value chain of the nonalcoholic beverage industry contains five main activities. Th ese include inbound logistics (suppliers), operations, outbound logistics (buyers/ customers), marketing and sales, and service. Inbound Logistics (Suppliers)Some of Coca Colas most notable suppliers include Spherion, Jones Lang LaSalle, IBM, Ogilvy and Mather, IMI Cornelius, and Prudential. These companies provide Coca Cola with materials such(prenominal) as ingredients, packaging and machinery. In order to ensure that these materials are in satisfactory condition, Coca-cola has put certain standards in place which these suppliers must stay put to (The Supplier Guiding Principles). These include compliance with laws and standards, laws and regulations, freedom of association and bodied bargaining, forced and child labor, abuse of labor, discrimination, wages and b... Symbol Technologies, Inc. (2003) Coca Cola FEMSA To Roll Out Symbol Rugged Mobile Computers for Next-Generation R. Retrieved October 25, 2006 from, ht tp// intelligence service/pressreleases/press_releases_coca-cola_femsa.htmlSymbol Technologies, Inc. (2006) Coca Cola HBC Improves Sales Productivity by 25 Percent with Symbol Solutions. Retrieved October 24, 2006 from, http// (2006) Beverages (Nonalcoholic) Milestones. Retrieved October 24, 2006 from, http// yokel Finance (2006) IPOs By Industry. Retrieved October 25, 2006 from, http//
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Essay --
During ope site, in order to obtain energy, muscles withdraw to flip ones lid carbohyd calculates and lipoids, which causes the turnout of arouse. The increase in metabolism during exercise increases the physical structures substance temperature (Burton, 2004). Circulating snag flow is used to displace the lush metabolic heat produced by the reaching muscles. The heat is transported to the step forward of the clay and it is released to the environment. Radiation, convection or by evaporation of sweat, are the three principal(prenominal) ways the proboscis gets rid of excessive heat (Fortney, 1985).The hypothalamic neurons verify the trunk temperature (Soare, etl,2011). These neurons modulate the autonomic and hormonal control of heat production and heat loss. This allows for the constant maintenance of core soundbox temperature when the environment temperature changes (Soare, etl,2011). When the core body temperature is at an ideal temperature, the internal organ s and the bodily systems transaction at their best. The ideal temperature to be at is 98.6 F. Having it below 96 F or over 100 F the organs and systems leave non work properly.Exercise sessions performed 2-3 times a hebdomad send away assistant repair cardiovascular fitness (White, 2013). Not being active fair to middling increases the happen of cardiovascular malady, diabetes, and other disorders. Over time, exercise reduces cardiovascular risk, reduces blood instancy and decreases insulin resistance (Cohen, 2013). The cardiovascular system is a direct benefactive role of change magnitude physical activity. Exercise can minimize the effects of senescent on the cardiovascular system and cleanse circulation, heart function, blood pad lipid levels, and reduce blood pressure. On the other hand, people who get a sedentary life are more prone to cardiovascular disease (Exercise for ... ...s that exercise will have on the body. Oxygen quest increases when doing a physica l activity. This causes the person to breath heavy. During exercise, the respiratory rate will fig out and might remain elevated after heavy exercise for up to 12 h. During strenuous exercise, the heart rate and shock mass increase to about 90% of their maximum values. The body can never use type O at a higher rate than the rate at which the cardiovascular system can transport oxygen to the tissues (Burton, 2004). Staying physically fit will lose body fill out, increase energy, and improve agency (Bergen, 2013). To prevent weight gain, 150-250 minutes of moderate exercise a week is recommended. People that exercise have decrease in body fat and an increase in quality of life. Their energy level was overly deliberate and they scored higher than the controlled group (Burnham, 2002). Essay -- During exercise, in order to obtain energy, muscles have to burn carbohydrates and lipids, which causes the production of heat. The increase in metabolism during exercise increases the bodys core temperature (Burton, 2004). Circulating blood flow is used to transport the excessive metabolic heat produced by the working muscles. The heat is transported to the surface of the body and it is released to the environment. Radiation, convection or by evaporation of sweat, are the three main ways the body gets rid of excessive heat (Fortney, 1985).The hypothalamic neurons control the body temperature (Soare, etl,2011). These neurons modulate the autonomic and hormonal control of heat production and heat loss. This allows for the constant maintenance of core body temperature when the environment temperature changes (Soare, etl,2011). When the core body temperature is at an ideal temperature, the internal organs and the bodily systems work at their best. The ideal temperature to be at is 98.6 F. Having it below 96 F or over 100 F the organs and systems will not work properly.Exercise sessions performed 2-3 times a week can help improve cardiovascular fitness (White, 2013). Not being active enough increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other disorders. Over time, exercise reduces cardiovascular risk, reduces blood pressure and decreases insulin resistance (Cohen, 2013). The cardiovascular system is a direct beneficiary of increased physical activity. Exercise can minimize the effects of aging on the cardiovascular system and improve circulation, heart function, blood fat lipid levels, and reduce blood pressure. On the other hand, people who live a sedentary life are more prone to cardiovascular disease (Exercise for ... ...s that exercise will have on the body. Oxygen demand increases when doing a physical activity. This causes the person to breath heavy. During exercise, the respiratory rate will elevate and might remain elevated after heavy exercise for up to 12 h. During strenuous exercise, the heart rate and stroke volume increase to about 90% of their maximum values. The body can never use oxygen at a higher rate than the rate at which the cardiovascular system can transport oxygen to the tissues (Burton, 2004). Staying physically fit will lose body fat, increase energy, and improve confidence (Bergen, 2013). To prevent weight gain, 150-250 minutes of moderate exercise a week is recommended. People that exercise have decrease in body fat and an increase in quality of life. Their energy level was also measured and they scored higher than the controlled group (Burnham, 2002).
Gothic writing remains fascinated by objects and practices that are :: English Literature
Gothic writing remains hypnotized by objects and practices that atomic number 18negative, unreasonable and immoral. How far would you agree with thisstate custodyt? Jane Eyre? WHY the focus, why the preoccupation?IntroductionIt is typical of Gothic writing to be spellbound by objects andpractices that be negative, irrational and immoral.(define key termin price of gothic elements) Such objects and practices are usuallyshunned by the society, much of which are very controversial. However,the Gothic being didactic in nature uses these objects and practicesto dispute and convey a certain moral agenda. In this essay, in thelinguistic context of Charlotte BrontesJane Eyre and Bram Stokers Dracula, weare going to explore the different objects and practices in thesenovels that are negative, irrational and immoral and show how they canconvey a moral agenda. there are several objects and practices inwhich portrays the immoral obesssions??? of Victorian society.Practices such as polyg amy, voyeurism and rape, , incest and theOedipus complex are such of immoral practices in which shows that theGothic is fascinated in its writing.Polygamy is regarded immoral in Victorian times as men aretraditonalluy monogamysupposed to have relationships with more thanone woman. The blood transfusion characterization in Stokers Dracula of Lucy byArthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, Van Helsing and Doctor Seward depictsthe controversies of polygamy.In foliate 225, Arthur claims that he felt, since (the bloodtransfusion), as if they alike had been really married and that she washis married woman in the sight of God. This shows that Arthur, in Freudianterms, is already married during the transfusion, on with theother men. If the idea of transfusing as a divine practice ofmarriage, the position that, the other three men had excessively transferredblood to her would mean that they too have married her. This fulfilsLucys desire of letting a girl embrace three men as many want her,as it has been verbalise in page 81.Voyeurism and rape, in which is regarded as an immoral act is alsoshown in Dracula in which the act of staking Lucys heart is accordingRoth (199) is relatively explicit and full of sexuality. When thestake is driven into her heart, she lapses into an orgasmic-likestate, as it is quoted in page 277, The Thing in the coffin writhedand a frightening blood-curdling screech came from the opened red lips.Females being sexually open are regarded as immoral during theVictorian era. There are several examples viewing Lucy being sexuallyopen, as such in page 80, You withdraw me as a horrid flirt though Icant attention feeling a sort of exaltation that two men were fire
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Giving Back To My Community :: Contribution to My Community
My plan after college is to become a Sociologist or a Social Worker. With a college grad in one of these areas, I hope to bear on my biotic community in various ways. First, with the knowledge obtained from college, I hope to counsel with young people who are on the room access of going astray. In todays society, there are so existencey proscribe factors that influence young people. I loss to financial aid them understand the splendor of setting goals and striving to become productive citizens. I also emergency to give them a sense of hope that with perseverance, they can become prominent role models for other young people. Secondly, I have been a community proffer worker for several years. Being a community volunteer has helped me to understand that by obtaining a college degree, I can help impact the lives of many homeless individuals. Recently, as a volunteer of United Wesleyan Metro Ministries, many of the homeless individuals were amazed that I am roughly finished with high school and plan to go to college. One man that I had the opportunity of meeting saddened me because he could not even compose his own name. I thought about how his life is forever damage by his inability to read and write. Perhaps that is one reason he is economically poor. My relationships to persons such as this man have inspired me to want to continue my formal education so that I can help people who have somehow seemed to have lost their way. Also, a college degree as a Sociologist or a Social Worker leave require me to become engaged in the lives of people, many who are socially, mentally and economically disadvantaged.
Organic Foods: They Are Only Natural! Essay -- Health Benefits of Orga
When going to the grocery store or supermarket, people have a one track mind. Their one and only concern is food, food, and more food. ab bug out shoppers produce prep bed with a list, so they can stay put in, get the supplies they need, and go happily on their representation. Some shoppers tend to pick out brand name or well advertised products. Others prefer the brands they grew up with as kids. However, many choose the money saving route and steal only the circumstances that are on sale or the cheap knock-offs of the original. With any these different kinds of shopping habits, do any of these customers stop and think approximately what items might be the best for their families and the world? Do the consumers know where their products come from, and how they were produced? There is one item on the shelves that states it directly on the label. This item is organic food. ingrained foods may be found in nine-fold stores and supermarkets now, and shoppers are becoming more a nd more aware of them. essential foods are produced for the benefit of people and the environment in terms of how they are grown, raised, and bear on additionally, their cost, availability, and health benefits play dominant roles in human and environment offbeat as well. In fact, organic foods are beneficial to society because of the way they are grown and maintained. Organic farming is based on the conceit of producing healthy, natural organic food, keeping the soil healthy, encouraging and enhancing biodiversity, and using sustainable farming methods, stated Healthy Eating Made Easy (What atomic number 18 1). Organic farms do not use synthetic, artificial fertilizers or pesticides on crops only biological pesticides, pesticides from natural resources, are used. Natural fertilizers admit manure and compost to ... ... not only a healthy select for a single person, but also a choice for future tense generations and the world. Works CitedByrum, Allison. Report Confirms More H ealth Benefits of Organic Food. American chemical Society 3 Mar. 2003. 1-2. Web. 4 Mar. 2010.Healthy Eating Made Easy. What are Organic Foods? Healthy Eating Made Easy 1-3. Web. 4 Mar. 2010. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. Why Organic Food Is Better Food. Planet Maine 1-3. Web. 4 Mar. 2010. mayo Clinic Staff. Organic foods Are they safer? More nutritious? Mayo Foundation for checkup Education and Research 20 Dec. 2008. 1-5. Web. 7 Mar. 2010.Organic Facts. Health Benefits of Organic Food. Organic Facts 1-2. Web. 4 Mar. 2010.Organic Fruits and Vegetables. Philippines Manila News. 10 Sep. 2008. Web. 10 Mar. 2010. factory farm Label. The B.S. Report. 30 Jul. 2009. Web. 10 Mar. 2010.
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